Dying to Live ...

  • 2014

We live in a universe that supports us, but we do not live in a system that supports us, and this is the primary problem that influences our lives through our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual perspective. The system we live in is a slow burning in a personal and private prison of negative emotions perpetuated by antiquated ideals about energy, government and finance. Our society is not operating based on teaching us to live healthy lives and prospering in Well-being instead of teaching us to die slowly. From the smallest proton to the vast Universe there is a constant and continuous force, and that force is energy. Energy never dies, it simply changes shape, and this is also the definition of Spirit or "God." We don't have to be "religious" to use something as simple as science and energy to "prove" that energy exerts a effect on each and all of us. We can use our reasoning of energy to determine how our society shapes and shapes our emotional and spiritual health to obtain a fundamental basis for how energy profoundly influences our daily lives.

All energy has its own frequency, which is the rate at which energy vibrates. It is a proven fact that negative energy vibrates at a much lower frequency than positive energy. As seen in the molecular experiment of water, Love has the highest vibration of all and creates sacred geometry when the energy of Love is directed to the water molecule. Human Beings are also composed of energy, and our energy is our Source of Life itself because our bodies could not function without energy. In volume, the human body produces 60, 000 times as much luminosity per cubic centimeter as the Sun, which makes us Human Beings quite radiant indeed! The simple thing about emotional energy is that there are only 2 emotions from which all other emotions are born, and they are Love and Fear. Obviously fear is negative and Love is positive, and we can visualize the difference. This means that if a negative energy is directed at a person, society, religion or social class, then we are all affected in some way through judging and 'labeling' or the 'ego', which is a mentality of service to itself.

At this point we should all be familiar with the "elite" or 1% that has the majority of world wealth and prosperity. An article in Forbes Magazine states that almost half of the world's wealth belongs to only 1% of the population. (http://www.forbes.com/sites/laurashin/2014/01/23/the-85-richest-people-in-the-world-have-as-much-wealth-as-the-3-5 -billion-poorest /). The fact that there is a global elite in the first place suggests an imbalance. If we live in a “Free Will” Universe, then how is it possible that we can be so trapped and confined within a system where we allow a select few to speak for the masses? This also implies an imbalance because most of us do not remember choosing whether or not to participate in the system since we were born. This elitist system is based on conditions, rules, structures, labels and limitations that encourage and have the expectation that society will create a self-made image of perfection in order to feed 1%. If we can find a way to empty our rate of everything we think we know, we can reexamine the situation from a higher perspective. The system operates with fear, stress, trauma and negative energy of its participants. It is imperative to start freeing the mind of propaganda programmed to keep society very repressed and controlled and that gives power to governments, the media, doctors, banks, corporations and pharmaceutical companies. Like the "Wizard of Oz, " there is a proverbial "man behind the curtain" that is pulling the puppet strings of a few in order to manipulate the many.

