Spiritual machines: processing idols in ideas.

  • 2010
Table of contents hide 1 10. The Clock 2 9. The Loom: 3 8. The Calculator. 4 7. Printing. 5 6. The generator. 6 5. The telegraph 7 4.The Cinematograph 8 3.The Computer. 9 2.The Internet. 10 1. The Laser

How do ideas become allegories to solve mysteries and work miracles? How does a spiritual machine work? An idea is a double polarity light source, the mystery is solved by synthesizing it, the magic is achieved by understanding it and the miracle is performed. (1) It is the human being who humanizes the cosmos, gives it a meaning, converts it into language, the basis of culture as a metaphor for the human spirit, and this is but a metaphor for the cells and their chemical reactions that to the they are another metaphor, as Octavio Paz puts it. The spirit transforms the sensible into signs and the signs of time are the expression of the period, in which the Spirit seeks the Spirit and the vibratory process necessary to use the forms. The Universe is a system and time is the measurement of states of consciousness. Humanity has known through time three great conceptions of the universe, with animism being the most logical and complete. The new concepts in physics have meant a profound change in the worldview: from the mechanistic perspective of Descartes and Newton to a systemic vision.





Animism Totemism

The magic.

The ritual

The loom-The vitality The ferris wheel-The emotionalityTranscendence Transmission
Mentalism Psychism

The projection.

The illusionims

Cinematograph - Awareness. Computer-The mind.Transmutation Transfer
Mysticism Developmentalism

The Yoga.


Generator-The Internet body -CultureTransfiguration Transformation

In an era in which we use creativity and technology to concretize ideas, in which we live surrounded by film projection and messages given by cartoons, we could affirm that we are back in animism, considering again omnipotence of ideas Time in which we consider that information is the power, and although that information is chaotic, when processed it becomes knowledge and when it is apprehended it becomes wisdom. Only when we give do we transition from knowledge to wisdom, from formulas to ideas, can we say that the spiritual machine has been used. An idea is high voltage energy. In order to know how to transform it, it is first necessary to possess a large amount of theoretical knowledge and, in addition to this, to have a lot of experience and to have had enough practical training. A clumsy way of handling an idea can produce the explosion of the idea; The fire starts, the idea burns and consumes everything around it. One of the great problems that humanity has had to face has been the enigma of time. At all times the philosophers have discussed the basic nature of time, while scientists have plunged into the study of phenomena that seem to demonstrate the flow of time from the past to the future and how the phenomena develop within that flow. It was Albert Einstein who, with the theory of special relativity, proposes spacetime as the idea that expresses the cyclical activity of an entity. Time is conceived as a succession of states of consciousness, the period in which the Spirit seeks the Spirit. Space is the form where conscious purposes and activities are developed. In the human being, space is that radius of action that his Consciousness development allows him to use, which can be greatly reduced depending on his mental model. Time is presented as a brain event and depends on the ability or inability of a person to record the speed of thought in his brain . When the concept of spirit is understood as the mode of consciousness in which the individual experiences a feeling of belonging and connection with the cosmos as a whole, it is clear that a systemic vision of reality is spiritual in its deepest essence.

10. The Clock

Proverb: A single swallow does not make the summer. Augurio: No, he doesn't, but he announces the good weather. Proverb: How do you announce it? Augury: just observe the day and time of your arrival in the sky of your region, your flight. Proverb: A swallow does not make the future, it only foreshadows it with very good intention, useful prediction only for vulgar people. Augury: he does not announce the future, but he enlightens it, shows it, comes before him, destabilizing the too dogmatic theories of scholars. The previous dialogue illustrates the importance that omens have had in popular wisdom, created according to an attentive observation of nature, of analogies, of coincidences and correlations between some of its manifestations and some of the phenomena. From two celestial phenomena such as the heliusan exit of Sirius and the summer solstice, and a terrestrial event, the beginning of the Nile flood, which fertilized the earth, was that the priests and scribes of the Ancient Egypt, they set the first day of their calendar. The astrolabe, a type of star map, was used to find or define the positions of the stars. The first practical use of astronomy in the first civilizations resided, probably, in the elaboration of calendars, essential to organize the social, economic and religious life of their communities. The stone circles gave the megalithic man a fairly safe calendar some 12, 000 years ago, but although he learned to use the sky to regulate his life, he continued to worship the stars, considered as a residence or even as a manifestation of powerful deities that controlled everything. Astrology has facilitated comparisons between the functioning of the macrocosm and the microcosm. As is known, some of the ancient gods have come, via astrology, to be psychic goals of personality, that is, qualities that the person has to acquire.


