The time is coming "," I toast for your courage "and" I love you ", by Julio Andres Pagano

The time is coming

You are right. Your intuition is not wrong. The fatigue that accuses your body is not accidental. Exhaustion is typical of the final instances. The tension and discomfort that imprison you are also a clear sign of the proximity of a new awakening. Nothing should tie you up. He continued serving. Other souls need assistance. Inspired to bloom more hearts and open themselves to the light. The time is near.

I encourage you because I know it is necessary. You don't see me, but you feel my vibration through this message. You know we walk together. We are eternal fellow travelers. Sometimes you asked what you are doing. You know that others observe your footprints and you are concerned about guiding them towards a wrong path. Do not worry. Those who come behind are not sheep. They are pilgrim souls who follow, like us, the crystalline course of the frequency of love.

Faith is not an invention. It serves to go through this hard stage of fatigue and confusion. The same goes for perseverance and daring, they are tools that were given to us not to give up. Every step we take reaffirms our internal choice and elevates us. Let's light up endlessly. Others will feel the warmth of our spirits and know that they are not alone. They will be encouraged to continue.

There is no one to convince. There is nothing to prove. We move by being loyal to our inner nature. We are guided by an intense feeling, which is not trampled by the coldness of logic. We are crazy from the perspective of reason, but sane and consistent in the eyes of the heart. We choose to fly. We long to procreate a conscious society. We embody the hope of a more human man, who lives celebrating.

It is a fact. Do not doubt them. The changes are occurring. All that remains is to be revealed, in this denser plane, with all its greatness. We are channels through which subtle energies flow. Stay firm in the light. I brought to this meeting the voice of my heart, so that you feel me by your side. I hug you in my soul through these words. I continued Trust. The time is coming. ”I toast for your courage”

End of the year is coming. The last sheet of the calendar induces a balance. Do not fall in the trap. Your actions cannot be sized. Its effects go beyond what you might suppose. They are waves that expand in infinite directions. You gave everything that was within your reach. You helped co-create a more human world. You struggled, regardless of fatigue, to always take another step towards the light. That is delivery. That is constancy. That's love. That is fulfilling your life mission. I toast your courage.

Your actions may not translate into money, but that does not mean they have no value. Encouraging others to stand up, open their hearts, recover their inner connection and feel, is an invaluable task, which requires a spirited spirit willing to illuminate with fervor.

The balance is driven by the social mind. It is intended that those who were encouraged to be return to the old structures, canceling any possibility of flight, in exchange for comfort and sense of belonging. I know that at this point on the road you will no longer retrace your steps, I needed to tell you anyway. Many will try to make you believe that you waste your time, and that what you do is meaningless. It is part of the tests.

It is fair and necessary that you recognize your task. If when I go out to the street I find hopeful looks and cheerful faces, it is thanks to compassionate people like you, who encourage to transcend the limitations and do not hesitate to face adversity, to activate the changes that lead us towards a bright future.

Whatever they say, your soul knows you're on the right track. Do not let them confuse you. Only a few steps are missing. Thank you for continuing to vibrate in such a human way. I can feel you. It is a privilege to know that we are marching together. No matter where you are, at the time of the festivities I will look for the brightest star and say smiling, with all my heart: I toast for your courage. ”I love you”

(By Julio Andrés Pagano)

I say it with emotion and immense joy. I am inclined, through these words, to pay tribute to the light that flows from your beautiful heart. I come to celebrate the strength and surrender of your spirit. Each one of these letters will caress your soul in gratitude. It was not a simple year, the tests were rigorous. In spite of everything, your inner flame lit with nobility. That is why I bring wrapped in the love of this message, my most genuine feeling: "I love you".

Didn't you know? I love you for Being. I love you for being. I love you for making me feel accompanied. I love you for helping me wake up. I love you for incentivizing my steps. I love you for showing you predisposed to play while we remember our divine essence. I love you for having the courage to illuminate without rest. I love you by recognizing that I love myself, because we are and will be One.

The fields of consciousness that we help cultivate are flourishing. It is time to celebrate. Very soon, a fresh and pure aroma will begin to spray the air with subtle vibrations, full of color, magic and charm. No heart can resist so much beauty. The light will bring deep calm and happiness. A long cycle of anguish and suffering will end.

That will be a great day. There will be no dam capable of curbing the celestial water of the river of consciousness. Souls will quench their thirst. There will be love in the eyes and peace in the hearts. Humanity will merge into a brotherhood vibration that will dissipate every border. For a few moments, no one can understand how we were able to live in the alienation of unconsciousness, depriving us of such a harmonious and sublime energy.

While that great moment is approaching, there is still homework to conclude. You can not imagine how much I enjoy seeing the dazzling future that awaits us. After an intense pilgrimage, full of transformative teachings that propelled our flight, we will embrace again in the unity of the spirit. The emotion will be indescribable. I can only tell you, from heart to heart: "I love you, I love you, I love you."

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