LORD MAITREYA - Beyond the School of Mysteries

Certainly, I AM Lord Maitreya and I come to welcome you in the totality of my joy. Why is my joy total? Because now I can see the proverbial Light at the end of the tunnel, where we can accomplish the work we started so many thousands of years ago, in what humanity knows as the Garden of Eden. My beloved hearts, you know that the Garden of Eden was the School of Mysteries of Maitreya and that I really was the God of that garden. I do not want to say that I was God in the maximum sense but that I was the spiritual master assigned to teach the currents of life that had come to that School of Mysteries to learn their lessons.

My beloved hearts, many of you have wondered why there was a Serpent in the Garden of Eden that tempted Adam and Eve. Well, I will try to explain this to you. And you know what has been said to you through your beloved El Morya who created the basis for what I am going to tell you now. *

My beloved, the Serpent was in the Garden of Eden, because the Garden of Eden was created for the same purpose with which we created the organizations we sponsored in this past century, that is, to give the opportunity to fallen angels to rise above the consciousness of the fallen by interacting with those who are the Holy Innocents. My beloved, this will shock some of you who were educated with the concept that God created the Garden of Eden to help those who were the innocent.

However, when you consider what El Morya has told you, you will see that it is really logical that the Garden of Eden was the School of Mysteries created to teach both streams of life and those that had already internalized the light, so that both They had the opportunity to grow by interacting. This really represented a sacrifice on the part of those who had not fallen like those who did it from Above, however it was a sacrifice that they were willing to make for that great love not only for their fallen brothers and sisters but also for the Plan of God.

What is the true meaning of a Mystery School?
My beloved, think then what does it mean that there is a School of Mysteries Where does the mystery lie? The mystery really consists in the fact that there are initiations in the school that are not fully explained, so that there is something that the teacher leaves as a mystery.

Why then was it necessary to leave something that was not mentioned, something that remained a mystery? The reason, as beloved El Morya explained it, because the fallen angels could not admit who they were and could not admit that they had fallen. They were not able to face their pride, their ego, in an open and direct way and this is the reason why the Mystery School had to allow them to hide who they really were - otherwise we would not have been able to have the slightest opportunity to reach these life currents.

Can you see, my beloved, that those who are trapped in the ego cannot overcome that ego instantaneously? They cannot confront their entire ego of one. Then we must give them a gradual path. And to give them that opportunity to grow gradually, we must allow them to enter without exposing who they really are, without exposing their own egos, or their many subtle games. Obviously, this has a cost because those who are the innocent can easily be influenced by the fallen angels since the innocent don't know who they are, they don't know what their games are. However, as I told you, this was a sacrifice that those who were in the School of Mysteries had promised to make and for which they had volunteered before descending to the School of Mysteries.

The world believes that the Garden of Eden was the beginning of humanity. You, who are more spiritually awake, know that this is not the case. Your beings were created on the spiritual plane and descended into the material universe and, although the Garden of Eden was not at the same level of vibration, it was not in the same frequency spectrum of that in which the material universe is today. It was, however, in the spectrum of material frequency. It was then in a lower vibration than what human beings call Heaven but which we prefer to call the spiritual plane.

Then my beloved, no stream of life was created in the Garden of Eden. All the currents of life that existed there, had either fallen or had voluntarily descended to that Mystery School. And those who descended voluntarily did so for that great love, were willing to sacrifice, were willing to run the risk that they could actually be seduced by the serpentine logic and, therefore, fall themselves into the consciousness of the duality. They were willing to take that risk for love.

So what we are trying to do on this day and time is to reconnect those of you who voluntarily descended to that original love that caused you to descend. In such a way that, even if you fell, even if you assumed the ego and the consciousness of duality, you can quickly reconnect with your original love and thus rise above all negative feelings, all pain, all wounds that you have received for having remained in this dense octave and for having been exposed to the ego games of those who were not willing to rise above their ego, although they have had many opportunities, starting with the Garden of Eden until everything What has happened today.

The School of Mysteries in the physical plane
My beloved hearts, you know that in the dispensation of Summit Lighthouse we try to establish the School of Mysteries of Maitreya in the eighth physics, we try to establish it in the eighth physics of the Earth once more. As I have just explained, the School of Mysteries allowed those who had ego to enter without being exposed. Therefore, you had the same situation in Summit Lighthouse that we had in the Garden of Eden: there was a mixture of those who were completely identified with the anti-conscience Christ, with the consciousness of the ego, and those who had achieved a certain degree of detachment from that consciousness.