The instructions of the Bardo T dol, in particular, allow us to discern how great the danger of allowing the idols to dissolve consciousness. The dead is taught again and again not to take such figures as true, and not to confuse their pure brightness with the pure white light of consciousness, that is, not to project the unique Light of the concrete higher consciousness and thus dissolve in a multiplicity of partial systems: autonomous machines. Therefore, many of those who were previously gods have gone from being people to being personified ideas and, finally, to abstract ideas, since the vivified unconscious contents always appear first as projected outwards and, in the course of spiritual development, are gradually assimilated, via spatial projection, by consciousness and reformed into conscious ideas, which then lose their originally autonomous and personal character. The same happened with the consultation of the oracles. The Sphinx devoured those who approached it and could not solve the puzzle. The Allegory of the Sphinx means that there are questions of a certain kind that man should not ask himself unless he knows how to solve them. With Moisés, history no longer focuses on pharaohs or patriarchs, but rather on the community, which is experiencing a process of liberation, from slavery to socialization, from tradition to revelation. n, from oral to written. Moses could not look at the burning bush; on Mount Sina, he could not see the face of God. Allegory that expresses the terrible power and danger of new ideas that appear unexpectedly. When Moses went down from the mountain he found the people worshiping a calf, which he considered an offense to God. However the idols are still valid. With the arrival of Jesus, great importance was given to the fish even though it was credited with being the lamb of God. A philosophical machine based on the same principle was created by Raimundo Lulio, philosopher and alchemist of the 13th century. The machine consisted of concentric circles with words that designated ideas from different worlds placed in them in a certain order. When certain words were placed in a defined position, one in relation to another for the formulation of a question, other words gave the answer.

9. The Loom:

"Eureka" exclaimed Archimedes. The spinning wheel is an instrument that is practically not used today, with the exception of India, the Middle East and some countries of the Maghreb. During the middle ages this machine was used to spin hemp and linen. But before adopting such use, it was a ferris wheel that served to raise water from the well. The Loom expanded the work of the spinning wheel is a device built with wood or metal, which can be Craft or Industrial. In looms for flat fabric, the base threads, ON which it is woven are the warp, placed vertically. The threads with which weave, placed horizontally, are referred to as the weft . The weaving or weaving, is a process by which the warp is passed over and under the weft, crossing it. Thus, the fabric is finally achieved with this cross between weft and warp. The French mechanic Falcon built in 1728 a loom that worked with perforated wooden slats. In 1740 Jacques Vaucanson presented the first automaton loom. In 1801 Joseph María Jacquard incorporated a device for selecting the threads using perforated cardboard. In A text we find an operation similar to that of the loom. The text is a fabric of meanings that obey structural rules, in which the context and the reader modify the plot even if the warp is the same. A text implies other values, relates the human mind to the world of meanings and thus collaborates in the awakening of consciousness. That awakening of consciousness is found in the literary evolution of the epic to the novel. The difference between epic and novel is determined by that corresponding to Destiny and Free Will. In Epica the divinities that govern the world and govern human destinies are placed close to men like a father guiding his son, the adventures that heroes overcome are simply the itinerary of a previously traced path. The cavalry novel focuses on the one who dominates his body as the rider on his horse and finds in the Quixote the vertex between epic and novel, where the adventure is a search for transcendence, culminating in the sad finding that Gods have left the world. The modern novel we find the idealist, the human being wonders about the identity of the individual. The novel reaches maturity with the works of Flaubert and Dostoevsky. In the contemporary novel, man is defined by his speech. A new language consciousness, understood as a reality builder and not as a simple means of communication, led authors such as James Joyce and Virginia Wolf to seek, in the flow of individual consciousness, an answer to the question of identity. Thus, the hero of our day does not undertake as Odysseus, an adventure around the world to meet his Destiny, but instead makes an inner journey in search of himself and a meaning for his existence: His Free Will. When the human being reflects on the aphorism "What I am is my destiny, what I do is my free will" can float like Archimedes and exclaim "I found it." The human being weaves like the loom linking threads, shaping the social fabric and plotting its environment, making contact with him, acquiring experience and sustenance. According to Greek mythology there were three divinities that intervened in destiny. Cloto spun the thread of life from the spinning wheel until its use, Láquesis measured the duration of life and Atropos was the one who cut it.

