More Multidimensional news, by Lauren C. Gorgo

Settle in our New Grooves

In the last article on energies I told you that November would be a very powerful month of spiritual mastery ... a month to align ourselves fully with the new and true and a time to integrate the remaining fears that prevent us from mastery. And although we have not finished at all with this month of important transition (sorry friends, we have another 11:11:11 on 11/29/09), I wonder….

How did it go?

I guess they were either crushed by the incessant waves of purifying love ... or they were very busy finishing annoying details (relationships, careers, finances, etc.) of their past, so that they can meet the deadline of 12: 12 ... or they were busy packing and moving to a new location or looking for their new home on earth ... or maybe they were flooded with new ideas, plans, inspiration and / or great clarity around their new life, while slowly they began to get into position ... or maybe all those things.

From an energetic perspective, we (the collective we) are with the water up to the neck ... aligning ourselves at all levels with our superior choices and really having to finish things completely assuming full responsibility for our past miscreations and solving any issue that is draining our energy, so that we can effectively enter into the new and true without any ties at all. We really needed these blank boards, so that we can enter the flow of conscious creation and focus all our energy only on what we came to contribute here as we gathered to create the new earth.

As we get deeper into our lives and bodies, physical events (new people, couples, purposes) begin to take their place to introduce us into the new era, and the test of all our hard work is slowly beginning to appear as a greater clarity, new openings and solid practical opportunities.

And to be clear, this applies to all humanity, not only to those who are aware of the process of galactic ascension. Although we are all residing at different levels of consciousness, people everywhere are finally settling in their new furrows, starting their new lives and venturing along the path to living their true purpose.

It is really amazing and even a little disconcerting to finally begin to see the pieces of life that we knew would eventually come!

And please do not be discouraged if you still do not have the complete picture, nor the details or the physical vitality to fully dedicate yourself to these new realities / opportunities ... for those of us who have been holding the space for everyone else, we are so close to the magic of life in the 5th dimension that parts of it are leaking and are increasingly accessible to us; however, a little more patience is still needed to complete this unfathomable cleaning cycle.

The Cut of the Timelines

The star beings declare that on 12/12 the separation of the worlds of the reality matrix of lower polarization dimension, and the reality matrix of higher unification dimension, ends.

This means the absence of discord and the arrival of peace.

This is also the prophesied time for the road counters to activate their potential in mastery and fully assume their leadership roles… “those who reach the top will be the new leaders of a divine era and those who follow their example will be well taken care of in the kingdoms of the new earth ”. - Pleiadians

On an energy level, the resistance we have been feeling with respect to updating our dreams and potential is finally fading, and in its place is the supportive energy flow. I am hearing that the reason that this is now possible is due to changes in the magnetosphere, as discussed in previous publications ... those magnetic changes that are freeing the human race from slavery. Although it is an area of ​​pseudoscientific specialty that is revealing the nature of these events, all humanity will undoubtedly be affected by it.

Merkaba Activation

The galactic entrance / portal of 12:12 (12/12/09) signals the completion of a cosmic cycle and the separation of reality constructs based on fear. From a bio-energy perspective, this is possible through the activation of the perception field matrix of 12th dimension, or 12th dimension of consciousness.

“… A being with a sustained activation of the 12 strands of DNA and their corresponding 12 dimensions of consciousness, is known as a Christ being.

Once a sufficient amount of the divine plan has been activated, the human body can serve as a bio-electric conduit of interdimensional frequency, through which energy can flow from the substance without time or form, through the human body and towards the planetary grids of the Earth.

The frequency field of dimension 12 represents the pre-matter state of density that eternally contains the original plane for any manifest form. The activation of this field cuts all the constructs of the lower reality and places the Christ being in a protective layer of interconnected vortices that rotate in the opposite direction to each other to strengthen the ability of souls to create in a space of detachment from the lower forms of density…. ”- Pleiadians

So, basically, this 12D frequency field completes the activation of the Merkaba body as an ascension vehicle, which therefore allows the conscious application of managerial thinking to manifest in form.

In essence, Merkaba is a complex geometric field of energy conscious that surrounds each of us and is activated through the purified vibrations of love, faith, trust, truth and compassion, which allows us to expand to the next level of dimensional fields of existence and ascend progressively. Once we fully reach these fields of consciousness of higher dimensions, we are maintained in a phase of dimensionalized blocking that totally frees us from all the systems of holographic reality of lesser dimension. And therefore, peace.

21:12 The Portal

I am being shown that the solstice of 12/21/09 will create the door to enter the vibrations of the new earth.

This entry on the other side will appear in their lives and the members of the intergalactic societies that are here to help them will be visible to some at the beginning of their new beginnings.

This will have many global ramifications since soon those who have the ability to perceive inter-dimensional worlds will be more prominent in their ability to lead.

The new world is marked by those who have done the necessary thermal work to arrive and therefore sustain the vision for a unified and sustainable planet of peace and cooperation.

21:12 is the portal of interconnection between the past and the future, the entrance to the full presence.

This entry point is represented by the collapse of the timelines and is open to those who have reached the level of mastery and self-esteem necessary to exist comfortably in the realms of neutrality.

All those who have not yet reached the level of love necessary to self-activate, will simply return to the cycle of karmic cleansing in anticipation of planetary ascension. No one is lost, forgotten, or left behind.

For those on the truncated path of mastery, the interaction with duality ends here.

Physical Events

As we finish our unfinished business, and depending on the amount of cell memory imprints we have to clean, our physical bodies have definitely been working overtime to keep up with our energy demands this month.

Throughout November, and as the divine masculine and feminine energies merge through our heart centers, we have suffered some unprecedented openings of the heart. These clearances can manifest in the physical field as relationship problems (matters of the heart), incidents or projections of past disappointments / betrayals, bronchitis attacks, nausea, indigestion., ACIDEZ (licorice root helps with this), chest pain, back pain (between the shoulder blades) breast tenderness and swelling.

Where we are going, the intelligence of the heart will completely direct our reality and will dictate our impact on the world, which is the reason why our heart is cracking so painfully.

In addition to all that fun, we are also undergoing major electrical changes since we are rewiring to perceive the realities of greater vibration. These electrical changes can cause anxiety, restlessness, difficulty taking root, inability to complete things, irregular sleep patterns and insomnia, discomfort in the spine, stress and tension around the base of the neck and shoulders, buzzing and vibration in the extremities and the crown.

Add to that the usual symptoms of detoxification (bloating, fatigue, irritability, etc.) and things can still feel quite annoying on a physical level.

We have also had a lot of activity in the pineal and pituitary glands with the fusion of male / female polarities, so problems with the sinuses may be predominant at this time: vertigo and sinusitis, ear pain / congestion, acute ringing, post-nasal drip, incessant cough / cough, smell sensitivity, etc.

On the positive side (yes, there is one!), They may be experiencing random waves of happiness, great anticipation, clarity and inspiration, along with feelings of expansion and periodic experiences of timelessness, along with an increased psychic vision and perception of “ other worlds ”as we continue to balance between the past and the future. Answers to long-held questions may also appear suddenly, as well as some material manifestations and new connections with like-minded people.

So, although we are still mainly in the period of challenge and stillness ... and with only a few more portals to go through ... I am told that what is on the other side of that entrance can hardly be imagined with the human mind.

Fortunately for us, we will only be limited to the human imagination for a very limited time!

Wishing (to my American friends) a very happy Thanksgiving and a fun-filled holiday with family and friends!



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By Lauren C. Gorgo

November 24, 2009

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