New Codes for Planet Earth - Abundance and Economic Balance for All, Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

In the economic structure of the Old Earth a system was established through which only a few could become extremely rich while the majority became impoverished. In reality this was achieved thanks to a manipulative way of thinking that generated an illusion of scarcity and lack, creating economic oppression and "slavery." On a global scale, twenty percent of the Earth's population consumes eighty percent of the planet's resources, generating more imbalances and illusions of scarcity and lack that allow even greater abuse of the Planet and its Peoples. In the energy of the New Earth, this system will be gradually replaced by another emerging system of global cooperation and communication, which will allow to share Love, Resources and Capacities.

Dear Lightworkers, in this month of February 2008 you will again begin to feel energies of Movement and Change on your planet. Yes, at the beginning of this new cycle, you will begin to see the Material Manifestation of the New Earth come true.

These changes will focus on the World Economic System and its purpose will be to create an equitable balance of resources across the planet. In February there will be several important planetary alignments that will contribute to the activation process.

On February 7 there will be a solar eclipse in Aquarius that will allow Earth to reset the Solar Codes of global community energy. Then, on February 21, the full moon will be accompanied by a total lunar eclipse in Virgo. At that time the Earth will reset its Moon Codes to receive the Lunar Male Energy transmissions from the Galactic Center. This Lunar Male Energy is the soft, loving and sustaining energy that will replace the power of submission and control to create the new economic and social structures of the New Earth. Dear ones, you can also see it as follows: on February 21 the Sun will be in Pisces and the Full Moon in Virgo. At that time, the I AM energy of the Earth, represented by Pisces, will be aligned with its Material Manifestation, represented by Virgo, so the Earth will begin its final process of aligning its Planetary Higher Being with its Physical Being. Both will become One. Heaven begins to manifest on Earth.

In addition, at this time the Earth also feels the influence of Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn, as well as that of Saturn in Virgo. Capricorn and Virgo are Earth signs that sustain the energies of the Material Plane. Jupiter, which will be this year in Capricorn, brings the energy of Awakening and Expansion to the earthly plane. Pluto, who leaves Sagittarius to enter Capricorn, brings the energy of Transformation from the Spiritual Plane to the Material. Saturn, which will be in Virgo for the next two years, brings the energy of the Restructuring to the Material Level.

Dear ones, you are entering a very exciting phase of the Transformation Process that is taking place on your Planet. As balance is restored in the Material Plane, they will finally begin to see the Material Manifestation of Heaven on Earth. You truly are One; Therefore, they will begin to create in their Global Community an Abundance that can be shared by All.

The process has already begun and you, as awake Lightworkers, are asked to help others understand the Changes and Transformations that will soon occur on your Planet on a Global Scale. Know that each of you is exactly where you should be right now. Some of you occupy Leadership positions, so your job will be to help many people go through the changes that will affect the lives of all the people on Earth.

At the Higher Level, at the level of your I AM, each of these people who are on Earth right now agreed to go through these changes. However, you, as Lightworkers fully aware of the power of the Fifth Dimension energy you work with, will be the Leaders who will be asked to lead these people towards a new sense of Community and Cooperation. Yes, we know it is not easy, but we have absolute faith in each of you. When we saw them leave the Star Homes of their Souls to go to incarnate on Earth, we knew they would not fail. We knew that they had the Motivation, the Dedication the Power necessary to ensure that this Transformation could occur in the best possible way. That is why we attend with immense Expectation and Joy to your entry into this final phase of your Transformation Work.

The Old Energy Leads to the New

When the activation of the New Codes for Material Change occurs in the Planetary Body, they will be asked to face some challenging energies. When the Old meets the New, resistance always occurs. But you, as Lightworkers and Teachers, are already accustomed to the processes of Transformation and know how to stay focused on Love and Peace, without being carried away by energies such as fear and the panic. Because, in truth, that will be your job in the near future.