8. The Calculator.

"Problem solved " By 400 BC, the Persians and the Greeks used a counting board, which the Romans perfected shortly before our Era, until it became an abacus, being undoubtedly the oldest calculator of humanity. The design of the vertical abacus is very similar to the tower of Hanoi, which shows the importance of sectioning a problem into manageable parts. Towards the year 820 the Arabs introduced in Europe the decimal numbers and with them their arithmetic. In 1623, Wilhelm Schickhard built a machine for adding and subtracting with six-digit numbers. Blas Pascal invented a machine that added and subtracted numbers of up to eight figures. Godofredo Leibniz took a new step by building a calculator that automatically performed the four basic operations. When talking about thought, reference is made to the accumulation of knowledge that has been processed. Thought levels can be differentiated by the cognitive ability that the brain contains. The Tarot has much in common with the abilities of thought, for its purpose is a kind of philosophical abacus:

  1. It offers the possibility of arranging in different graphic forms ideas that are difficult but impossible to say in words.
  2. It is an auxiliary of the mind to exercise the ability to group, combine, rank.
  3. It allows to make analogies with new and broader concepts, to think about a world of higher dimensions and for the understanding of symbols.

In reading, writing and calculation, the creative process is represented illustratively. Reading concerns the understanding of a given idea, writing is related to the ability of the human being to extract and express in his own way the ideas visualized and arithmetic with the ability to correlate those ideas and convert them into formulas.

7. The press.

"A good impression is worth a thousand words" Printing methods were already known in China in ancient times. In Europe the development of artistic engraving led to the idea of ​​separately recording the 23 letters of the Latin alphabet; so the loose letters could be assembled to form words and lines. The invention of these mobile characters is awarded to the Dutch Laurens Coster, although it was Johann Gutenberg, who is credited with the invention of the printing press in 1436. Gutenberg developed a method to print letters, or fragments of primitive characters, using stamps, but he couldn't think of how to print several at the same time. One day, at a wine festival, he saw a press for wine in action. He realized that the large flat surface of the press could be used to arrange many seals simultaneously. Once these two unrelated ideas were connected until then, the printing press was born. Since its invention until the early nineteenth century there had been hardly any changes in the operation of printing machines, the first one took place in 1838 with the type melting machine. The linotype appears in 1886 and various improvements followed until in 1890 it remained as we know it today. Typography tended to transform language, from means of perception and exploration into a transportable article. The book literally became a teaching machine and the typographic man had a new sense of time: cinematic, sequential and pictorial. The dogmatic branch of the cabal investigates the hidden meanings of sacred writing. Gematrics considers the numerical value of the word or words in the text, whose meaning is investigated, which will be that of another strange word whose letters add up to the same numerical value as that or those. An important contribution to the Kabbalah is due to Abraham Abulafia, who in 1260 saw in the science of association and permutation (Tseruf) of the letters number of the cabal a technique of mystical composition. Similarly, Marshall Mcluhan saw in the press a transformative invention of culture, stating that when technology broadens one of our senses, a new translation of culture occurs as soon as the new technology is internalized. (2) Language, writing and photography were the three main steps in communication technology.


Applying science and art to create beings similar to man, which freed him from a good part of his work, has had both medieval alchemists and current scientists busy. Automata-like creatures are found in western mythology. It was said that the sweet voices of the stone virgins reverberated in the temple of Delphi. Pygmalion, king of Cyprus, was ecstatic before an ivory statue of Aphrodite, the goddess of love who came back to life at that time. In imperial Rome, priests used string-controlled puppets to predict the future, although it is not too clear if the spectators knew about this manipulation. In the second half of the seventeenth century, the legend of the golem was born, an artificial man who according to history became a monster that threatened the world. But while the golem was a product of magic, the ideal of automation comes from science. Victor Frankestein was an idealist, a scientist who wanted to provide the world with new and useful discoveries, but he did not consider the possibility that something could fail. The effect of ideals is presented in the following order: 1) The perception of the ideal. 2) The formulation of a theory. 3) The development of public opinion. 4) The imposition of a new development canon in the social order. 5) The production of habits based on that canon. 6) The stabilized functioning of life within the new habits and customs.