Mental slavery is the worst form of slavery. It gives you the illusion of freedom, it makes you trust, love and defend your oppressor, while making enemies of those who are trying to open your eyes or free you. ” ~ ELI ~ I recently watched a Hollywood movie, "A Slave For 12 Years, " based on the book written by Solomon Northrup. It is the true story of how he, a free man, was taken and forced into slavery for 12 years. Solomon Northrup knew freedom, but other slaves who were born in slavery could not be convinced that they were truly “slaves.” This raises the question of how we can know that we do not know in the first place. Even more, if we are born in an invisible slavery system based on the prison of fear and negativity, how can we recognize it if that is all we know and all that our parents know? Especially if our parents and their parents perpetuated a mentality based on fear, passing it from generation to generation. Fear is the most negative energy of vibration that exists, and the most "hateful" thing we can do is to encourage each other to be in fear or pain due to our belief systems. Keeping the general population in fear we feel “threatened” whether we realize it or not, and in fact the US has been in a “State of Emergency” declared since 1933, which is an intention of fear ( http://www.barefootsworld.net/war_ep.html). This fear leaves us in a state of constant stress, in a “fight or flight” reaction brought by him, leaving the Being silently consumed by the unhealthy emotions that fear brings in many of its forms. In strong contrast, the Universe that supports us is drifting with activity and is Unlimited and Infinite by nature. The point is that if we are supporting an "elitist" system, the Universe is also supporting this system because we live in a universe that supports us. It is quite obvious that the “elite feels that they are entitled to Resources, including energy, water and financial wealth, but where does this leave the remaining 99%? As a child of my Creator, it is very logical and apparent to me that I don't have to earn my right to be here in the first place, and I certainly shouldn't pay or fight for my resources since they are for ALL of us, not just for a select few. I don't know who decided that they were in charge of auctioning the resources that belong to ALL the children of Humanity. When we support an elitist agenda, we are in fact allowing ourselves to yield our Power to a type of authoritarian figure and we think that this authoritarian figure will come to rescue us when times get difficult. As many are noticing, this is not going to happen, and the frightening thing is that the agenda has never been in favor of the masses, and despite this we support it anyway, and not only that, we teach We are going to support our children. This leaves behind a legacy that cannot be sustained by itself or our planet that is being consumed by our physical and spiritual negativity. Electric power is present everywhere in unlimited quantities, and can boost the world's machinery without the need to use coal, oil or gas Nicola Tesla ~ Energy is an important factor in this discussion, especially when one takes into account that the Free Energy Technology has been around for quite some time. The fossil fuel and the petro d lar are the basis of our slavery because they give the ite all the excuses she needs to invade pa ses for its resources under the guise of terrorism. If there are a select few stealing mass energy through fossil fuel when there is a better way m s clean, we can begin to see how global resources have been manipulated to fill the pockets of the few while leaving the masses in poverty, disease, without shelter and hungry. The main means of communication are the property of corporate conglomerates such as those of the Koch Brothers, who by the way acted in favor of their agendas by making them law and government, and decide whether or not to report their dealings in the means of communication. This is also true of pharmaceutical companies in that they do not promote Healing or Wellbeing, but rather invent diseases so that they can take advantage by treating drugs. Symptoms, but not typically the root cause. It is inconceivable that insurers refuse to pay for the most holistic treatments and approaches to healing in general or to administer a cure that they very possibly possess. Have you ever noticed how doctors know exactly which surgery to perform or which prescription drug that treats only the symptoms but rarely the root cause of the disease? There are abundant "diseases" these days also if we see psychology, trauma (PTSD = Post-traumatic Disorder), addiction and depression. There is always a pill and a solution in the form of "instant gratification" so that one can brighten his face and return to work, or jump through hoops to maintain an economic solution when one is unable to "make a living." time or financial resources for Sanar, unless they travel in the crazy train or prison truck on a road that cannot sustain the self-made image of perfection. There is a great documentary called "Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare" [The Fight to Rescue The American Health System (US), highly recommended if you question the state of the Health System in the US Image: “The corporate revolution will collapse if we refuse to buy what they are selling… their ideas, their version of history, their wars, their armaments, their notions of inevitability. Remember this: we are the many and they are the few. They need us more than we need them. Not only is another world possible, he is on his way. On a silent day I can hear him breathing. ”~ Arundhati Roy ~. The war machine is what the "elite" rely on to keep the population in fear and terror, while remaining in control of finances and resources. There is no Love in war and nobody ever "wins" with it, as is evident in the "tiredness of war" that has captured the hearts and minds of the masses. And yet, we are at the edge of our seat waiting for the next excuse to invade a country rich in resources or to someone who is considering ending the fiat dollar in the best interests of Humanity. There is an extremely important decision of the Supreme Court in the “Hobby Lobby” case that will provide more “evidence” that the government's agenda is unilateral in that corporations, by law, have the same rights as individuals. That means we have a Corporate Government and not a Government that is Del Pueblo, Por el Pueblo Y Para el Pubelo as stated in the Constitution, and therefore violates our Constitutional Rights of Life, Freedom, and the Persecution of the happiness. Our senators and congressmen are arguing about corporate interests and we are also looking at this lately regarding a recent decision of the Supreme Court of “McCutcheon v. FEC ”(http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-04-03/understanding-the-supreme-courts-campaign-finance-ruling). Cited for mobilization at: Amend.org: “On January 21, 2010, with its ruling in the case“ Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission ”[United Citizens vs. Federal Electoral Commission], the Supreme Court ruled that corporations were people with rights granted by the US Constitution to buy elections and administer our government. ”Human beings are people; Corporations are legal fictions. We, the People of the United States of America, reject the opinion of the US Supreme Court in United States Citizens and other related cases, and mobilize to amend our Constitution to firmly establish that money is not speech, and that human beings, not corporations, are people entitled to their constitutional rights. The Supreme Court is wrong in principle, and wrong in the law. In a democracy the people rule.

We mobilize to amend.