In the economic structure of the Old Earth a system was established by which only a few could become extremely rich while the majority became impoverished. In reality, this was achieved thanks to a manipulative way of thinking that generated an illusion of scarcity and lack, creating oppression and economic slavery. On a global scale, twenty percent of the population of the Earth consumes eighty percent of the planet's resources, which generates more imbalances and illusions of scarcity and lack that allow abuses to be committed. n elders on the Planet and its Peoples.

In the energy of the New Earth, this system will be gradually replaced by another emerging system of cooperation and global communication, which will allow to share Love, Resources and Capabilities. And we tell you, Dear Lightworkers, that you are the Leaders of this process. It will not be an achievement of governments by themselves since, for the most part, they have too much invested in the Old Earth's energy system. The New Earth will be created by Lightworkers who have Vision, Passion, Motivation and Dedication, but who also have the capacity to create structures based on their communities. Love, in Sharing and in Supporting. They will create the models through which the New Earth will manifest.

Dear ones, many of you are already committed to this type of work, and many others are going to be summoned to work on these projects and surrender in this way. But also know that each and every one of you is going to be asked to serve the Greater Good by managing those energies in your own lives in a balanced and loving way. When you face these changes and the resistance to them that may arise in people, remember that they are One, that everyone is connected and that they can help each other maintain balance and remain clean and free from fear.

This equilibrium process will have two aspects. Some may experience the illusion of loss because the rebalancing procedure causes fear of the recessioni n, the market crash of values ​​and bankruptcy, as well as other fears related to economic survival that are deeply rooted and that will appear to be cleansed of their physical bodies and of the physical records of the Planet. Know, dear ones, that the end of this process will be for you to obtain your Economic Freedom, for which you will be required to make some small sacrifices. Know that throughout your progress through this process of change and realignment will always be taken care of and sustained.

Of course, the challenge could also come from elsewhere. Some people who never had abundance may suddenly find themselves having to manage resources for groups of people, which will require financial acuity and skills that they must learn. In this case, the issue will not focus on losses but on how effectively they manage large-scale resources so that many people can materially benefit from them.

In addition, as they go through these changes and acquire new skills, they will have to make use of male lunar energy. Work with Love, Tenderness and Compassion, but remain rooted and be orderly, organized and practical. It is time for your dreams to take root in the demonstration with the help of this new energy!

Know that you have the necessary skills

Remember, dear ones, that you already have all the skills of a Master of Light, skills whose help you will need in this process.

You know how to create and manifest what you need through your Rooting, Concentration and Intention. What they should never have is fear.
You know how to handle the illusions generated by fear, emotions such as panic, depression or anxiety derived from disaster awareness. Stay focused on your Hearts, Faith and Unconditional Love. Know that all is well.
You know how to be in your Hearts and feel the Abundance, Love, Peace and Joy that are always available to all when you experience the Divine Essence of your I AM. They should not fear loss or lack.
The Energies of February 2008

The solar eclipse in Aquarius on February 7, in New Moon, will provide a moment to ponder the planting time of the New Global Community. The lunar eclipse of the Full Moon in Virgo will be the right time to perform Earth Ceremonies in honor of this new turn of the earth's evolution and the creation of abundance for all the peoples of the Earth. At that time, dear ones, you can focus on the incoming lunar masculine energies and work with them to become part of their lives.

The energies of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will result in you starting to feel more clearly in your life the deep restructuring that is taking place as you enter this new cycle.

And, dear ones, don't forget that February 14 is Valentine's Day! It is time for fun and to celebrate Joy and Romantic Love. After all, the ability to "fall in love" is one of the greatest joys of being in a human body on Planet Earth. And, truly, Joy will be what helps them easily overcome these challenging times. So, on February 14, why not celebrate Love in all its forms and not just Romantic Love? Make it a day when World Unconditional Love and the Joy of Abundance for All is celebrated!

Starchild Latin America:

In April and May 2008, Celia Fenn will travel to Argentina and Chile to conduct workshops with the energy of Archangel Michael and the Cetaceans, as well as two Ceremonies for the Earth, private channels and participatory group meetings. You will find more information on our page or by writing to or

More information at You can download the pipes of Celia Fenn in Spanish, in Word file, in

© 2007-8 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

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Translation: Paloma Fernández Fernández.

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