Natural therapies for people without financial resources

  • 2010

Adriana Pérez Pesce • 2/23/10 • In the Healthy Living Category

The Association of Alternatives, Motivation and Accompaniment (ADAMA) is a non-profit organization, whose purpose is to improve the quality of life of people with few economic resources and at risk of social exclusion, through alternative therapies.

In this way, patients, women victims of gender violence, the elderly or children without sufficient means can receive treatments such as Bach Flowers, massages, Risoterapia, Music Therapy, Reiki, Shiatshu, Yoga, Dance therapy, Reflexology, Coaching or Craniosacral. The therapies are applied by volunteers in social or welfare offices of other associations and in the reception centers for people without resources.

Aina Molinero Rodríguez, responsible for Communication of ADAMA, has assured Positive News that the response of the users is being “very positive”. “The fact that they are people who have lost everything, who have nothing, leads them to a state of acceptance of what they receive, which allows natural therapies to do all their work, both physical and emotional, ” he explains.

Currently, about 70 people are part of the project, of which 30 collaborate and help in the organizational and management aspects of the entity while the rest are therapists who give up their time. “Those who collaborate with ADAMA do so voluntarily, from the heart, ” says Molinero Rodr guez.

As an example, the person in charge of Communication recalled the case of a patient from the Day Center of the Anti-AIDS Association of Catalonia, who had been living on the street for several years, with a deep depression and that he had stopped talking. The subjective diagnosis of any person who came into contact with him was despair. Well, he started attending the sessions of Floral therapy and Emotional Massage. The results did not wait and were spectacular. The flowers helped him out of his depressed state and resume his ability to communicate and reason. Now, he is more aware of his situation and struggles to lead a more dignified life, he says.

ADAMA works in collaboration with social action institutions that have a day center, a shelter or a shelter, where volunteers travel to apply therapies to users.

Molinero Rodr guez has invited all those interested in the ADAMA project to be an active part of the volunteer group. Our purpose for the future is to be an entity that helps to achieve a social transformation towards a more conscious and sensitized society, with more empathy for their peers, in that the equality of all beings prevails in all their acts, he argues.


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