Rakmé 1: Eron - Planetary center. By Agnimitra

  • 2016

How are you?

Participants: Good.

My name is Rakmé and I am the first sister Ratziel to accompany you in the first stage of our journey through the twelve Planetary Centers, through the twelve aspects of human and universal Consciousness within the basic tone of Esseni-Autara which is the transformation, which is the reversal, and is in a sense death. Death as a synonym for mutation, as a synonym for change. Esseni-Autara is not the death of form, it is not the transformation of form, it is not the reversal of form. Esseni-Autara is the pillar of Consciousness that allows the transformation of Consciousness, which allows the reversal of Consciousness that allows the universe to be reorganized into another universe, which allows, for example, that a humanized consciousness at a certain point of its trajectory that organizes as a planetary consciousness.

This reorganization of Consciousness, which is therefore, Esseni-Autara, which is the pillar of Esseni-Autara, is linked to what they know as Omnipotence. Why is that so? Esseni-Autara is what allows the infinite diversity of expression, in the sense that, if Consciousness can be reorganized, if Consciousness can be remodeled, if Consciousness can be transubstantiated, transformed, matter will respond accordingly. The One and Total Consciousness expressing itself through your human universe, has the response of matter in the organization of a human vehicle, be it this one, which you know as a body, a physical body, as the human multidimensional vehicle itself, which has diverse characteristics and potentialities of a multidimensional planetary body: the material expression of a planetary consciousness, or of the One and Total Consciousness in the planetary universe. It is important that this distinction be clear, so as not to confuse the vibration and purpose of Esseni-Autara with other things that are only the consequence or reflection in the matter, of Esseni-Autara .

These elements that allowed this identification and the concealment of Full Consciousness, are today reorganized. This process is given the name of planetary transition, dimensional transition, or awakening and realization of Being. All these processes, in their respective fields are nothing more, nothing less than the reorganization of Consciousness to allow the material expression of a differently, in another order than the one known here. See, that the material manifestation is always a response to the impulses of Consciousness, this was explained by the guide of this Network (note: Asul), in a previous communication. It is important that it be understood and assimilated by you, because the first living result of this understanding is that you will no longer be deceived by the idea that doing is the cause of the mutation, that outside action is the cause of the mutation . External action is always the reflection, the result of an impulse and a purpose of the Consciousness itself. Consciousness reorganizes itself, and this reorganization is not a movement, this reorganization is an impulse towards the reorganization of matter and Consciousness, it is a motionless reorganization, yes, it translates as a movement in matter. Who is reorganized, who is transformed by movement is matter, Consciousness is reorganized into its own immobility.

There is a sense of "being", there is a feeling of "I" that you can see that remains untouched, unalterable, from the beginning of your experiences. And the greater the ability to perceive this experience they do, the sharper the truth is that the "I" is immutable, untouchable in itself. Only the phases, the masks, the expressions of the real and unique self is that what is modified. The true and unique Self cannot be modified because it lacks characteristics, it does not have colorations, the real and unique Self does not possess attributes, except perhaps for the immobility of the Being that It is. The material expression, the matter, substance of all things, if it has attributes, it has coloration, and its essence is the movement itself, movement, which is a clear reflection of the immobility of the Being. But let us leave these abstract spheres and we will get closer to the level of their own experience, in relation to the work that we will develop here with you for twenty-four days.

I asked that a brother bring here this relationship with some keys linked to each of the Planetary Centers (Note: The Letter of the Living Light Chromas). This will be the route of our trip. Each of my brothers and sisters, starting with me today, we will deal with each one of these Chromes, each one of these primordial frequencies of the manifestation, always leaving alive the transformative aspect in each of these primordial energies. Today and tomorrow too, I will be with you as a sister, a guide, not in the sense of showing you how to walk, I will only show you the way, you will take your own steps and we will enter the sacred temple of Eron.

Eron is silence, Eron is dissolution, and Eron has, according to these characteristics, some keys. It is a Planetary Center, it is an element, it is a Chakra, it is a color, it is a note, a constellation, a solar disk, a virtue of the Spirit and it also has an aphorism, a concise phrase and synthesis of vibratory contact with Eron . In each of my visits here we will deal with one of these aspects. We will then start with the Planetary Center itself.

