Twin Rays, by Guy Wheeler Ballard from the book "The Voice of I AM

  • 2014

The explanation given by the Ascended Masters of the Law of the "Great I AM Presence" concerning the Twin Rays, is very definitive and unquestionably simple. It is one of the things that humanity needs to understand greatly; and if understood, a great deal of the affliction of humanity would be avoided, most of which is the result of ignoring this "Magna Law of Life".

It is imperative that each Student of the "I AM" know this activity of the Great Law of Life and obey it, if it is to have its total Liberation and Ascension.

When individualization takes place from the Great Central Sun, the first activity is the formation of a body, composed of a substance that looks like White Fire. Two Rays of this White Fire Body are projected, inside which are two Electronic Bodies - one with the predominant masculine qualities and the submerged feminine qualities; the other with the predominant feminine qualities and the submerged masculine qualities.

Each Electronic Body projects down into the substance of this physical world, attributes of Yes, in a manner very similar to the way in which the roots of a plant are buried in the earth. These attributes, acting through the human body of flesh, make up the intellectual and cardiac or emotional consciousness of the individual.

This part of the individualized consciousness goes through many physical incarnations, sometimes masculine, sometimes feminine, alternating many times. This reincarnation of each Ray takes place over and over ... and again ... and again, sometimes hundreds and sometimes thousands of incarnations. And so it goes on until each individual manifests complete control of all external physical activities, of all energy and substance. It is only through the individual that selective, discerning and consciously directed Intelligence acts, to govern the flow of the Universal Substance and energy.

We want students and readers everywhere to understand that the SUPREME PURPOSE OF THE INCARNATION OF EACH HUMAN BEING IS THAT OF REACHING THE ASCENSION as soon as possible; since that is the full expansion of the Perfection of the individual in and through the substance of this world. Everyone MUST do this at some point, somewhere; and everyone will continue to reincarnate until he succeeds.

The First Commandment contains the totality of the Law of Life: "YOU WILL NOT HAVE GODS AWAY BEFORE ME." That on which our attention rests, is our God for the moment, because where our attention is, there flows our Energy of Life; and that to which the individual gives his Life, is his God. In view of the fact that the Electronic Body is the Source of physical Life, then nothing should ever come before Him in our Love or Life activity. This is the reason that Ascension constitutes the entire purpose of physical incarnation, and achieving that Victory should be the main occupation in Life for every individual.


If the student insists on finding out who his Twin Ray is instead of completing his own Decree to make his Ascension, then he will not be serving the light - which is his "Great I AM Presence" - putting it first. Hence he will be disobeying the very First Law of Life he has made for himself, and which governs for all infinity.

When an individual seeks his Twin Ray, the feeling that is driving him is none other than that of physical or external consciousness. At all it matters that it is only for company or for the desire that the individual may have. It is physical body awareness, and whoever gloats about it or seeks to find permanent happiness there, at some point will experience disappointment, because it is something temporary. Therefore, it has to have a beginning and an end. What is limited to obedience to the Law of Life is Perfection, therefore permanent happiness.

The Source of Permanent Happiness is the "Great I AM Presence, " and when the individual makes his Ascension, he not only attains permanent happiness, but also frees himself from all limitation and disharmony. You can then give unlimited assistance of any kind, to everyone and everything you contact. It becomes everything that the word "Master" implies. He becomes Lord of Life and victorious over everything in this world.

We now come to the conditions that constitute the pitfalls of happiness for thousands of people. Everyone longs for happiness, and considers that he has the right to have it, which is true; but Permanent Happiness does not come from the external activity of Life . It never came and will never come! It only comes from the "Great Presence I AM", because it is the Source of ALL Life, therefore, of ALL Happiness.

It doesn't make the slightest bit of difference how harmonious and happy you can be with your Twin Ray, if you find it in physical life. If one or the other were married to another person and had thus incurred obligations, do not think for a moment that you can push those obligations out of the way and cause unhappiness to others, just because your Twin Ray appears . You have to comply with the service you voluntarily assumed.

The sinister force has used all kinds of excuses over the centuries, to make individuals get tangled up precisely in conditions of this nature, in order to create discord for as many people as possible. That is the reason that there is currently so much affliction in the family relationship of most human beings. That issue MUST be suspended right now and forever, if human beings are to free themselves from the chains of their own misconduct.

Please remember, My Blessed of Light, that no one in this Universe knows who his Twin Ray is, except for the ag Magna Presence I AM and the Ascended Masters. There is no non-ascended being who can tell you who your twin ray is. So don't let any human being, yourself or any other person, ever make you believe that this or that person is your Twin Ray. If you need to know, Saint Germain or Jesus will give you unequivocal proof of it. And even if you meet your Twin Ray and know all the Truth, even then that person should never come before your ag Magna Presence I AM nor the Victory of your Ascension


As long as human beings keep their attention on bodily sensations and crave them, even if it is merely a mental companionship, to the same extent they will remain subject to the slavery of fear, of doubt, of lack, of suffering and of the tragedies of all description. Anyone who wishes to free himself from those channels of suffering, WILL have to look up to his ag Magna I AM Presence, invoking it to action so that he assumes command and total control of the activities, I gave UNCONDITIONAL OBEDIENCE. This will allow the Presence to expand the full Master and Perfection through human personality and, thus, the individual will reach Ascension.

The Source of each one's own Life HAS to be put before the gratification of the desires of the body, if they will ever be permanently liberated from suffering. The condition is the same as if an individual built, finished and furnished a beautiful home for a loved one. If the person occupying the house were absorbed so much in the care and adoration of the same, to the extent that he forgot to give any recognition to the Giver and Supplier of the home, the Giver would certainly withdraw and all collapse in ruins

This is the way it has been and it has been throughout the centuries with all humanity. Human beings in such a way have dealt with the sensations of the physical body and its demands, which have completely forgotten its Source, purpose and purpose of Life. They have forgotten what they themselves have decreed for this physical life. Therefore, all discordant experiences are nothing more than constant spanking to awaken the human intellectual conscience to obey the heart for the realization of the Life Plan, which everyone who incarnates in this world has chosen to perform.


More than seventy-five percent (75%) of the Vital Energy of the average individual is located in the emotional or feeling body. As long as ALL of that does not yield to the handling of the Electronic Body - which is Its Source and the Owner of all energy - limitations and suffering will continue to occur because the Law of Life is not being obeyed. The Law of Life everywhere in the entire Universe is the return to the Source of our Being, the ever-expanding Perfection from within the Heart-Center of Life. This entails total control of all Vital Energy at all times, since only then and then Perfection can pass.

Therefore, the duty of every Student of the "I AM" is to live in such intimate fellowship with the Presence, that all external activity is the expansion of His Perfection. To the extent that this is allowed to take place, the body

It will automatically become purified, bright and free of discord. Hence he ascends to Full Mastery, and that the Divine Plan of Life be realized for the eternal ever-expanding joy of the individual himself, and the blessing of everything else in the Universe.

RAYOS GEMELOS (by Guy Wheeler Ballard) (taken literally from the book "The Voice of I AM", vol.2, 1937, Serapis Bey Editores, SA, chapter 78, pages 99 - 104)

Twin Rays, by Guy Wheeler Ballard of the book "The Voice of I AM"

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