6. The generator.

Abracadabra The greatest discoveries of human activity are directly related to the methods of obtaining energy; first the fire, then the steam engine and now the nuclear energy. The steam engine takes energy from nature to transform it into work; The electric motor converts electricity into work, but the electricity must form by itself by taking the energy from the fuel or the water jump. From the discoveries of Benjamin Franklin on static electricity, the study of electricity took a new direction. During 1831 and 1832, Michael Faraday discovered that a mechanical conductor moving in a magnetic field generated a potential difference. Taking advantage of this, he built the first electromagnetic generator, which transformed the kinetic energy of the movement into electricity. One of the main uses of the generator is the use of hydroelectric energy, in this way the water rotates the turbines connected to the axis of the dynamo, producing electricity and taking advantage of this energy source to inexhaustible. Among all the miracles of electricity, the most popular was undoubtedly that of transforming the night into day. In 1878 Edison found the precise filament so that a lamp lasted a long time on. According to Kenneth Boulding, electricity caused an implosion that unifies the nervous system of all humanity in a simultaneous whole, which is what brings us back to the tribal village but this time on a planetary scale. Very similar to the relationship electricity and magnetism, is the operation of the Mind and the Chakras . The magnetism is made up of the thoughts that enter and leave through the energy centers of the body. The mind generates the electric field.

5. The telegraph

What God brought us Initial studies on the use of electricity in the technological field involved great achievements, mostly due to Joseph Henry. His invention of the telegraph was the first practical application of electricity; I devised a system of relays that allowed electrical current to be transmitted over many kilometers of wire, so that a message could be sent to very distant points. Henry did not patent his invention, so the little brother took him Samuel FB Morse, who with the help of Henry built and patented in 1884 the first practical telegraph. The Italian inventor Guillermo Marconi, interested in Hertz's studies on electromagnetic waves, began repeating the experiments he had done and managed to send and receive impulse signals. In 1901 the wireless telegraph was born. In the I Ching we find a game of binary character also based on dots and stripes. Telepathy is very close to synchronicity, due to the im simultaneity between two real events or events. There is an interesting parallel between the three methods of telepathic work, its three techniques of realization and the three main forms of communication on Earth.

Instinctive telepathy. .. train travel, .. .stations .tel grafo

Intellectual telepathy ... sea voyages …………… .. ports …………… .phone.

Intuitive telepathy ……………… air travel, …………… ..airports …………. Television.

The testimonies of apparitions and contacts with the spirits had never been as numerous as during the time when wireless photography and telegraphy were simultaneously born, as if the fact of being able to fix images of reality and transmit it through sounds, words or music Through the ether (waves in the air) it correlated with the ability of some beings to enter into communication with what we call the invisible. From that moment we seek technological instruments that allow us to see, not only virtually the invisible, but intervene directly or indirectly in fields that are not noticeable to the naked eye: for example, microbes, viruses, genes and atoms. The telescope, like the microscope, was invented in 1610 by Galileo Galilei.

4.The Cinematograph

" The medium is the message" The kinetoscope was the forerunner of the modern film projector developed by William Kennedy Laurie Dickson while working with Thomas Edison. Its predecessor was the Zoopraxiscope of 1879. Its predecessor was the Zootropic, strobe machine created in 1834 by William George Horner, composed of a circular drum with some cuts, through which the viewer looks for the drawings arranged in strips on the Drum, when turning, appear in motion. Praxinoscope, a toy similar to the zootrope invented by Émile Reynaud in 1877. From 1892 the brothers began to work on the possibility of moving images. They patented a significant number of notable processes. They created an apparatus that served as a camera and as a projector: the cinematograph, which was based on the retinal persistence of images in the human eye. They loaded the camera parts into a drawer for transfer. The cinematographer was patented on February 13, 1894. The people who perfected photographic technology did so with specific purposes, refined their techniques to develop their art, just as the writers invented romance, novel, essay and comics to Express your ideas better. The wonders of cinematography, radio, television, photoelectric cell, atomic energy, all are based on the electromagnetic phenomenon of light. The living images of the cinematographer illustrate many truths concerning creation. The Cosmic Director has written his own works and has placed tremendous numbers of characters and actors in the stage apparatus over the centuries. From the hidden chamber of eternity He casts his creative rays through successive ages and images are thrown to the screen of space. The coloring of the universal drama arises from the only white light of the Cosmic Source. The scenes are projected on the screen of man's consciousness by the infinite creative ray. So the wonders, miracles and wonders of Magic are found today in movie screens and on television, however we all know that these are special effects performed by skilled technicians. The Gutenberg Galaxy was replaced by the Marconi Galaxy, characterized by television media where the immediate reality of the image arises, without time for reflection that allowed the written word. The theory of systems would lead to specify the approaches of the Mcluhan galaxy. (3) Three great discoveries occurred during the twentieth century: relativity, quantum mechanics and the electrical theory of matter, all of them gave new meaning to the way of seeing the world.