And yet none of them knew who he was or why they were there, or at least very few knew. There was a mixture of Light and Darkness and, thus, those who really identify with their ego displayed their subtle games even under the radar of the Messenger herself, who could not maintain control over everything that It happened around him with his external consciousness. Therefore, we know very well that many of the innocent life currents came to that organization and were severely injured and humiliated. And as El Morya said, we would like to see these currents of life cured and reconnected with their original love.

A new dispensation beyond the School of Mysteries
One of the ways to achieve this is to establish the successor of the Maitreya School of Mysteries. This is really a dispensation that I have received from the Karmic Board. It is a dispensation that was only granted on Good Night, and it was granted to me only because through the Shangra-la Mission and the Guardians of the Mother Light many people have responded to the call of the Path of Unity.

You have given the Rosaries of Mother Mary, which are the foundations for the Path of Unity, the path of separation from the ego that leads to Unity with your Chrotic Being, with yourselves and with the Ascended Hosts. Since a critical mass responded to the rosaries and the teachings that I have given, Maitreya, I was able to go to the Karmic Board and receive this dispensation to establish a new movement, a a new platform, which is not a mystery school but a step above the mystery school in the sense that it leaves the mystery behind.

I come then to announce the inauguration of what I will call the Sphere of the Maitreya Unit. This is a new platform where we will teach that had not been taught on planet Earth because the consciousness of humanity had not achieved that critical level. This is actually the teaching of the Path of Unity that we wish to deliver and that we have wished to deliver for a long time.

This is an extremely important attempt for the future of this planet because unless a critical mass of people commit themselves to the Path of Unity and travel that Path - arriving at that Higher Unit - it will not be possible to establish the Kingdom of God in the eighth physics of planet Earth.

So, what we are trying to establish is a platform for the Golden Age, for the Kingdom of God, by shaping a sphere of Light, where we no longer require the mixing of dark life currents and Light life currents, with the veil it covers, allowing dark life currents to hide. We will create a sphere dedicated to Unity, where no one who is not willing to confront their ego can stay for a long time, where the ego simply cannot hide and where those who are trapped in the ego consciousness cannot retain or maintain leadership positions. .

This will then be an example, as has never been seen on this planet, of Unity among the people below, establishing the chalice, the Holy Grail that opens the door for Unity between you below and us, the Ascended Hosts, Above. This is the Vertical Unit and the Horizontal Unit, the Alpha and the Omega.

So you can see, my beloved, when you take a look at the history of this planet, from the present moment to the Garden of Eden, that all spiritual organizations, all religions, have been mystery schools in the sense that they all allowed to those trapped in the ego consciousness hide there and mingle with those who had begun to walk the path of Unity with their Higher Self. And so you can see that this is a very significant step for this planet, where the ego can no longer hide. We have the opportunity, then, as well as those who are willing to give up their egos, to set an example never seen on this planet - an example of people dedicated to that Path of Unity.

Goodness does not know fear
My beloved hearts, we will certainly give more teachings on this subject and on how to establish this Sphere of Unity. However, I will try to start tonight with a few basic teachings. You heard in the previous dispensation of Summit Lighthouse that when I, Maitreya, volunteered to descend to Earth and thus help the evolution of this planet, I went before God and said: “They have not responded to anything, can we win them with kindness?

So, the Maitreya Unity Sphere has to be based on Goodness. However, as some of you know, I was told that if I was going to be the effort to gain life currents from Earth through Goodness, I had to gain mastery of all shades and all aspects of the Goodness. Goodness possesses, then, many facets and goodness is not that gentle and gentle goodness that so many people think it is. Goodness consists, above all, in honesty, openness and openness that do not allow a person to be trapped in the ego and, therefore, are willing to expose the ego and its games, even when it encounters a negative reaction, a reaction of ingratitude for the service that has been provided.

However, I must mention an absolute requirement. As I said, goodness can be very direct but I must tell you that there is no kindness that contains the slightest possibility of fear. This is a teaching in which you need to reflect because, if you feel fear and are going to enter the Sphere of the Maitreya Unity, then you have to be willing to become One with my flame of Goodness. And I tell you that you cannot become One with the Flame of Goodness unless you are willing to leave all fear, because there can be no fear when the Flame of Goodness manifests.

