Message of the Archangel Metatron ~ The True Ascension

  • 2012

Message of the Archangel Metatron ~ The True Ascension Canalization of the Archangel Metatron

The True Ascension Metatron and Ra-Tybronn through James Tyberonn

July 15, 2012

Greetings teachers! I am Metatron, the Lord of Light, and I embrace you in a vector of Unconditional Love; a love that you will soon be able to experience more vividly, for ascension is near. We have been joined in this channeling Ra-Tybronn, of the Pleiades, an ascended master of the Crystalline Service, the super root soul of the channel (JT), who experienced service to the planet among the Law of One. Ra-Tybronn is of the family of Tot and Enoch. Both of Metatronic origin.

We ask you to take a moment and allow our energy and our love to shelter you, because we are family. We love you very much, in a way that is above emotion, with an omnipotent love and flowing from the Creative Source, from All That Is ... of whose Divinity you are an intrinsic part. Each one of you!

It is a time of acceleration on your planet, and for some of you it feels hard sometimes, but we assure you that in a superior aspect, you are dancing with joy, for Ascension is near, and you, dear humans, made that happen . We honor you!

Therefore, we invite Ra-Tybronn, of the Crystalline Service, to join in the provision of this information, part of which we have already shared before and much of which is shared for the first time. All in the moment of now ...

Dear ones, what you call Ascension can be defined as the transition to crystalline dimensional expansion. The final completions of the Arkansas Crystal Vortex are extremely important for the Earth's Crystal Transition. And the crystalline transition is equivalent to the Ascension of 2012. On 12.12.12, the Crystallization of the planet will conclude.

In a very real sense, what will happen on 12.12.12 is Ascension, and what will take place on December 21, 2012 is the Solstice of the Beginning of the Birth of the New Earth. That is because the 'mechanics' of the current ascension process (which makes Ascension possible) occurs on 12.12.12.

Therefore, it will happen on December 12, 2012 that will end the activations and network connections of all Master Crystals, Crystal Fields, Grid Points, Power Nodes and Vortal Portals Sites with the Crystalline Solar Disk and the Grid 144.

On 12.12.12, for the first time, all these crucial aspects are combined, interconnected and linked with the finished Crystalline Grid 144. Exactly at 12:12 pm, from the Crystal Vortex, the energy of ascension will emerge and you will feel tangibly. All will initially link to the Pinnacle Mountain Crystalline Solar Disc (Pinnacle Mountain, Arkansas), located on the largest crystal layer of your planet, and then connect to the grid.

We have told you before that Ascension, the 'New Earth' is the expansion of your planet's resonance to the 12 dimensional fields. We have told you that the Ascension intends to expand to Earth and humanity beyond the 3rd dimension, and grow towards the 12 dimensions ... of which, from the 5th to the 12th are in non-polarity, in the Crystalline Energy zero point and integral unit. And that is the crystalline frequency.

This occurs in the ARCA Crystalline Vortex (Arkansas) because it is not only the largest stratum of crystal quartz on your planet but also because it is composed of 'Master Crystals' sown, coded and specifically placed within a very unique geological matrix. There is logic in this, as you see. There is a master design that is taking place, and it makes sense! You have actually been here before, and it feels good, isn't it?

Kryon, the Magnetic Master, channeled them a decade ago that the evidence of Atlantis was in Arkansas. This will be discussed later in this channeling, but we will say that the mineral mixture, the energy cocktail that occurs in this area is extremely rare and produces benefits and phenomena that your science He doesn't recognize yet. We will tell you that it is because of the combined presence of crystal quartz, diamonds, radio waters, magnetic calamite and gravitational anomalies that the Atlanteans of the Law of One were in Arkansas; That is why the Crystalline Solar Disk is in Arkansas. Arkansas is the crystalline generator on the Earth plane that opens the dimensional doors!

Nowhere on the planet will it vibrate with the incredible crystalline resonance in the Ascension of 12.12.12 as powerfully as the Crystal Vortex. Well, we tell you that the Arkansas Atlantean Colony that Kryon talked about was composed of the Atla-Ra, the Law of One, and they were there in what is now called Arkansas over 50, 000 years ago. Years, planting the seeds and codes by 12.12.12. They were there eons ago in a 12-dimensional energy; in an energy of love and sustenance and that energy is going on again.

Epicenter of the Ascension

So it is logical that the Crystal Vortex be the epicenter of the Ascension of 12.12.12, is it not true?

Teachers, 2012 is just the beginning, because the crystalline energy is incredibly robust and effusively dynamic. This benevolent energy is indeed a force of omnipotent ubiquity that has not been seen on the planet in many millennia. It is a powerful combination of telluric, hyper-dimensional and cosmic forces capable of moving the Earth and opening dimensions. It is also capable of raising your frequency. All this is in fact happening, and exponentially, since there is a dynamic of crystal-magnetic physics at play that is beyond your current understanding. Scientific scientist. It is less than 6 months away!