I manifest here among you, from the Intra-terrestrial Retreat of Ulumí, as feminine polarity and this is the reason that I am, Rakmé, your sister, who comes to tell you about the Eron Planetary Center, of the Chroma, primordial energy, Eron . Eron is essentially feminine energy, by its silence and dissolution, it is the universal feminine Divinity itself, by its silence and the maximum receptivity of Consciousness in its own form, it is the maximum receptivity of Consciousness in matter . Eron is the Silence in form. Eron is the Silence in Matter. Eron is the root of the manifestation itself. Eron is undifferentiated matter, still united, One, coincident, coexisting, with That, Absolute, Unknowable and Indescribable. Eron is transformative for being and existing in Esseni-Autara as a Whole, om s. Eron is the first differentiation. Eron represents the first manifestation. Eron represents the first movement of Matter differentiating itself, in some way, from that indescribable principle.

In you, Eron allows the expression of your personality, as the reabsorption of this personality in the silent axis that you are, because it is the same process that Eron represents on a universal and cosmic scale, Eron represents on the individual scale of humanized Consciousness. If for the Universe, Eron represents the first differentiation of the primordial matter itself, for human Consciousness, Eron also represents the first undifferentiated self differentiation that you are. Eron then allows expression on a given planet, through forms, therefore Eron keeps the same return key, Eron saves the same resorption key. Because as you pass through Eron to the manifestation, in the expression, in the exteriorization, you pass through Eron, on the way back, for the internalization, for the resorption Para n, for the dissolution in the real and immovable I.

As a Planetary Center, Eron radiates Silence, for this humanity. Not Silence as opposed to sound, not Silence as the pole of noise, nor even Silence as the pole of movement. Eron, gives them Silence as the space where movement and non-movement coexist, where sound and the apparent absence of sound follow. Eron is the Planetary Center that sustains and radiates self-perception for humanity. The whole process of self-perception is basically under the aegis of Eron. Eron is the One, as you are One. I say 'you' and not 'you', so that you don't believe the idea of ​​diversity and differentiation in your heads. You are One. You are Everything. You are the synthesis of the universe that inhabits. This is self-perception. Self-perception is, after all, to recognize yourself, to rediscover yourself as the synthesis of the universe that you experience and this, you live in Eron.

True silence is not the silence of the word, it is not the silence of the mind, it is not stopping emotions. True Silence is the recognition of oneself as the synthesis of the universe in which one lives, as the epitome of life itself that is. True silence is the recognition of oneself as the virgin, pure and untouched space, where its manifestation and expression happen constantly, successively and simultaneously. This is the true Silence, therefore, as this is only a recognition and never a doing, never a movement, it is simple, it is easy and requires no effort, it cannot even be reached by effort, why? Silence cannot be reached, this true Silence cannot be achieved, this true Silence, IS, this true Silence is nature, the true Silence of which I speak, where the apparent movement is non-apparent movement, they happen and even coexist, it is the real and immobile self that you are.

Therefore, this Planetary Center is lived by human consciousness here, at the moment it stops, at the moment of the pause of the movement, the pause between each movement. This is present there, most of the time imperceptibly. If you are going to analyze your own experience, to bring the memory of your experience, you will realize that there is a moment when there is a complete alignment of everything, there is a complete detachment from everything, where the senses themselves are obliterated, and this without no clear intention, that is, without any premeditation, without any predisposition, simply happens. They realize that there are times when they are acting or in the pause of any activity and do not know where they were, they simply were not. This is beyond Presence, which is different from being completely and even without attention focused on anything, relaxed, expanded attention, which is the true state of Presence. What I am talking about is the true Silence that they live in their experiences as Eron, which is beyond that. It is the moment of complete absence and this happens by lapses, in an instant you are not ... And then they are. Because they cannot define if in that fraction of a second it was a non-being, they cannot define, describe, limit. The feeling they have is of not having been, that they were absent, but they cannot be certain, because there is no reference of space or time for a location or even relocation. It is a complete a-location, that is: Eron. This is the end of self-perception.

