Liquid retention

  • 2012

Water represents 2/3 of body fluid. It is found in the intracellular and extracellular medium. In the intracellular medium, the potassium element predominates and amounts to 30-40% of body weight. In the extracellular environment, sodium predominates and is equivalent to 20% of body weight.

Fluid retention or edematization is due to an increase in the amount of water in the tissues. Its causes can be varied: hormones, pregnancy, drugs, cardiovascular problems, etc.


  • Water: Start the day drinking a glass of water (preferably room temperature or warm) to finish cleaning the accumulated liquids during the night. Increase water intake to 1.5 or 2 liters preferably between meals . Do not wait to be thirsty to drink, and if you forget to try to link this action to another for example: water will be drunk after urinating. By increasing water consumption, we will have more gain from urinating, and it is convenient not to retain it.
  • Replace coffee, tea, artificial drinks with infusions with purifying herbs and increase diuresis such as birch, heather, cherry tail, dandelion, horsetail, black currant, etc. Some of them in addition to diuretics also have a draining action on the liver and intestines.
  • Exercise to activate the cardiovascular system, maintain fluid balance and facilitate the work of the kidneys: walk half an hour, ride a bike, climb stairs, swim etc. If your work activity forces you to sit for a long time, get up at least once an hour and take a light walk around the room. If you can't, move your toes up and down so that the leg muscles exert a pumping action. Avoid clothes, socks or very tight shoes.
  • Keep the kidneys warm / covered with appropriate clothing, as they work best at a temperature of 40 °. For this reason, it will also be advisable to visit hot springs, spas, hot water pools, etc.


  • Eliminate (or at least significantly reduce) the consumption of refined salt and sodium . An excess of sodium in the body will cost the kidneys more than 24 hours to eliminate and thus the retention of liquids is caused by the electrolyte imbalance. Keep in mind that not only does table salt have sodium, but it is also present in many foods: sausages, preserves, smoked cheeses, bread with salt, broth tablets, soups and purée over sausage, alcohol, etc.

So that the meals are not insidious, the salt can be substituted with aromatic herbs, vinegar, lemon, garlic or onion. In the case of using salt, always in small quantities, and preferably that it is gray salt of Brittany or salt of Hinmalaya, which, if not refined, does not lose its other nutrients (magnesium, iodine, etc.).

  • Eliminate refined sugar (sweets, pastries) that increase sodium retention.
  • A diet with sufficient level of protein. When we take proteins, the liver produces albumin, which is the substance necessary for fluids not to accumulate in the tissues. Do not abuse the animal protein by moderating the frequency once or twice a week at most, and privilege the chicken over pork, lamb or cow. Introduce the vegetable protein daily through legumes, nuts, algae and seeds, which must be combined correctly to get the complete protein. The abuse of animal protein would be counterproductive, and would force the kidneys to work to eliminate toxins.


  • Increase the consumption of vegetables, vegetables, fruit, legumes and complex carbohydrates (whole grain pasta, brown rice) due to its diuretic and alkalizing action. Also for its richness in potassium and its low level of sodium. Among the most recommended vegetables are green beans, celery, onion, garlic, artichoke, eggplant, asparagus, etc. Among the fruits we recommend watermelon, melon, peach, banana, nough, etc.

It would be highly recommended not only to change dietary patterns but also to investigate the possible emotional and / or mental causes related to fluid retention. It would be necessary to investigate the fear of loss (friends, family, possessions, health, et.), And hence the clinging and retention.

A possible decree that could complement the diet would be: I willingly and gladly release.

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