Sacred Contacts

That is one of several reasons why so many of you will be attracted to Arkansas for the meeting of the last Triple Date Portal, on 12.12.12. For those of the Law of the Atlantean One, the termination is part of a sacred oath that the Crystalline Energy would return a day and never be allowed again. To fall into the wrong hands. The presence in the Crystal Vortex for many is a thermal contract, and many of the Law of One will feel and respond to that call. We will also tell you that several of the prominent speakers at the (event of) 12.12.12, including John Van Auken, Graham Hancock, Dr. Semir Osmanagich, James Tyberonn and John Jenkins were highly esteemed senior members of the clergy Atlantean scientist, the Atla-Ra of the Law of One.

The presence of all of them will add a recognizable energy immediately of sacred 'gathering', and that will be perceived and felt among all the atlants of the spiritual Law of One. And in fact several of these will be gathering for the first time, and will share knowledge very deeply. All who gather will feel a sense of exuberance, the magical knowledge that what was promised millennia will finally happen ... the resurgence of the Crystalline Energy.

What will be experienced at the Arkansas Crystal Meeting will be absolutely unique. At the time of activation, a surge of incredible energy, an energy not felt on Earth for a long, long time, will spread throughout the Crystal Vortex. It is what could be called a standing wave. Many of you will feel like 'at home' and will cry with joy and recognition. In that instant, the Earth will change to 12 dimensions. At that time, Grid 144 will be completely finished ... and we assure you that it is an energy that you have never experienced in this life. The 12:12 pm trigger on 12.12.12 will be the time of the Ascension of the planet! His initial wave on Earth will be at Mount Pinnacle.

Arcturian Masters in Crystals

Although the incredible crystals beneath the lands of Arkansas have been asleep for more than 14, 000 years, we tell you that they are waking up ... and within the next 4 decades, specifically, after 2038, Arkansas will be recognized worldwide for its unusual and bright crystalline energy. . Many Atla-Ra Master Souls and essentially Masters of the Syrian-Pleiadian Alliance will deliberately choose to reincarnate in the Crystal Vortex, and in fact they have already begun to do so.

These are the Arcturian Masters in Crystals, and Arkansas and Brazil are attracting them by the thousands. They are specialists in Crystalline Technology and will innately understand the importance of these two regions, and they will grow internally and play leadership roles in the proper use of these potent energies of the Crystal Vortices of Arkansas and Brazil. By the 23rd century, magnificent Crystal Temples have been built around the Pinnacle Mountain Crystalline Solar Disc and the locations of the Temples of Mount Maga, Wilhelmina and Eureka Springs. And while 3 centuries may seem like a long time, it will be no more than an instant from your nonlinear aspect. Undoubtedly, tens of thousands of you, of the Law of One, including the channel, will reincarnate specifically in that period, 15 of your generations from now.

Now we want to mention the importance of the Crystal Vortex of Brazil, located near Sao Tomas de Letres, in Minas Gerais. Indeed, it is as important for the southern hemisphere of the planet as Arkansas is for the northern hemisphere, both representing the most powerful crystalline frequency on Earth and containing both huge deposits of crystals.

The reason that the Arkansas Crystal Vortex is considered more influential is because two-thirds of the planet's earth and two-thirds of humanity are in areas above the equator, the northern hemisphere. But keep in mind that the two crystalline vortices, Arkansas and Brazil, are in a correlated turn-by-turn mode, and are necessarily counterweights for the distribution of the telluric portion of the crystalline frequency.

On 12.12.12, this alliance will rise, and the standing waves of energy within both will amplify exponentially.

Therefore, the activity of the Crystal Vortex will increase dramatically on 12.12.12.

This will increase during 2012 and will continue to increase annually until 2038.

At the end of 12.12.12, Arkansas will emerge as one of the most important and powerful vortex portals on the planet. It is the source of the crystalline field of the northern hemisphere. From 2012 onwards, the crystals will begin to emit a frequency that will benevolently interact with the human aura in the creation of an augmented multidimensional portal within the Mer-Ka-Na. It is the standing wave.

Sound fields - Crystalline Stationary Wave

Long ago, the ancient Mystery Schools of Atlantis contained a section of the Atla-Ra that programmed the crystals with frequencies of light and sound. The crystals emitted a field of hertzian vibrations that were extremely beneficial. These were used to balance the human field, improve health, cure diseases and to wake up to higher dimensions. Some could also open an interdimensional channel to other 'worlds', and especially to the Divine Self.

Hertzian Stationary Wave Fields

On December 12, the Temples Crystals will be starting a pulsed hertzian field that has the capacity of a living 'form'. This tangible energy interacts by induction with the human aura and produces some altered state. The benevolent effect is similar to that of a deep song, but understand that the waves produced are conscious, alive, through the crystalline 'conscious spirit' of light and sound.

