REC3 - Sagittarius Full Moon Meditation “I see the goal, I reach that goal and then I see another one”, December 2016

  • 2016


December 14, 2016 (2200 local hours in each country)

The Sagittarius Full Moon Festival is celebrated in meditation and group reflection all over the planet. A greater understanding of the meaning and use of available energy, qualified by the essential nature of Sagittarius, makes it possible to receive and distribute this energy to human consciousness.

In times past, Sagittarius was symbolized by the Centaur, the inseparable man? Animal. At present, the evolving humanity is symbolized by the archer on a white horse: liberated and controlling animal nature. The archer, the liberated human consciousness, indicates the sense of direction: the straight and precise path of the arrow of mental power and aspiration towards a higher goal. This is illustrated by the keynote of Sagittarius: "I see the goal, I reach that goal and then I see another one."

The energy that flows through the constellation, Sagittarius, our solar system, our planet and the center of consciousness we call humanity, stimulates the human qualities of idealism and intuition. These inherent characteristics, or qualities of the soul, concern the subjective nature, the state of conscious perception of head and heart, light and love.

Idealism concerns the vision: the power to visualize or imagine new goals to achieve. Sensitivity to higher ideals inspires new attitudes of mind and heart and opens up to new experiences. Humanity is essentially idealistic, having lived through the long 2000-year period of the Piscean era during which the energy of idealism and devotion played an extremely influential role. Idealism has neither been discarded nor outdated; but as we advance in consciousness under the changing energies of the Aquarian era, the most negative and fanatical aspects of idealism are transcended or abandoned. As understanding replaces devotion, accepted ideals more accurately reflect underlying and inclusive ideas. Behind every ideal is a mental idea or concept, a mental form. An ideal is the relationship between the idea and its expression on the physical plane. It is said that every true idea is a "spiritual impulse taking shape."

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The main objective of the REC3 is to facilitate the opening of consciousness and help raise the vibration, both individually and collectively.



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How to meditate and send energy in the REC3?

1) Harmonization of breathing and relaxation : we will breathe deeply a minimum of three times, repeating mentally SO when we inhale and HAM when we exhale.

2) We must open the sacred space of meditation and irradiation for REC3, for this we will light a candle and incense and then recite “The Great Invocation of Master Djwhal Khul”.

3) We will invoke the Ascended Masters that we propose below to protect and guide us during meditation and energy service.

4) In order to focus on the energy that we will radiate during meditation we recommend visualizing the colors, symbols and energies proposed below. We will offer all the energy to the Masters to send it through the REC3 where necessary.

5) While we meditate, we will listen to the “Individual Balance Meditation” audio and follow the rhythm in which the mantrams are sung: 10 OHMs + 24 GAYATRI + silences

The Great Invocation, by Master Djwhal Khul

The Great Invocation is a world prayer translated over 75 languages ​​and dialects. It is an instrument of power to help the full expression of God's Plan on Earth. The beauty and strength of this Invocation resides in its simplicity and in that it expresses certain essential truths, which all men accept innate and normally. You can find out more information about the Great Invocation on the following page:

From the point of Light in the Mind of God,
Let light flow to the minds of men;
May the Light descend to Earth.
From the point of Love in the Heart of God,
May love flow to the hearts of men;
May Christ return to Earth.
From the center where the Will of God is known,
That the purpose guides the small wills of men;
The purpose that the Masters know and serve.
From the center we call the race of men,
May the Plan of Love and Light be realized,
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
May the Light, Love and Power
Restore the Plan on Earth.
From Master Djwhal Khul or Tibetan Master.


Lord MaitreyaTibetan Master Dhwhal KhulBeloved Kwan Yin


BOOKING LINK: meditacion_equilibrio.mp3




Mantram OHM


*** NOTE: For any questions about meditation or the grid contact us on this page:


Keynote: "I see the goal, I reach that goal and then I see another one."

The Sagittarius Full Moon Festival is celebrated in meditation and group reflection all over the planet. A greater understanding of the meaning and use of available energy, qualified by the essential nature of Sagittarius, makes it possible to receive and distribute this energy to human consciousness.

In times past, Sagittarius was symbolized by the Centaur, the inseparable man? Animal. At present, the evolving humanity is symbolized by the archer on a white horse: liberated and controlling animal nature. The archer, the liberated human consciousness, indicates the sense of direction: the straight and precise path of the arrow of mental power and aspiration towards a higher goal. This is illustrated by the keynote of Sagittarius: "I see the goal, I reach that goal and then I see another one."

The energy that flows through the constellation, Sagittarius, our solar system, our planet and the center of consciousness we call humanity, stimulates the human qualities of idealism and intuition. These inherent characteristics, or qualities of the soul, concern the subjective nature, the state of conscious perception of head and heart, light and love.