One of the best attempts in the search for the thinking automaton was that made by Charles Babbage around 1832, based on Jacquard's loom, he created his Analytical Machine, a machine capable of solving math and analysis problems, and even capable of playing chess. To move forward, it was necessary that the automaton could make decisions, that is, that it should store information and should be able to analyze it; This would not come until the Second World War, and would do so thanks to the contributions of the mathematician John von Neumann. The word automaton was first used by the Spanish engineer Leonardo Torres Quevedo, who in 1912 created an automatic machine to play chess. Automation also applies to information processing and is the basis for the comparison of the brain with machines. Thanks to electronics, the transition from the domain of energy to the domain of information takes place: information technology, the basis of automation. The first attempt at the electronic brain in history was Mark I, developed by Howard Aiken at Harvard University in 1944. The term "Artificial Intelligence" was coined in a conference in 1956, as a concept of a research program, which It included previously disparate fields, such as operational research, cybernetics, logic and computer science. The point in common was an attempt to capture or imitate human skills using machines. It was cybernetics that gave cognitive science the first model of cognition and subsequently the foundations of the creative process arose from biology. Creativity will be understood as the ability to face problems, where the resulting creativity depends on the utility and originality involved. Engineering appears as a bridge of exchange between science and technology. The qualities and skills that are needed to succeed in the practical application of the scientific method are several and can hardly be all in one person. These qualities are: 1) Deep understanding of existing science. 2) Vivacity, acute power of observation, discernment to track hidden connections between phenomena seemingly without any connection. 3) Great imagination for hypothesis construction. 4) Mathematical ability to develop these hypotheses. 5) Experimental acuity and ingenuity and mechanical ability to perform experimentation. Archimedes and Newton possessed all those qualities; Michael Faraday had them all but the fourth, James Maxwell lacked the fifth quality. But in general, the personalities that gathered so many qualities were not very abundant, so, normally, for the development of a discovery the collaboration of several was needed. By understanding the idea, by deciphering the universal codes, we can communicate as Unique Beings, being our dynamic thinking based on symbolic language. When we succeed, we begin to share our vision and work as a team, to achieve the goal: the goal of serving fully.

3.The Computer.

The clockwork mechanisms of the 17th century were the first autonomous machines and, over three hundred years, were unique in their kind until the invention of the computer. The first of the real computers was the Electronic Numerical Calculator and Integrator, ENIAC, presented on February 15, 1946. Not even fifty years have passed since the public presentation of the first electronic computer, and the changes that computing has undergone, for example, they have been frankly significant both in the large increase in process power and in the surprising miniaturization of the systems. The first serially produced computer appears in 1951 and goes until 1957. The appearance of the transistor in the year 1956 was the key development of the development of microelectronics and miniaturization of computers. With the integrated circuits, the third generation of computers appears in the mid-1960s; they allow to place in a silicon wafer all the components and the necessary connections of the circuit.

The Spanish word computer comes from the French term ordinateur, in reference to God who puts order in the world. En parte por cuestiones de marketing, puesto que la descripción realizada por IBM para su introducción en Francia en 1954 situaba las capacidades de actuación de la máquina cerca de la omnipotencia, idea equivocada que perdura hoy en día al considerar que la máquina universal de Turing es capaz de computar absolutamente todo. La información es presentada como la base del pensamiento mientras que, en realidad, la mente humana piensa con ideas, no con información.