The living energy is similar to that of an elementary field, but of greater resonance. It is more precisely defined as the awareness of crystalline color and sound. It is projected from the 'living' crystals ... the emanation of an aspect of the crystals themselves.

It is certainly the eventual recognition of this field that will motivate the construction of the Crystal Temples. The effect is multiple and prolific and will powerfully influence the inner self, the higher emotions and the higher harmonics of humanity within its energy reach. This is happening now, and will progress from 12.12.12 over the next seven years, forming a standing wave.

This energy is the Atla-Ra Atlantean technology and still exists in some of your ancient temples in Egypt, Peru, Central America, Java, Cambodia and Newgrange in Ireland. All your ancient pyramids built on the Fi (?, ?) Base, contained in their original construction such standing waves within specific and relatively narrow hertzian bands.

The tuning effect of the crystals

In a very real sense, the triangulation inside the oval vortex of the Arkansas crystalline field will become what you call a crystal bowl. Within the bowl there will be similar tones or notes, somewhat fixed but diverse in the range of hertzian waves. The different 'keys' are determined by the native mineralogical energies. For example, the area of ​​the Cala de Magnets will have a different tonal resonance to that of the Diamond Crater or Radio Waters. The same will happen in 2012 around the Sound and Regeneration Crystals in Brazil, in Bahia and Minas Gerais, respectively.

The crystalline standing wave will axially-tonally connect Arkansas with Brazil (initially 12.12.12) and then wrap and bathe the planet by 2038. The effect will be the decrease in the 'arc oscillation' of duality when splicing the right hemispheres and left of the brain. The standing wave, when combined with meditation, crosses the prefrontal cortex of the brain, stimulates the pineal and leads one to a higher consciousness.

There have always been certain places on the planet that have come to be recognized as sacred. Stone circles, temples, pyramids and cathedrals were placed in these areas by the ancestors. In the past two decades, your academics have been involved in the study of ancient monuments and have credible evidence that certain ancient monumental structures around the Earth have several characteristics in common. One of the most interesting is around standing waves. We tell you, many of the structures were architecturally planned and acoustically designed to allow specific waves and sound frequencies that affect your energy field. These can indeed stimulate the pineal in humans of sufficient light quotient and thus increase the multidimensional experience. We tell you that they are not simply structures; really, the structures depend largely on the location vector and the site mineralogy. In fact, identical structures constructed at different sites will have different tonal frequencies if the geological matrix, latitudinal location and mineralogy differ significantly.

Grid 144 is completed on 12.12.12

On 12.12.12, the Crystalline Grid is completed. The 12 dimensional fields are joined, with the 5th to 12th dimensions in crystalline format. Per se, all the crystals on the planet amplify and harmonize. Those of you who work with Fi (?, ?) Crystals can feel a great and greater leap within your energy resonance. The use of the Fi crystal in the amplification of thought will increase extraordinarily.


The graduation of your planet, called Ascension, is indeed the critical mass that will allow the conversion of the pattern of the receptive capacity of the Earth from into your language an logo to digital, black and white color. An incredible transformation is literally just a breath. The crystalline conversion through the antennas of the Crystalline Grid 144 is about to greatly increase the Earth's dimensional reception from the 3rd to the 12th and beyond. It is similar to changing your television from the archaic antenna to satellite reception. It is the Crystalline Era, the wind under the wings of the Ascension. The solid points of support are the Cosmic Activators and the Triple Date Portals.

But let go of the fear, dear ones, this time of Ascension, in this new Crystalline Era, the mega powerful crystals will not be taken away from you or be misused, as happened in the sad disappearance. No of Atlantis. In fact, they will never be used for any other purpose other than the highest good. You are sure of this! It is a sacred oath that will certainly be fulfilled, for you are the family of the Law of One that returns to fulfill this promise. That is why many of you are attracted to completion in the Crystal Vortex, because, indeed, many of those who are feeling the call were among the revered priests People of the Law of One, the Atla-Ra, who relocated the Temples Crystals.

While many of you have brought the blame for the loss of control of the crystals, it was certainly the disappointments of the Sons of Belial, the militaristic Aryan of Atlantis who conspired and took control of Poseid n, those that led to the destructive forces and the flood. The guilt that many of you carried for millennia, and still carry today, is misaligned. It is time to release this. The clarion is calling.

You, those of the Law of One, took the oath that the Master Crystals would never be misused, that you would not allow them to fall into the wrong hands. Dear ones, it is a promise fulfilled. His sacred and benevolent purpose has been manifested. You have waited for a long time for this termination. It is a contract that comes close to its fulfillment, and you must be honored. They really made this happen! The Crystalline Transition, the announced Ascension will occur. It is already happening!

And we tell you, that without 12.12.12 there would be no 21.12.12. The true Ascension is 12.12.12.

I am Metatr n, and I share with you these truths. They are beloved!

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Original title: The True Ascension

Translation, editing and publication: ~ OjS ~

Image: Deb-Aurah Graves Araznu


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