Idealism concerns the vision: the power to visualize or imagine new goals to achieve. Sensitivity to higher ideals inspires new attitudes of mind and heart and opens up to new experiences. Humanity is essentially idealistic, having lived through the long 2000-year period of the Piscean era during which the energy of idealism and devotion played an extremely influential role. Idealism has neither been discarded nor outdated; but as we advance in consciousness under the changing energies of the Aquarian era, the most negative and fanatical aspects of idealism are transcended or abandoned. As understanding replaces devotion, accepted ideals more accurately reflect underlying and inclusive ideas. Behind every ideal is a mental idea or concept, a mental form. An ideal is the relationship between the idea and its expression in the physical plane. It is said that each true idea is a `` spiritual impulse taking shape. ''

Also the sense of direction is a powerful force and available in Sagittarius. In these times when humanity seems to drift, turning easily before any material influence that appears, before the realization of promises and before the instigation of deep-rooted fears, the energy from this specific period of the Full Moon transmits, as a gift of the spirit, the capture of a meaningful goal and purpose in life.

In this sign, the forces of conflict are extremely powerful. Each time a human being enters under the influence of Sagittarius, it is with the objective of reorienting towards some new and higher perspective, with the task of refocusing on a higher objective and with the development of some purpose. Basic and guidance. These developing purposes can range from a purely animal desire, through selfish human ambition, to the struggle of aspiring disciples or those initiated to reach the necessary liberation. n towards which the whole evolutionary process has impelled them. In Sagittarius, that intellect that has been developed, used and finally enlightened, becomes sensitive to an even higher mental experience, to which we give the name of intuitive perception. Flashes of light arise regarding problems; a distant and nevertheless possible vision of achievement is contemplated; the seeker begins to emerge from the depths and sees before him the experience of the mountain, which he must now understand. Walking not only in the dark, but contemplating what needs to be done, the disciples make rapid progress and travel raudos along the way .

They learn to understand the meaning of the growing light that greets their progress as they climb to the top of the mountain. The flashes of intuition to those who are getting used to become the shining and constant light of the soul, radiating the mind and providing that point of tension that should always constitute the fusion of the two lights, the major and the minor light. The light of the personality and the light of the soul are mixed, producing a server of intelligent and cooperative humanity. The main objective is the intelligent use of all powers to achieve the achievement of some goal. For the planetary servant, the goal is the expression of love-wisdom always devoted to the good of the whole. Desiring what is good for the whole human family proves to be the direction so stimulated in this specific Full Moon period.

Everything that serves the need of humanity becomes a goal, revealing over time a broader perspective: the enlightened and dedicated group of world servers. Regarding the future of humanity, look where you look at the current state of the world, wisdom is a fundamental need. Only intelligence, accompanied by a loving illumination, or wisdom, can liberate humanity to a more reasonable future.

Consciousness in Sagittarius advances steadily towards a specific goal. This sense of direction and direction is characteristic of the enlightened or wise individual. The faculty of sensitive direction in the early stages becomes an effort to distinguish between the activity of the soul and that of the personality, along the guidelines of the Divine Plan, the orderly direction of thought. of God . There is no real direction separate from thought and thought is power. Thought is also responsibility. The words power and responsibility are, in fact, interchangeable. With the perception of power comes the responsibility to the greater whole, whether recognized or not. Applicants, to a greater understanding, should eventually assume responsibility for the mental control and direction of their own lives, so that they move forward according to a self-established plan and towards a clearly envisioned goal.

Sagittarius provides a point of balance in which the vision deepens consciously and the significant activity expands. In meditation, the firm eye that clearly perceives the higher spiritual values ​​develops, before firing the arrow of mental power with full intention towards the goal that is to be achieved. This is the quality that, as it develops, will lead humanity through the portal of initiation.

If we think about it, during this Festival we work with a clear energy, inspired by the will, on a directed, focused ray of light; a light so absorbing and concentrated that the immediately following goal that humanity must reach is fully revealed. That goal is a worldwide situation of correct relations between human beings and between nations; of cooperation and sharing among all peoples, races and ideologies; and of a correct distribution of world resources, which belong to all mankind. As extremes of any kind are eliminated and moderation and reason become descriptive of humanity, the word "united" may begin to approach its true meaning in the General Assembly of the United Nations.

Maintaining this goal and vision in meditation together with the planetary group, we become open and receptive to the predisposed energies of Sagittarius, dominated by love and wisdom, harmony and idealism. This united purpose generates a field of invocative magnetic force that literally directs the energies of light and love directly to the consciousness of humanity. Using the energy formula of The Great Invocation in the direction type line of Sagittarius energy, these energies become affordable to the field of human consciousness, influencing the attitudes of mind and heart of the entire planet, inspiring sensitivity to spiritual values.

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Call on the Spiritual Hierarchies, our divine Father and Mother, feel strongly the divine spark that beats within you and expand the strength of your I AM . Feel in communion with Mother Earth GAIA and also invoke the Elementals of Air, Earth, Water and Fire and Present your respect to the beings that live in the four Cardinal Points and in the eight directions that govern the Universe, WE ARE COCREATORS WITH THEM .

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