I wish, then, that those of you who have been members of Summit Lighthouse look back and take a look at your experience and see how many times you were treated by other people in a manner contrary to goodness, in a clearly vile way. Oh yeah! my beloved I know that there was a deep-rooted way of thinking about the Church that believed that El Morya's style consisted of being very direct and very "Blue Ray." Then, those who were chelas of El Morya thought that they had to go from one side to the other "teasing" other people and causing them to stir up so that they aligned what they thought was the Will of God.

I must tell you, however, that practically each of the people who assumed this role - and pay attention that I say they placed this role on their shoulders - practically each of these people did this out of fear. So what they were doing was not expanding that direct way of being of El Morya, because that way of being direct of El Morya has no fear within them. That way of being direct from El Morya is a tonality of goodness that has simply assumed that blue ray of God's Will to awaken people to the need to realign themselves with God's Will. However, there is not the slightest possibility that those who have not released their fear can somehow, possibility or form imitate that way of being direct from El Morya. So, what they express is the attempt to imitate a Master based on fear that only hurts both, so many other people and themselves.

Reconnect with your original love and heal all wounds
However, I ask you to understand, as I mentioned earlier, that many of you volunteered, before incarnating, to enter Summit Lighthouse and the Maitreya Mystery School, because many of you were in the Garden of Eden original and since then you volunteered again and again to serve under that same capacity, here on planet Earth. As you can see, my beloved, you have done this; you have served tirelessly for that love so great that you feel for God and for the expressions of God, the individualizations of God, even for those who have fallen in the sense of separation from God.

Consequently, I ask you to make a serious effort to reconnect with that original love, that original joy. Because when you do this you will see that your love can, very quickly, heal all those wounds that you have received. Therefore, you can forgive, you can let go of that past. Yes, my beloved, if you do not let go of that past, if you do not heal your wounds, you will not be able to enter the Sphere of Maitreya Unity. Can you understand this equation?

One of the essential realities of the Spiritual Path is that there are certain levels and when you are at a certain level, you take small steps and grow gradually. But there comes a time when you reach the last step of that level and, then, to get to the next level, you have to release the previous level before entering the new one. You have to let go of the above before entering the new. Therefore, before entering this new dispensation, this dispensation of Aquarius, you have to release the previous dispensation, not only that of Summit Lighthouse, but that of all Pisces consciousness.

Release to continue
My beloved hearts, this is something that many students, or those who will become students of the Ascended Masters, have not understood: the need to release all that you have achieved at lower levels to elevate yourself to the new. This is why you see people in many of the spiritual and religious organizations who have worked very hard, for many years, to get to occupy a position in a specific organization and who, therefore, cannot release that position to achieve Continue with something new.

You see, then, that many of those in leadership positions at Summit Lighthouse cannot conceive of releasing that position, for which they worked so hard, to continue advancing with the Ascended Masters. You see, even, many students who do not hold any position in the external organization and who also find it very difficult to leave the above because they also think that they had managed to gain spaces where they feel they have a relationship with the Ascended Masters and that there is a certain feeling of security because they have given so many decrees and have provided so many external services.

They are not willing to let go of that sense of security to move forward with the Ascended Masters and enter a new dispensation. And then they cling to the old one, justifying the fact by using some of the phrases we have said. Phrases that, as El Morya explained, were there to tempt and seduce those who needed to feel superior to others to decide to enter the organization. So it is very sad when some of those, who really are our best chelas, fall into this trap, in that feeling of superiority and comfort, not being willing to leave the above to continue with us, the Ascended Living Masters. They cling to the dead idols that have been created by those who did not understand the inner path and therefore believe that they can place the Masters, even Lord Maitreya himself, inside a beautiful little box, to which they can place a sign and they think they understand who I am and what Mr. Maitreya is about.

Therefore, many of you have spoken with these people who do not wish to continue, as you discussed earlier in the questions and answers section. And there are many things that you can tell them that can help them but, the best thing you can do is tell them that there is only one question you need to ask them and this is: “Do you think you know more than the Ascended Masters? Do you think you know more than they should or should not anoint other messengers and continue to deliver Progressive Revelation? ”

You see, my beloved, it doesn't matter which external excuse you can use, no matter what phrases you have used from previous dictations to get them out of context, to justify the belief, the deception that there would be no other messengers and that Progressive Revelation would stop with this or another organization; No matter how you can justify this, here there is only one simple explanation: you have fallen prey to the conscience of the anti-Christ, the conscience of the fallen angels who, from the moment they fell, believed that they knew more than God how save humanity, how to manage the universe.