Los primeros cibernéticos creían que el cerebro humano procesaba información igual que la computadora, era natural para ellos usar la computadora como metáfora del cerebro e incluso la mente, del mismo modo que había sido para Descartes el uso del reloj como metáfora del cuerpo. Recientes progresos de la ciencia cognitiva han dejado claro que la inteligencia humana es radicalmente distinta a la inteligencia artificial. El sistema nervioso interactúa con el entorno por medio de una constante modulación de su estructura. La exploración del mundo atómico y subatómico puso a los científicos en contacto con una nueva visión de la realidad, lo que exigió un nuevo pensamiento y un nuevo lenguaje: el pensamiento dinámico y el lenguaje sistémico.

2.La Internet.

Internet es un conjunto descentralizado de redes de comunicación interconectadas. Para algunos creyentes, Majestic 12 es el nombre en clave, de un presunto comité secreto de científicos, líderes militares y oficiales del gobierno formado en 1947 bajo la dirección del presidente estadounidense Harry S. Truman. El comité había sido aparentemente presidido por Vannevar Bush, Robert Oppenheimer y Albert Einstein. Vannevar Bush fue el primero en describir el funcionamiento del Memex en un artículo de 1945, un dispositivo en el que se almacenan todo tipo de textos, registros, libros y comunicaciones, que puede ser mecanizado de forma que puede ser consultado con extrema velocidad y flexibilidad. El Memex sería el antecesor de la World Wide Web. Ted Nelson acuñó los términos hipermedia e hipertexto en el proyecto, Xanadu, nombre que fue tomado al parecer de un poema de Samuel Taylor Coleridge; Nelson interpret la palabra como Ese m gico sitio de la memoria literal donde nada se pierde nunca (en el poema era el palacio de Kubilai Khan). La idea fue concebida en 1967 y expuesta en su libro Literary Machines . En 1972 Se realiz la primera demostraci np blica de ARPANET, una nueva red de comunicaciones financiada por la DARPA que funcionaba de forma distribuida sobre la red telef nica conmutada. En el CERN de Ginebra, un grupo de f sicos encabezado por Tim Berners-Lee cre el lenguaje HTML, basado en el SGML.

En 1990 el mismo equipo construy el primer cliente Web. Las Tecnolog as de la informaci ny la comunicaci n han generado una gran revoluci n en la manera de acceder, apropiarse y transmitir la informaci n, generando nuevos desarrollos sociales, pol ticos y econ micos, que es lo que el com n de la gente interpreta como cibercultura, caracterizada por la interactividad, la hipertextualidad y la conectividad. (4) Douglas Rushkoff plante en su libro Ciberia que, debido a la Resonancia Schumann, los humanos se convertir n en las neuronas del planeta, lo que despertar la conciencia de la especie humana. Muchos se preguntar n es la red un sistema nervioso compuesto de sistemas nerviosos, una mente compuesta de mentes? Si la red se convierte en una mente colectiva, podr a soportar la conciencia humana? El neurofisi logo colombiano Rodolfo Llin s responde: la red comunica, ciertamente pero no piensa. Sin embargo, se esboza ya un proceso global de toma de decisiones, que comienza a tomar forma.

Un criterio que nos puede ir aclarando las dudas, es diferenciar entre lo anal gico y lo digital, entre el cerebro y el coraz n, entre la conciencia y la vida. El universo se expresa a trav s de ondas magn ticas y frecuencias el ctricas. Un buen ejemplo ser a: Un televisor de imagen An loga (energ a densa-cuerpo), Un televisor de imagen Digital (energ a medio densa-alma) y por ltimo un televisor de imagen en Alta definici n (energ a sutil-esp ritu). El apag n anal gico que se est gestionando actualmente, como el cese de las emisiones anal gicas de los operadores de televisi n, libera el ancho de banda utilizable para ser empleado por m s canales de TV, pero qu efectos espirituales traer ?

