Why do we accept or reject information? The three phases of mental processes

  • 2015

I've been trying to sit down and write a new article for days. But there is no way. It seems that the higher planes had the "frozen" non-physical reality, in the process of updating, repairing, or changing, and, therefore, all the non-physical processes for something "physical" to materialize, that is, literally, standing, frozen or going in very slow motion.

As I feel unable to access “higher” strata to “tune in” concepts, ideas or information that I can translate into articles, it is time to work with what is already “ almost at ground level ”, that is, it is time to work on projects whose materialization It does not depend at this time on the movements in higher levels, and capture things that I already have half worked, and, therefore, materialized from the world of ideas and causes, to the world of effects and day to day.

In this case, what I was doing yesterday, I was trying to put in writing and understand, and then be able to explain correctly, the process of why we sometimes accept and reject information that comes to us, why some people accept as valid an idea and others do not, because some people come to believe something and others do not, because for some a concept is correct and valid, and for others not. Some of this we have seen throughout these months in several articles, since it is related to the programs and archetypes inserted in our mental spheres, the information protection programs and the same “ego” program, which blocks all that that goes against its initial programming and its parameters. Even so, another factor that prevents something from “ entering in our psyche, and changing or modifying it, inserting new ideas or concepts that could jeopardize programming and behavior, belief system and way of seeing the world that we have, are the different runic components inserted in the behavioral pattern.

The three phases of mental processes

All new information, data, knowledge, etc. that comes to us goes through three phases before being completely archived, used, discarded or integrated into our psyche, consciousness, mental body, etc.

The first step is the acquisition or process of recording information, which occurs when we acquire through our five senses, these new information, which come in the form of electrical impulses, waves, signals and perceptions, to the brain. In this article from months ago, I explained why it is highly recommended not to read, or study, or do intellectual activities with television, radio or other background noises, since not only the “data” of the book is recorded and collected that you are reading, but on a pre-conscious level, you absorb and record (and then store) what you are not listening to from radio or television without realizing it. Check the article for more details.

Thus, in the information absorption phase, and due to the energetic and metabolic work of the cytoplasm of brain neurons, energy particles called "alphas" are released, which become another type of particles called " analphas ", and that they function as the virgin raw material so that the first phase of the mental process takes effect. It is in these analogies, energy particles of the neuronal cytoplasm, where the electrical impulses that make up the information that has entered through our senses are recorded, whether we are aware of all that information or not.

Data comparison

The second phase of the mental process is the data comparison phase. This is when the behavior patterns recorded on the runic board of the mind are used, which we have already talked about before as well. These "runes" have been recorded throughout life through endless experiences, and define our way of acting and understanding things, reality, defining what each one considers as their " own truth ", its particular universe of existence, different, of course, from that of any other person. Thus, any information that comes to us, when entering through our physical senses and recording in the neuronal analogs, is automatically compared with the behavioral pattern, causing that, as a result of said comparison, the information received is rejected or accepted, if it agrees with the Preset “reality” of the person or if he does not. As we all have infinite variations of behavior patterns on our runic board, what is valid for some is not for others, what is true for one is not for the rest (in addition to the other filters mentioned above as archetypes and programs inserted).

In this case, all or much of what is rejected by the conscious mind automatically becomes processed by the subconscious mental sphere, which can then decide to finish discarding it or keep it eternally in our "mental" files without the conscious mind notice it.

The archiving phase

The last phase of the mental process is then the archiving phase, in which the information is stored in an orderly manner, as if it were a large library, by themes, or by archetypes rather (everything related to a concept, is kept together ), having easy access to information, since, neuronally, we have “ indexed ” the position in the mental layer of all the data received, as we could have in the cloud in different folders sorted by different data topics, and in our computer a Excel sheet that indicates the url of where each of them is on the network.

In short, the fact that a new piece of information or information is accepted or rejected by any of us, has a lot to do with the type of configuration that one is carrying on his behavioral pattern . Deprogramming it from everything that results or produces a limiting system of beliefs, allows us not to discard, at least automatically, any new concept that could help us expand our sphere of consciousness, once properly processed and analyzed by the conscious mind, before deciding if it is worth incorporating it into what is part of our knowledge or if it serves us in our particular path of personal evolution.

a hug,

AUTHOR: David Top

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