Allow and Observe By Geoffrey Hoppe

  • 2015

I love to allow. I love teaching the Quantum Allow workshop, and I love Allow in my personal life. I have become a Happy-Bobo Permitidor. The premise of Allowing is simple: - I am a Sovereign being of Consciousness, going through a human experience. - My human experiences are full of extreme limitations and challenges, as well as brilliant discoveries and ideas. - All my human experiences are distilled in pure wisdom by my soul, without judgment or remorse.

Illumination is the total integration of the human and the divine, as well as all aspects and the soul. There are no parts or pieces of my Being that are left behind, or not loved . Integration is a natural process of the soul. The human aspect is not responsible for enlightenment; the human being only needs to allow the passion of the soul. Now I can take a deep breath and just Allow.

The Illumination is already here, now I can only Allow it to take place. My soul only asks me to be Aware (With Consciousness), without strength or resistance. I allow myself all that I AM. Oh, allow! It's that simple. So elegant. Thus, disconcerting. It is disconcerting because it is almost too easy. I have a strange desire to work on my lighting because I have had to work on everything else that has value in my life. I have an aspect that is addicted to working hard for achievements. I feel I have to do something, anything, to keep going.

I meditated many years ago and I liked it, up to a point. The best part about meditation is that it gave me 30 minutes a day for myself. Worst of all, it gave me 30 minutes a day for myself. I had good days of meditation when everything settled and bad days of meditation when my mind and my aspects chewed me in pieces no matter how much ohm and breathing I did a. (Recently I came across this description of Jeff Foster's meditation: What is meditation? Being awake and alive in a precious moment.)

Or as Tobias told me years ago, Meditation is not something that is done, but it is in every breath, in every step and in every thought, in every day. a. ) Allowing is not a meditation. It's not about quieting the mind or trying to find a soft and gentle voice inside. It's just letting me be me. Allowing has nothing to do with anything else. Some Shaumbra have an erroneous notion that it is about getting up to date or allowing other people's agendas and feeding on energy (i.e. garbage). It seems to me that with my own Allow myself, I am actually less tolerant of the aggressions and manipulations of others.

When I allow myself to be all that I Am, I no longer allow other people to play energy games with me. Allowing is only about myself. It is not about allowing angels or spirits or angelic guides or counselors or even the Spirit. I am not asking the universe to do anything for me. I am simply allowing myself. Despite the beauty and simplicity of Allowing, I found that it leads us to a remarkable and sometimes petrifying theme: Trust. For me to be in a pure place, in a cheeky Allow: I have to put aside all my internal controls, commitments and defenses. I have to allow, openly and freely, otherwise I am just fooling myself.

This raises questions such as: "What happens if I let go, only to be devoured by darkness?" This brings up the subject, "Do I really like it enough to allow more of me?" There is also the issue of expectations. Allowing has no expectations, but the human being certainly has them. In the Allow from purity, I have to release all expectations. That can be a challenge, because I have an inherent expectation of enlightenment of some kind if I allow.

But of course the expectation is based quite a lot from the human, and that it really is much deeper than the human being can even imagine. Allowing has become something close and dear to me. When I find myself in a mental or psychic quagmire I simply take a deep breath and allow myself, before struggling with my thoughts.

When I feel lost or confused I take a deep breath and allow. When I am consciously allowing, I feel free and enlightened. Even when I am not doing it consciously, I can feel the subtle background of Allowing at the deepest inner levels. Finally, after countless search lives, I am simply Allowing. Allowing is not a tool or program.

It is not a rescue remedy. I don't use the Allow to try to find a place in the parking lot. I don't use the Allow to try to make my bank account bigger. I don't use Allow to heal my body or make me smarter. I do not use Allow to save the planet or bring back the elders of Lemuria. These would be manipulations of the purity of Allow. I only allow myself ... the Sovereign Being of conscience that I am. Nothing more and nothing less. We recently filmed the Quantum Allow ™ workshop at the Crimson Circle Connection Center in Colorado. I love facilitating the Quantum Allowing experience. Adamus was in top form (because I allowed it), Yoham's live music was divine, and the attendees were fully tuned and the energy in the room was palpated; It was full, golden, warm and harmonious

. The workshop was one of those special occasions with the signature of Adamus online, "Everything is fine in all creation, " were more than words. It was the reality. So before you continue reading this issue of Shaumbra Magazine, take a deep breath and Allow. Allow yourself to be You.

Article from Shaumbra Magazine February 2015

Translation: Hector Santos Ramallo

Allow and Observe - By Geoffrey Hoppe

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