As you can see, my beloved, if you have the courage to be direct, you can ask this question to those who are not willing to move on. And you can even make them stop and reflect, if they are open to do so, about the need to let go and leave behind all external justifications and go inside their hearts and get their own confirmation Internal when connecting to the Living Christ, who is the only one who can know if the Ascended Masters have continued on their way. No man really knows the Father except the Son, or the one to whom the Son has been revealed; nobody knows the Ascended Living Masters if not your Christ Self.

The external analytical mind cannot know if we continue on our path. Nor can those who exalt much, believing that they all know it because they know the external word of a previous teaching, thus assuming the role of the scribes and Pharisees who denied the Living Christ when Jesus walked between them.

Unity does not mean equality
My beloved hearts, I will impart something else to you tonight. In the Sphere of Maitreya Unity everyone is asked to become the One. However, Unity does not mean equality, unity does not mean that you lost your individuality, you lost that way of being Unique, and that everyone should do the same. There are really several functions that must be fulfilled in the Sphere of the Maitreya Unit. Then, some must serve as messengers of the Living Word to maintain a more direct connection with the Ascended Hosts. However, my beloved, this is simply a charge. Some have been trained to fill this position, while others have been trained to hold other positions.

One of the other positions consists in serving on the outer edge of the Unity Sphere, and interacting with the world and therefore speaking with people and teaching them, preparing them to enter. Therefore, those who remain on that outer edge are also, in a certain sense, messengers. And, beloved ones, it simply makes no sense to say that one position is more important than another.

Because we do not wish to see the Sphere of the Maitreya Unit being simply a small area left out. We want to see it expand until it eventually encompasses the entire planet. Then, there must be those who are on the outer edge, expanding the sphere. So you can see, beloved ones, that every person who serves in that Sphere of the Unit is fulfilling an important position and that no position is more important than another.

And then I must tell you that in the old school of Mysteries we allow the ego to display its idol games and, therefore, you can clearly see that in Summit Lighthouse there was a particular idolatry for the external messenger My beloved hearts, this idolatry can only emerge from the conscience of the anti-Christ because, when you say that a son or daughter of God is more important than another son (a) of God, you are denying the Christ within yourself or in other people.

Then you can clearly see that in the Sphere of the Maitreya Unit we can no longer allow the idolatry of our messengers. How can you become the One among you when you place other people on a pedestal, thinking that they are so above you or that they are more important than yourself? My beloved hearts, this cannot be allowed in the Unity Sphere and, therefore, you need to take advantage of the opportunity that has been given to you, those present here, to interact with Kim and Lorraine and see that they do not they stand apart from you and that, therefore, there is no need for you to place them above yourself.

Pay attention that they have manifested the kindness that is direct, open and that is not intended in any style, in any way or form. Observe well that this is the kind of kindness that you can try to achieve because the way we want to see you interact with each other is under that kindness that is direct and open, that does not play any games, that does not hide anything, does not seek to manipulate, does not create No barrier or distinction or differences. This is the open, direct part, the loving kindness that we, who are the Ascended Hosts, have and that we enjoy when we interact with each other here on the spiritual plane. And this is what we want to see in the Unity Sphere on Earth, so that we can be like Above, thus below.

My beloved hearts, I come to give you my gratitude, an infinite gratitude and without borders, for having been willing to go through all that you have had to go through, not only in this life but in so many streams of life. My beloved hearts, most of the people who will respond to this new dispensation of the Unity Sphere are those who volunteered to descend to the Garden of Eden on a rescue mission. I've known you for a long time. I have loved you for a long time. And I have no other desire outside of raising you above the awareness of fear and separation. So that you can, once again, experience my love for you.

This is then the reason why my joy is complete at this hour, because I see that the maximum achievement of the School of Mysteries of Maitreya is now at hand. My beloved, rejoice! Rejoice with me! Rejoice with your other brothers and sisters of the Ascended Hosts and with your brothers and sisters who are down here! I tell you, then, I will return many times to further expand these concepts and those of the Unity Sphere.

But, for the moment, I say: “Remain sealed in the totality of Maitreya's joy. It is sealed!

* “Why Ascended Masters sponsor organizations, ” message from El Morya given through Kim Michaels on the morning of December 29, 2005 in Armenia, Colombia.

Note: This dictation was delivered through Kim Michaels during the Christmas and New Year Shangra-la Conference on December 30, 2005 in Armenia, Colombia http://www.shangrala.org/Y_SPANISHSITE/SPD_ASCENDMASTERS/Maitreya123005.html

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