Free Promotion “Accompaniment of the spiritual Adoula”, during 2015

  • 2015


If you have fertility problems or if you are already pregnant and would like to enrich your experience by connecting with the future baby and thus enjoy all the benefits of accompanying the spiritual Adoula (for example by creating aware of your pregnancy experience) from here on end of the year or you have the opportunity to do it for free or covering the minimum expenses in exchange for a video testimony / interview about your experience; all for training and dissemination purposes of this precious work.

If you are interested, you can write to:

Who is the Spiritual Adoula?

Working with an Adoula is a unique, sacred and joyful experience. Feeling the connection with your child during pregnancy and guiding him with his breathing and awareness through the birth canal is perhaps the greatest gift he could offer his son baby .

Adoula is an old name that means " connector " or " birth connector . " It refers to the impartial third party who is an expert in making the connection with the new baby . The word also means someone who helps with the maternity energies of the Spirit.

Today the pregnancy and childbirth process is considered a clinical process (medical and hospital). But this process is only the RESULT of what happens with the baby, in other planes: because birth is a spiritual process first and the experiences that the baby has going through the birth canal (during the nine months) drastically influence the type of experience the parents will have during this period.

At all times the birth canal - which the child's soul has to go through to incarnate in a physical body on Earth - is full of many beings, of different levels of consciousness and many of them feel trapped and lost; crossing it can be a chaotic and even traumatic experience. In this sense, the connection with the parents is so beneficial, because the being (his future son) who is in this “birth canal or vortex” can feel the love of his parents, can feel his loving guide and feel safe also during the months of gestation . It is clear that after the birth the parents and the child - who have already been " chosen " and " known " during the months of pregnancy - enjoy a relationship and communication that is fluid, solid and full of love. That will make the integration of the baby in the family natural and their emotional and physical health is favored with respect to other children who have not had this opportunity. Entering the physical body and becoming part of the new family will be much easier for babies who have connected with their parents in advance.


The main tools of the spiritual Adoula and the parents are conscious choice and breathing . During the sessions with their Adoula, parents will feel like there is a new breath that joins them, that of the future baby. It is an experience full of joy for everyone!

From there until the date of delivery, the breathing of the Adoula and the parents will be like a “light in the midst of darkness” for the future baby and through this connection he will feel guided, loved, desired, chosen and safe. I will know that everything is fine.

Under normal conditions, the woman becoming pregnant connects energetically with the “birth canal or vortex.” According to her state of consciousness, emotional situation and ancestral lineage she will be attracting one being or another to her family. It is likely that the parents have not made a conscious choice to have a baby and that the mother is not aware of her innate ability to create her own pregnancy experience; that he is not aware, for example, that he can "form a team with his body" during the period of pregnancy and childbirth, etc.

This possible lack of awareness during pregnancy could be responsible for many of the complications and discomforts during the period of pregnancy, delivery and postpartum.

Many times the postpartum depression - which occurs both in the mother and in the father - is because another being has arrived in the family instead of the one the mother had chosen from her heart; but at the last moment another being came and took the place that the mother wanted.

All this does not usually happen when parents work with their Adoula and make a conscious choice to have their baby and then breathe regularly to establish and keep this connection alive until the date of delivery.


In addition, Adoula helps the mother to release limiting beliefs or / or blocked energies from previous experiences related to pregnancy, such as abortions, complicated previous births, or information related to the pregnancy of her own family and ancestral lineage , through conscious breathing in a safe and sacred environment. This release will take time as it implies an important change in women's health, but it is a golden opportunity for her to remember her ability to choose and consciously create the experience she wants for her pregnancy with the help and continuous support of the spiritual Adoula.

This facilitation is also useful in many cases when the mother seems unable to conceive and does not want to resort to artificial insemination or other invasive methods. In fact, when working with an Adoula, you cannot take any type of fertility medication.

The job has no side effects although it does mark a before and after in your life; since he will naturally begin to be more aware of what is happening in his day to day and so he will have the opportunity to make his own choices and finally create his new reality. Go from being a victim (or feeling helpless in the face of certain events) to being creative.


Working with your Adoula can START at any time before the seventh month of pregnancy - included before conception - and ends nine months after delivery.

This is an example of the package of services that Adoula can offer you:


Pregnancy is a path of transformation at all levels. When you consciously experience it, by choice, you can discover your own wisdom, guidance and inner power in a way that will change your life.

How is the session?

On a practical level, we will connect with your baby on an energy level, through specific techniques of conscious breathing and you will be able to feel the Self and discover the soul that will reach your family.

You will be able to communicate with your baby while it is still in your belly.

Your Adoula will also help you clean and release fears, worries, as well as emotional and mental patterns related to previous births, your own, or your ancestral lineage, or with your own birth, etc. and other energy obstacles, in order to create A joyful, healthy and conscious pregnancy and childbirth experience.

The sessions are usually held every two weeks, during the second trimester of pregnancy; Weekly sessions are recommended in the first and last trimester of pregnancy.

After delivery, we recommend a couple of sessions of energy release, according to your individual needs.

By Skype (phone) or in person. First session is informative.

