Surya Namaskar or greeting to the Sun - Benefits

  • 2015

The Sun Salutation is a simple series of 12 postures that provide elasticity, warm-up and massage all the organs of the body.

The reason why it is considered such an effective exercise is its combination of the main positions or yogic asanas with conscious breathing, which leaves the body, mind and spirit Ritu relaxed, prepared and alert for other exercises, for meditation or to undertake daily activities. Benefits In general, we could say that the sun salutation strengthens all the organism's systems, promoting health and physical, mental and spiritual energy.

Each posture has its own purpose, but together, the sun salutation is a true gift for the organism:

- Improves the general flexibility of muscles, tendons and ligaments.

- Strengthens the musculoskeletal system.

- Massage the internal organs.

- Provides concentration, calm, serenity and inner strength.

- Stimulates lymphatic and blood circulation.

- Purify the organism.

- Strengthens the heart.

- Balance the chakras.

- Relieves tension and relieves anxiety and depression.

- Stimulates self healing.

- Prepares us to face life with enthusiasm, joy and serenity.

Greeting to the sun at home Greeting to the sun is often used as a method of warm-up or preparation, but in itself it is an excellent exercise that, with only ten minutes a day, will provide us with numerous benefits in the body and in the mind.

If you are one of those people with a somewhat stressed life (something quite common in these times) and you never find the right time to exercise the body, the sun salutation is one of the most practical solutions that exist. You can do it at home, at the time you want, it is free and it only takes a few minutes. In a few days, you will have noticed its effects on your elasticity, your attitude and, above all, on the vital energy that your body travels throughout the day. It also helps considerably to sleep better at night.

Tips for greeting the sun at home At dawn

The greeting to the sun can be done at any time of the day, but it is advised to do so with the sunrise, or just get up. Our advice is to practice it before doing something else, that is, just get up and before breakfast. You will simply have to set the alarm ten minutes before and in return, you will have unstoppable energy throughout the day. You will only need a few days to check. The space Try to adapt some space you have at home, in a room, in the garden, or wherever you want, that has enough meters to allow you to perform the postures freely.

Concentration It is important that nobody and nothing distract you. An important factor to obtain benefits with the greeting to the sun is to promote, in addition to the body, the concentration of the mind in what you are doing, here and now. If you manage to devise a plan of schedules and an open space where nobody bothers you, concentrating will be very simple, in fact, that's what this sequence is designed for, to favor a concentration that tastes like glory.

Gradually If you have never practiced yoga and you will start by greeting the sun, remember that the purpose is not to compete or make it perfect. It doesn't matter if at the beginning it is difficult for you to perform the postures Keep practicing with patience and give your body time to become more flexible and strong. Awareness and rest At the end of the sequence, it is advisable to lie on your back for a few minutes or in a position that is comfortable for us and in which we can rest, normalize breathing and heart rate and become aware of the state of our body and our mind. Discipline To be able to notice its effects, it is important that you acquire a commitment to yourself. The ideal is to do it every day, without exception.

The world will not end if one day you cannot do it for whatever reason, but try to put this discipline as an important goal for you. Maybe one day you will be lazy, but as soon as you start, you will feel good, because it will mean that you are acquiring a commitment to your own health and happiness. Who can do the sun salutation Everyone can practice yoga, without exception. Especially since, as we have said, it is not a competitive discipline where you have to put the body to the limit.

In fact, the philosophy of yoga is to engage with oneself, within the limits of respect and love. That is, everyone can greet the sun, as long as it is done carefully, and being consistent with the possibilities of each.

Obviously a very old person with joint problems, etc., will be complicated. But not impossible. For people with difficulties, it is better to put yourself in the hands of an expert first, to tell us how to do it, or to what softer variants of the postures we can resort to. Precautions for greeting the sun Never overdo it. Breathing should always be done through the nose. If you see that you need to breathe through your mouth, it's time to stop. Do it slowly, especially at the beginning, so that you can control the frequency of breathing and heartbeat, so as not to force the organism.

Practice awareness in each posture, how you feel, how your breathing is, what difficulties you encounter. Don't let thoughts drag you. Every time a thought crosses your mind while you perform the postures, let it pass and return to the concentration in the here and now. With fever it is not advisable to salute the sun . Be constant Moderate daily practice is better than specific strenuous sessions. If you are pregnant do not perform the classic postures of sun salutation.

Ask an expert the appropriate variants for your state. After eating it is not a good idea to greet the sun. The best time is in the morning or at night, but always with an empty stomach or the digestion done. The mantras of greeting to the sun The greeting to the sun is done without more, or also combining each asana with a mantra that can be recited aloud or mentally.

We show you the names of the positions, the mantra to which it is linked and its meaning:

1 Pranamasana: Om mitr ya nama (greetings to the sun friend)

2 Jasta Uttanasana: Om ravaye namah (greeting to the sun that shines)

3 Padajastasana: Om hrum suryaya namah (greeting to the sun that activates)

4 Ashua Sanchalanasana: Om hraim bhanave namah (greeting the sun that illuminates)

5 Parvatasana: Om hraum khagaya namah (greeting the traveling sun)

6 Ashtanga Namaskar: Om hrah pushneya namah (greeting the sun that nourishes)

7 Bhuyangasana: Om hram hiranyagarbhaya namah (greeting to the golden sun)

8 Parvatasana: Om hrim marichaye namah (greeting the sunrise sun)

9 Ashua Sanchalanasana: Om hrum adityaya namah (greeting to the sun son of Aditi)

10 Padajastasana: Om hraim savitre hamah (greeting to the creative sun)

11 Jasta Uttanasana: Om hraum arkaya namah (greeting to the radiant sun)

12 Pranamasana: Om hram bhaskaraya namah (greeting to the sun that creates the light) Greeting to the sun is one of the practices that can bring more benefits to your health.

It's simple to do, it's free, it's nice. And if you commit yourself with discipline to practice it every day, you will notice important changes in your being. Not only physically, but also emotionally. We assure you that you will have an extraordinary energy to face daily chores with much more enthusiasm.

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Surya Namaskar or greeting to the Sun - Benefits

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