Méline Portia Lafont ~ The Venusians ~ The portal of love

  • 2015

Blessings, we are the Venusians . We come in Spirit to you to this world of Matter to assist you in this dance of radiance and subliminal perceptions. We are here because we love them all and because we perceive some changes in the attitudes and ways of thinking of humanity. Humanity is becoming aware of its own natural perceptions and of what it holds for itself as a mirror of Truth. Therefore, humanity is becoming stronger in its own beliefs and what it is inclined to see as its Truth and destiny.

This belief and way of perceiving the Truth arouses a certain spiritual awareness in everyone, in the sense that humans have become aware of the fact that there is more to a human being than the mind is driven into. to believe. Therefore, all structures and forms of beliefs are collapsing, fading, or humanity is simply moving away from them in order to enter the Heart of Knowledge .

Said knowledge ignites the Higher Heart of the understanding of where one comes from and sees and sustains the vibration of truth within each resonance field of existence. As everything comes out of the olavibrational of consciousness, one forms the other to continue it. It is fed by the eternal Flame of the true Heart and what you want to experience.

We impart that understanding that our vibrational consciousness is of pure Love and compassion. We lead you all to the wisdom of a higher integrity, to the sophistication and Love of the eternal Mother and Father Flame of existence. We lead your understanding to the waves of Higher Eighths so that you can see your own true Flame reflected through our own home called Venus.

As you contemplate our beautiful Venus, you will replenish your being and your destiny with what we call the vibration of Love. It is an experience that goes beyond contemplating your own reality or the Sun as our reality is one of one more vibration elevated, and it is becoming his also in Terra Gaia. As you contemplate our beautiful Venus, you will light your hearts and that of Terra Gaia with Love as you anchor it through the bones and fields of your human being.

Consequently, our Venus will be shining brighter in the days ahead as we send our total Love and understanding to all of you. It is there for the eyes to see and the hearts to receive. We assist you through our radiance of refinement because Love fills with words of understanding. One can inwardly allow only Love in those areas where one cannot understand what is unfolding. Love will come in and make you see as you feel the experience of its effect on all of you.

We humbly ask you to receive our energies with the highest Divine intention because that is our highest Divine intention that we are passing to all of you. Receiving with an open heart will radiate more to Terra Gaia and open Gaia's own heart as well .

As you contemplate our beautiful Venus ~ breathe in the Light that we share with you and receive the flames of Love that sizzle from our Star nation to all of you. Feel the connection we are making now with everyone through your hearts and our call to each and everyone that we are here to assist you and pass on to others the Love we share and feel for you.

Venus will get brighter on certain days to come because it already is. Stellar and Universal codes are being sent to all of you spraying each and every being on this plane to elevate the world to a higher consciousness and a brighter state of consciousness. Love will sow this Earth in Higher Dimensions because your Earth is our dearest sister and We Love You, just as we Love you all.

We walk among you while we stop at each and all of you. And yet, some of you are more strongly aligned with us during these moments because you can feel the inner flame radiating and calling you Home. So you make your homes here on Earth: for that you have come, to build again. Truly all their homes lie where their consciousness vibrates, and this is on many planes, not only in this one . Therefore, you are at Home wherever you are and you are ALL because you are One.

Perhaps you recognize us in the sparks of many eyes, for this is how we present ourselves to you: like the sparks of Love that ignite through one's own heart.

We are in the midst of many waves of Love that are being sent to your hearts from all around the Globe through many of the Light's workers, as well as from other planes beyond Earth. Terra Gaia is being irradiated with, and really bathed in love with LOVE. Open your hearts and receive this Love so that your Earth can replenish Your being and nourish you with the Light Flames of Love. You are those whom Gaia has called to assist her in Her process of

Unification and Ascension to allow His freedom from this Material density.
Everyone is appreciated for their Presence and their eternal Love for Gaia because that is what has brought them here in the first place, in addition to the experience of the Divinity of the I of God in a Human form.

By: Méline Lafont

Source: http://melinelafont.com

Méline blog : http: //pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com

Méline Portia Lafont ~ The Venusians ~ The portal of love

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