1. El L ser

C mo rayos sucedi Cuando en 1958 el f sico Charles Hard Townes se al una posible ruta seguida por las ondas electromagn ticas de la luz visible, aparec a el LASER. El primero fue construido en 1960 por el f sico Theodore Harold Maiman, utilizando una barra de rub sint tico y xido de cromo. Un LASER es un dispositivo que utiliza un efecto de la mec nica cu ntica, la emisi n inducida o estimulada, para generar un haz de luz coherente de un medio adecuado y con el tama o, la forma y la pureza controlados. En 1916, Albert Einstein estableci los fundamentos para el desarrollo de los l sers, utilizando la ley de radiaci n de Max Planck basada en los conceptos de emisi n espont nea e inducida de radiaci n. Una de las principales contribuciones de Haken ha sido el reconocimiento de los l seres no s lo como dispositivo tecnol gico extremadamente til, sino tambi n como un sistema f sico que ha facilitado la comprensi n de tres fuerzas interactuantes: la fuerza mec nica, la fuerza vital y la fuerza s quica, as como la correspondencia entre los procesos ps quicos y los f sico-qu micos. La capacidad de la luz como portadora de mensaje ha sido posible por el dominio de esa fuente de luz ordenada, que tambi n se utiliza como m quina para la transformaci n de la materia. Las im genes hologr ficas se hacen al emplear luz coherente reflejada, que contiene información sobre la superficie que refleja. De manera similar nuestra conciencia surge de la unión de dos rayos: el de la inteligencia y el de la voluntad. Nuestro verdadera esencia es un Holograma.

Tres grandes descubrimientos han revolucionado el pensar y la vida contemporáneos. Primero, la liberación de la energía del átomo, nos ha permitido hablar cada vez más en términos de electricidad, voltaje, intensidad y fuerza. Segundo, la investigación respecto a la luz y el color ha facilitado la visión infrarroja y ultravioleta y el poder ver el cuarto estado de la materia: el plasma. El rayo LASER y en particular, la luz violeta, ha facilitado las intervenciones quirúrgicas. En el campo de la fotografía, Kirlian pudo experimentar y fotografiar el aura. Tercero, El estudio del sonido y su efecto, pondrá en manos del hombre un poderoso instrumento en el campo de la creatividad. El tema referente al Akasha se esclarecerá a medida que la ciencia investigue el tema de los éteres. Al ir adquiriendo conocimiento sobre los cuatro tipos de éteres, comprender su acción vibratoria, conocer las sustancias de que están compuestos, se sabrá cómo se utilizan y qué propiedad poseen como conductores de luz. Gran parte de lo que se postula respecto a la radiactividad tiene que ver con el cuarto éter.

La influencia de la intuición y la característica peculiar de la fuerza eléctrica, comienzan a hacerse sentir, y su energía empieza también a producir un efecto definido en el alma del hombre; el cuarto éter del plano físico del sistema está asumiendo análogamente el lugar que le corresponde en la mente de los hombres, y la fuerza eléctrica de dicho subplano está siendo adaptada y utilizada por el hombre en las artes mecánicas, en los medios de transporte, en la iluminación y en la curación, tal y como lo haría un Avatar del aire.

La ciencia de la electricidad ha tenido latentes todos estos fenómenos ya medida que se descubra. Cómo utilizar el poder que se encuentra en el aire y cómo aplicar los fenómenos eléctricos para ser utilizados por el hombre. Cómo construir formas y cómo crear máquinas para contener y distribuir las fuerzas eléctricas de la atmósfera. Cómo encauzar la actividad de la materia y cómo dirigirla hacia ciertos fines. Cómo emplear la fuerza eléctrica que se encuentra en el aire para vitalizar, reconstruir y sanar el cuerpo físico; entonces se comprenderá el fenómeno de los Rayos Cósmicos, actuando en ciclos, y el hombre aprovechará inmensas oportunidades para producir efectos específicos durante ciclos determinados. Por lo pronto, ya se afirma que los rayos y relámpagos son un plasma que alcanza una temperatura de 27000 ºC.


1. Artículo creado por Jorge Ariel Soto López inspirado en el libro de Ray Kurzweil, La era de las máquinas espirituales, en la que da a conocer el concepto de la teoría de la evolución y su aplicación en la inteligencia tanto humana como artificial. Para ello analiza la naturaleza exponencial del tiempo de acuerdo con la Ley de Moore, a través de la historia de la humanidad. La ley de Moore fue planteada por Gordon Moore, cofundador de Intel, en 1965 como “la cantidad de transistores que pueden ponerse en un solo chip informático se duplicará cada 18 meses”.

2.Los planteamientos sobre la imprenta se encuentran en el libro La Galaxia Gutenberg.

3. Los planteamientos sobre la electrónica se encuentran en el libro La Galaxia McLuhan, de Gianpiero Gamalieri. 4.Los planteamientos sobre la Internet se encuentran en la trilogía La Era de la Información de Manuel Castells.

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