By appointment by writing to:


If you have health, or emotional problems (stress, fears, insecurities, etc.) or other mysterious reasons that prevent you from conceiving, these sessions will help you eliminate all obstacles and get the support you seek. in order to create the safe, sweet and loving space for the arrival of your baby.

In our society you can become very disconnected from the natural energies of birth, (from the innate energies of the Goddess / feminine qualities within each of us) that are essential to conceive and give birth .

The use of fertility medication is not allowed.

By Skype (phone) or in person. First session is informative.

By appointment writing to


For every action and every process from conception to childbirth there is an inverse process, from childbirth to approximately nine months later. There is a huge amount of energy release that takes place over a period of approximately nine months after delivery.

The mother will release, gently and gradually, some of the energies that have accumulated during pregnancy. This will make it much easier to conceive again, if you wish, as well as to give birth more easily a second time.

Traumas and wounds that have formed with the first birth will also be released. It will make breastfeeding easier and more rewarding. The connection with the newborn baby will be strengthened.

Sessions, once a week, approximately 20 minutes, during the first three months; once every two to three weeks up to nine months after delivery.

By Skype (phone) or in person.

By appointment writing to


It can be a complementary service to working with an Adoula since it is sometimes necessary to release and balance energy blockages in physical, mental or emotional bodies.

We are CREATORS. We are CONSCIOUSNESS. Each person creates his story and invites the energy to come to serve his creation. Old stories and belief systems can travel with a person through the centuries until they are consciously given permission to let them go, or create an event that releases this energy.

Everything is energy and the changes we make in our interior, cause great changes in our environment, at all levels of our lives.

The "New Energy" is now available to those of us who choose to create their new life in a conscious way, as they create experiences and expand their own consciousness. Working in a safe and sacred space, through a conscious choice, a beautiful process of cleaning and return to balance is experienced. Often, the information that everyone needs comes through these sessions. It works with the New Energy, as well as with an energy full of compassion. Compassion is the way "out of the old", towards the new. Compassion does not mean that you have to love or that you have to like everything you are. Compassion does not assign a positive or negative emotion to each experience, rather, it allows such events to be released from all emotion and when this occurs, those experiences are released and allowed to evolve naturally.

Modern technology allows working outside geographical boundaries and sessions over the phone or over the Internet (Skype) are as intimate and powerful as those in person. By appointment writing to


Other benefits of working with your Spiritual Adoula:

Benefits for parents :

1 Reduce the need for a C-section by 50% due to the mother's best biological balance

2 Reduce by 50% the need for epidural analgesia or other medication during labor

3 Elimination of anxiety and depression after childbirth; many of the problems related to breastfeeding and other emotional problems that occur after birth will be eliminated

4 Increase the fertility rate by 50%

5 Reduce the mother's anxiety throughout the pregnancy process, childbirth and postpartum

6 Relieve labor considerably

7 Eliminate the mystery related to birth, because the parents will already know the child; so anxiety, fear and uncertainty will disappear. Some of the unusual biological changes that women experience as well as unusual biological needs will also disappear; this is going to be an absolutely beautiful and spiritual experience

8 Choose the type of child, in terms of connection: karmic, ancestral, crystal child, etc. and the option of choosing a different connection will be offered

9 Establish a beautiful alliance with the body and be able to choose the date of delivery

10 Obtain valuable information about who these children are, before they are born; In all cases, after the children are born, the parents are very clear that this child is the Being with whom they have previously connected

11 Because this work facilitates a connection with the child, it allows the spiritual Adoula to work both with a partner or an individual they are adopting, and with a replacement mother. This provides incredible help for adoptive couples and allows them to establish a connection with the baby while they are out of the physical processes of pregnancy

12 Helps establish a lasting bond between parents and children; The information and intuitive knowledge that parents receive while working with Adoula is a great help for them in raising these children

13 Because there is a clear and balanced connection with the child, this establishes a better biological balance in the mother. "We are ensuring that not only is biology healthy and that biology accepts, but all etheric connections have also been made correctly."

Benefits for the baby :

1 It will come in the appropriate time frame

2 It will be healthier (it will be easier for you to enter a physical body)

3 He will be happier - he knows that he was chosen and that he is loved and accepted

4 It will be healthier, especially during the first year or two

5 You will not cry so much for feeling discomfort in the physical body or discomfort that you feel comes from parents

6 It will advance faster in the first five or six years of life - it will be smarter

7 It will be more flexible

8 You will not have the level of sensitivity, such as allergies and diseases that are common in newborns.

The parents understand that the work of the Adoula is carried out in a spiritual field. This work does not replace that of any medical professional , nor will your Adoula advise you from the medical point of view . The Adoula is part of the team that assists the family in the process of pre-conception , conception , pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum.

The main objective of the " spiritual childbirth " work is to make a deeper connection, from the spiritual and energetic point of view between the father or the parents and the child, before birth. As a result, the process of pregnancy and physical delivery can be more bearable and satisfying. This is not a guarantee , but a potential. Parents learn to be treated throughout this pregnancy with honor and compassion .

Source: Adamus Saint-Germain Birth School and Adoulas experiences from around the world. There is currently an International Adoulas Association

Author of the article: Denise Grace Nicolau Adoula Spiritual and Teacher Teacher and New Energy Facilitator Email: Tél: (34) 620 567 853 Skype: denisen6

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