It's time ... And realize, it is not because of a progression that occurs. This is here as a factor that sustains the experience itself. This is not the goal, I did not say that. I have said that this is the end of self-perception. The end in the sense that: when there is no longer self-perception, this is the state to be, the state that will simply be. But this is not the objective. The goal of self-perception is that you recognize yourself as Silence, that you recognize yourself as the Space where everything happens, that you recognize yourself as the unique and immovable Eternal Self. But the goal of self-perception is 'a-location', it is the moment in which the I undoes or reabsorbs itself in all its expressions, all its phases and masks, therefore no experience is possible anymore. This will come to the Universe as a whole, all at once, but not now, for a long time yet, not now. But what comes back, is the ability, that at any time, simply and there is no word that can describe it, because the word referred to a human movement, perhaps by a simple intention, understood as the non-movement of awareness. What returns is the ability of a simple intention of the Consciousness to return to this 'a-location', to be, or Being : this 'a-location' as a pause in the Dance itself. But this is not the goal of self-perception, nor is it the goal of the process that develops on this planet.

The objective of the process that takes place on the planet within Eron is the return of the science of the immobile Being. And this science, of course, is not an intellectual knowledge, it is not a knowledge to obtain. It is the reality of what you are. As Concerts you are a still Being. But this experience does not happen and did not happen for the Consciousness, once arrived at the matter, with the objective of forgetting and separation. The science of the motionless Being returns to Matter and as consciousnesses, you effect the science of the Motionless Being in the matter that you encourage.

We will develop practices in future meetings, this first contact is for you to approach the basic tone of Eron, which will be the tone of our meetings of these two days: the immobile axis, the untouched Being, the true Silence, space where Everything happens, the movement and the apparent non-movement, the sound and the apparent absence of sound, this is the basic note of Eron, which will be the thread of our experiences in these two days when we will be here under the aegis of Eron.

Are there any questions? There is something that should be clear, and this is a space for exchange, so this is not intended to be a monologue, but a conversation of friends. After all this process that we live together is a symbol of encounter between two humanities, luckily there is much that we can change in this exchange, in these experiences that we will develop. So if there are adjustments, if there are questions, if there are expressions that within you seek to leave, let everything flow . The synthesis of our meetings, will be the code that will be sacralized and will be shared with all mankind, so feel comfortable, do not repress.

Participant : Can I ask before the question space?

Of course, of course, of course, and colorations too, realize. It's not just questions because I'm not a teacher. (Laughs)

Participant: There is talk of self-perception, which is the dissolution of the "I" and that this is not going to happen now, this "I" of which he speaks is obviously the "I" masked, that of the different masks?

When I referred to the moment of 'a-location' that arrived for the universe as a whole, I was referring to the silence of its own Consciousness, of the real and unique Self. It is a silence of the Consciousness itself, since that I will not possess at that moment a material pole on which it is reflected, and that it uses as a reference for its experiences. It is not an annihilation in that sense or Nirvana, as Brother Buddha shared in his teachings, which was very misunderstood. It is not an annihilation, it is a state, a natural condition, because there is no more experience of experiences, so it makes no sense that there is an I. And Consciousness itself is no longer perceived as an I. That is why I said: “the end of self-perception”, since there can only be perception when there is an I, to which to turn, but the sense of 'I' exists in relation to its matter, the matter that constitutes it or perceived. And that what I am talking about is therefore, on a universal scale. This is only for those who are shrewd, who realizes the cosmic universal. As far as the process in humanity is concerned, it is yes, the dissolution or resorption of the masks of the perceiver, in a human consciousness that is, of course, is only a reflection of the perceiver.

Participant: Is it a micro process and a macro process?


Participant: It is a process that occurs in humanity and a process that occurs in the universe: is it simultaneous?

Simultaneous and at the same time successive. At no time is it all at once, at any linear time it is not successive. Time is coexistent with undifferentiated matter and the development of time follows a pattern of organization of the particles of this matter.

Well brothers, if you have nothing else to add at this point, I will leave you at the moment, and following the flow I will return to continue with our program

In addition to the conversations at the end of each second day, the Divine Mother will be present with us to complete our passage through each of the Chromas, of these aspects of the Primordial Fire, with a comforting message for the soul. It will be a really very dynamic event, very happy and timely.

Participants : Gratitude!

Rakmé greets you in this silence that we are, see you later, see you forever.


REVIEW: Agnimitra.




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