". . . Corporations have no conscience, no beliefs, no feelings, no thoughts, no desires. Corporations help structure and facilitate the activities of human beings, for sure, and their 'personality' often serves as a useful legal fiction. But they certainly are not themselves members of “We the People” for whom and for whom our Constitution was established. ”~ Judge Stevens of the Supreme Court, January 2010 ″ To sign the Petition: http: //movetoamend.nationbuilder. com / petition

Christianity and other "religions" teach that there is a "God" who judges and sacrificed his Son in order to save us from our "sins", but this is not healthy and is another way of giving our energy to those who perceive being "above" us in some way. It teaches us that we / they can / can do whatever they want / want each other and the planet without consequences, when the Universal Law of Polarity declares that there is a Cause and Effect for everything. The true teachings of Jesus speak of the Power we have through the Law of Attraction to Create our reality, and this is what we do every day continuing to sell our Being to a select few while our children are dying in war, in famine, in emotional trauma and poverty. There is no judgment or condition in the Real emotion of Love, and it is the Christ Consciousness that must return to us from within, regaining our Power that we have chosen to yield “by default.” There is no “Messiah”, rather we are “we ”, And we are the ones we have been waiting for. Well, a great faith in “God” or the Law of Attraction is required to decide that we are no longer going to support the failed system of limitations that we have allowed to govern in an Infinite, Intelligent, Loving, Abundant Universe. As quoted in Tania Kotsos (http://blueprintsforbutterflies.com/2013/10/27/the-seven-universal-laws-explained-by-tania-kotsos/): “The Law of Correspondence (Immutable), the second of the seven Universal Laws. He tells us: “As it is above, it is below; as it is below, it is above ”. This means that there is "harmony, agreement, and correspondence" between the physical, mental and spiritual realms. There is no separation, since everything in the Universe, including you, originates from the One Source. The same pattern is expressed in all planes of existence, from the smallest electron to the largest star, and vice versa.

Everything is One. The Ancient Greek Temple of Apollo, in Delfi, referred to this great Law of Correspondence in the inscription: "Know yourself and you will know all the mysteries of the Gods and the Universe." This means that what we inflict on others through our limited perspective of what we are "told" vs. Truth is the same as hurting ourselves because we are all connected. The Truth is that we can no longer make excuses by denying in order to leave behind a legacy for our children that includes the planet on which we live. We have to begin to hold our governments, our financial systems, the large pharmaceutical companies and the corporations responsible for their actions because if we do not, we are allowing our own death, similar to an insecure victim allowing the addiction of this incredibly failed perception of “freedom. ”, Which actually teaches dependence.

Image: “Sometimes people hold a central belief firmly. When you are presented with evidence that goes against that belief, you cannot accept that evidence. This would create an extremely uncomfortable feeling called 'cognitive resonance.' And because it is so important to protest the central belief, they rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that does not fit the central belief. ”~ Frantz Fanon ~ Working with others involving emotional trauma, it occurred to me recently that it is much harder to heal if the misuse of energy and power that we have yielded on a personal level is misunderstood. Each individual is different, but our experiences speak of Solidarity and Unity. If we can wake up to the affairs of society without raising our hands by denying them helplessly, we can find our path to Spirituality again through this Freedom. If we can embrace our Power as the masses, we can begin to support a New Free Energy system and a responsible government, especially as regards the financing of the few. In an infinitely supportive Universe, we can begin to Live and Prosper through the Healing of the planet and the “trauma” we have suffered together while we were sleeping. ”We can shed our self-manufactured image of perfection in order to work through the process of Reconstruction of something that is in favor of 99% of US, the Human Race. A supportive "God" (Universe) is a LOVING force of energy that desires what WE want and will support us in unlimited ways. I believe that Free Energy Technology is the first of many waves of our "liberation, " and it is now being distributed for free via the Internet and social media. Here is the key to open the lock of the Quantum Energy Generator via http://hopegirl2012.wordpress.com/2014/03/25/qeg-open-sourced/. From now on there will be no more energy thefts via fossil fuels, war, intrigues of great financial gains, and keeping the masses in fear. When we realize that our energy has been Free all the time we will see that the most important things are also Free, such as a Loving Universe and the Human Connection of Unity. She begins with each ONE and ALL of us, FOCUSING our energy in increasingly productive ways of changing our reality to ONE that is for the Greater Good of Planet Earth = the Heart and its Creatively Intelligent children, the Human Race.

Music to take Awareness: Michael Jackson - Man in the Mirror We would LOVE financial support today, in light of intense financial circumstances. If you are willing and in a position to support us in any way, please consider a LOVE donation. If you would like to arrange a FREE reading with us please send us an email to: Blueprints for Butterflies offers [Sessions of] Heart-Based Life Training, Spiritual Awakening, and Spiritual Reading Sessions. Please contact us at: to arrange a session or obtain more information. Copyright © The Moon Hippie Mystic. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and includes this copyright notice.

By Moon Hippe Mystic, http://blueprintsforbutterflies.com

Dying to Live ...

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