RE-Activation of our Holy Christ Self

  • 2012

RE-Activation of our Holy Christ Self.

Infinite Body of Light.

Solar Critical Consciousness Meditation.

Benefit of this Re-Activation

Healing of our physical, mental, emotional bodies.

Alignment of Integration of the Higher Spiritual Bodies.

- Liberation and Transmutation of the Totality of Karma. Special dispensation of the Karmic Court. 6/21/11

- Activation of Solar Christ Consciousness.

- DNA restructuring, activation of the 13th layer or Spiritual Inheritance. Connection with our Divine Plan.

- Alignment and Re-Activation of the Body of Light in 33 points that reactivate the galactic memory of people, this memory is latent in the Christ Grid, in the nucleus of cells and DNA.

Under the Divine Direction of the Lord of Eternal Light Machiventa MelchizedeK, this meditation for the activation of the Planetary Christ Consciousness is born (chakra 12) and access to the Divine Plan (chakra 13) accessing the Solar Christ Consciousness Network that from the Heart and through of Unconditional Love to ourselves, links with all dimensional realities.

MelchizedeK receives your Light and gives you the Consciousness of the Light for you to use and create your Light body. (Keys of Enoch, 319: 24)

This meditation is part of the Initiation Christ Consciousness,

That brings us back to the knowledge of our Origin,

Purpose and Mission of Light,

from which we meet again

with our Divine Essence Consciously.

Activating our Consciousness in the Light,

We help Beloved Mother Gaia

in its process of reviving its

Body of Light and Ascension.

She invites us to unconditional love to ourselves,

as the best way to help her.

This Gift of Light is born under the protection of the Weesak Moon

and under the Divine Direction and

Protection of Mr. Machiventa MelquizedeK,

whom I honor in Love and Service to the Light.


In our Light, of the Father, our Peace, of the Mother and our Mastery, of the Son.

The Trinity is Unity.

1-I become aware of my anchorage to earth, from my feet come some powerful roots that emerge on earth and join the heart of the Mother, I observe this heart, her heart, my heart of a beautiful crystalline white, of the Light of the Father ... let me feel, I flood the Mother's Love and I feel Divine Love.

2-I become aware of my crown, my connection channel with my Divinity, I expand it, expand it and from it I reach my Holy Christ Self, the Consciousness of Christ in me, of Unconditional Love, myself and from the unity of everything we are, Unconditional Love or everything created, here, now, present, past, dimensional and interdimensional past, Unity Consciousness and Totality. I flood with love, I become sweet Golden Light Ruby. Peace is with me, Peace is in me. Peace is Everything, Peace in Unity. The Peace of the son, the Divine Power in me.

3. I continue my ascension in my Channel of Connection to my Divinity, I access my Higher Self, my divine manifestation, my power of creation from Divine Wisdom. I flood myself with the red, orange, ocher Light, which from the Heart of the Mother accesses through my Light Vehicle to the Father, uniting heaven and earth in an infinite, harmonious and sweet Act of Love.

Father and Mother united through me, the Son, Holy Christ Self manifested on earth for his / me, own redemption, God Father Mother Son, the Trinity in Unity.

In the feeling of this connection:

1-I place my right hand on my crown and spirally circle a Golden Light, Self-aware Sphere of the Wisdom of the Father that cascades impregnated me with Divine Wisdom. My own Wisdom and I open myself to my Mastery from the infinite knowledge of my Divinity, my Purpose and my Wisdom, inherent in my Divine condition.

2-I place my right hand in front of my throat and left hand in the neck, and rotating I create a Spiral circle of Blue Light, Self-conscious Sphere of the Son's Power, my Divine Power, the Manifestation Power and Attraction of all my manifest resources in this physical plane.

3- I place my right hand in front of my heart chakra and the left hand on it in the back, and rotating I create a Spiral Circle of Pink and White Crystal Light, Self-conscious Sphere of Mother's Love, Love Divine, self-sustained Love, opens me to the blessings of Unconditional Love, Mercy, Forgiveness and Peace.

I allow myself to feel in this condition of Being of Love, of Light and Peace. I appreciate these gifts, I thank myself for allowing myself to be and receive.

I feel like the connection of my earth anchoring farms and my crown cracra, they revolve around each other and are collected in unison in the Inner Chamber of my Heart.

I thank my Higher Self, the Lords of Light that you have felt present in your Activation and the Lord of Light, Lord Machiventa Melchizedek, through whom you have received this Gift, the awakening to your Own Light and the Feeling and Recognition of who you really are


From the point of Light in the Mind of God,

Hallelujah, The Light flows to the minds of men;

Hallelujah, the Light descends to Earth.

From the point of Love in the Heart of God,

Hallelujah, Love flows to the hearts of men;

Hallelujah, Christ returns to Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known,

Hallelujah, the purpose guides the small wills of men;

Hallelujah, the purpose that the Masters know and serve.

From the center we call the race of men,

Hallelujah, the Plan of Love and Light is realized

Hallelujah, we seal the door where evil is.

From the Synthesis Avatar

That he is here

Hallelujah, His Energy descends to all kingdoms.

Hallelujah, He elevates the Earth to the Kings of Beauty.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Light, Love and Power

NOW reset the Plan on Earth.


With deep love and respect, in service, I put at your disposal this protocol of Reactivation of your Critical Consciousness that I received in June 2011 at the House of Silence, under the guidance of the Lord of the Machiventa Light Melchizedek. With infinite gratitude.

Ana Maria Angueira.

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