Tips for the energy door - A 3-day window of opportunity - by Selacia

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 What is an Energy Gate? 2 What is unique about this Door? 3 Why is personal balance vital? 4 5 Tips for energy management of this Door

Managing your energies becomes vital during the Energy Gate from November 1 to 3, which is now just around the corner.

In this article I am explaining why it is important and I give some spiritually based tips to stay balanced during this door. I am also explaining the connection between the eclipse of Nov. 3. and other high energy factors influencing us during this 3 day period.

What is an Energy Gate?

An Energy Gate is a powerful window of time when you can perceive more about yourself and your world. During these moments you can connect more tangibly with Spirit and invisible benevolent forces - receiving insights that help you with your life direction and the necessary corrections to your course.

During a door you have expanded levels of help to overcome your obstacles, clear old patterns and see yourself more clearly. As a doorway to a door, it is typical to experience increased ascension symptoms and hectic 'roller coaster rides.'

One can easily lose his sense of balance and clear thinking unless they are aware of and use energy management means.

What is unique about This Door?

The Energy Gate of November 1-3. It is unique from several perspectives.

First, on Nov. 3. We will have a powerful solar eclipse in Scorpio, potentially the most transformative of these since 1994.

Second, we are in the middle of a retrograde challenging cycle of Mercury that asks us to rethink the way we live our lives and brings unfinished issues to the surface for completion.

Third, on Nov. 1. We experience another of a series of revolutionary squares of Uranus-Pluto - catalyzing an intense combination of disorders and surprises, and stimulating emotions and fears out of control over things that are uncontrollable in our lives.

Why is personal balance vital?

Here is the first reason. Your ability to remain focused, balanced, and in your heart is vital if you want to take advantage of the opportunities to receive new and deep insights about your next steps, along with an increased momentum to make a real and positive change in your life. Don't belittle what a movement can do for you as a result of one of these cycles!

Here is the second reason. Achieving and remaining in balance now and throughout the three days of this door is essential if you want to avoid missing opportunities, and of course stop yourself from having emotional explosions or choose little wisely.

Expressing your anger at work or in a relationship during this explosive time could bring fragile situations to a state beyond repair.

Likewise, there are continually opportunities in your life, but sometimes with the correct juxtaposition of energies such as that of this door, advantageous circumstances may arise within the span of a small window of time. They must be present, emotionally balanced and awake in order to recognize them when they appear, and then act at that right moment.

5 Tips for energy management of this Door

The following tips will help you manage your energies to fully benefit from the energy gate of Nov 1-3. Work with them now, in advance, first thing in the morning and for the next few days. Trust that doing so will help you find your center in the midst of chaos. This allows them to become one of those Divine change makers who can help others find stability as well.

First, think before communicating. Avoid misunderstandings by taking a few extra moments to think about the most appropriate and heart-centered way to communicate your message. Words have energy, their feelings behind words have energy, and once said they cannot withdraw them.

Second, intend to feel gratitude. This will help them connect with gratitude as they contemplate their life, where they have been, what they want to release, and the plethora of contributions and potentially chaotic experiences that come their way during this door.

Third, remember why they are alive. This may sound simple and obvious, but trust that this remembrance helps you navigate this door better. For example, you are not alive to duck in the mud with the group of people who constantly complain and live only on the surface of life. You are divine change makers here, on the path of ascension, to create a more loving world.

Fourth, proactively rethink your life. This door is the ideal time to do this because the energies support your contemplations on what needs to be renewed or eliminated. Include routines. Everyone has routines in life, and some like good habits are routines that help.

If your routine becomes a groove or you live repetitively, it is time to reconfigure your focus. Right now, with this energy door, it is the perfect time to see your routines in a fresh way and see what you need to change.

Fifth, be aware of your emotions. In this cycle of extremes, they would do better to discover their inner courage and apply it in stressful situations. Others around you may be having collapses or angry reactions out of character. Do what you can to remain calm, focused, emotionally non-reactive, and in your heart.

(Note of Selacia: If you missed the article last week with the 5 step process to prepare for our eclipse door, please see this link link: You are welcome to participate with us in the event of meditation Global Nov. 2 with the Council of 12. All those officially registered on this link below will take part in a healing during the eclipse's energy gate, receiving a spiritual nourishment for transform our old to new. Attend live or with mp3 in this link link.).

AUTHOR: Selacia


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