Christmas Message from the Arcturian Group

  • 2014

Dear, happy winter solstice. The energy of this particular solstice is bringing with it change and an energy that is being powerfully experienced by many as a deeper sensitivity to all things around it.

Our Christmas gift is a message of Peace and Joy, which we make flow lovingly to you and then you can give as a gift to others. The words peace and joy are seen everywhere at Christmas time and few take it seriously, seeing them as kind words on a Christmas card. Make true peace your gift to the world every day of the year.

True peace between countries or even individuals will never be fully achieved through treaties or contracts because the substance of peace (a peace consciousness) is not present. Peace is a state of consciousness that recognizes, respects and accepts the unity of life, whether the other is a plant, animal or person. Only true peace can manifest true freedom, the freedom to be who and what they are. Peace is the natural result of a consciousness of Oneness which is its purest sense, it is Unconditional Love. As long as separation remains the dominant consciousness of the world, there can never be true peace.

Peace inside and outside, is not achieved through power struggles, war or violence. War has never reached true and lasting peace, but has simply created a truce in violence while allowing it to appear elsewhere. At this time, the substance from which peace is formed is not fully present in the consensus consciousness of the world. The true and lasting peace that Humanity seeks and proclaims especially in the Christmas season will only be manifested when the impersonal consciousness of the world shifts towards the realization of Oneness. This is happening now while each person wakes up, because each spark of light dissolves a little the old energy within the dense universal consciousness. This will bring the change they seek.

Send your gift of peace to the sleepers who seek to resolve unhappiness and frustration through violence. Send Peace to Gaia through recognition and loving action towards all your kingdoms. The animal kingdom was never created for humans to use and abuse it. Animals also live many lives and are here to learn and evolve while attending Humanity with Unconditional Love, companionship and healing. Even the so-called "wild" animals are worthy of respect and peace because they are also suffering from the awareness of duality and separation from the world. Never doubt that there will come a time when "the lion will lie with the lamb" because there is no discord in the higher dimensional energy.

Peace is what you experience when you lend a loving hand where it is needed. Peace is what they feel as they walk through a quiet forest, or closely examine the perfection of a flower. Peace is what they experience when they look into the eyes of another and recognize Divinity. Peace is yours to have or not, the choice is yours dear, because everyone has free will. By claiming peace for you, you are then able to flow it to others.

Some will say, I can't find peace because of my situation. Peace is always present and is never dependent on external circumstances because it is a quality of the Divine. Personal peace comes through the realization that “I can never be separated from who I am and what I am regardless of any external circumstances.” Life on Earth can indeed be a struggle until one day is reached. a certain evolutionary point and difficult experiences are reduced or completely terminated because the student is ready to learn and be taught from within.

No one can separate you from Peace dear ones, never, is your birthright. It is ignorance that acts to apparently separate an individual from his well-being - a "well-being" that is often a concept simply.

Joy is a facet of peace, an inner feeling of luminosity despite external conditions. Joy knows that I am, always will be and have always been and in joy there is no fear of death.

Joy allows the individual to laugh and love and enjoy the pleasures of being in a human form through the realization that these things represent the spiritual realities of completeness, totality and unity.

Joy is the closest energy to the Divine and affects everything they do and say. Without conscious thought, an energy field full of joy can act as a healing balm. Even those who consciously ignore spiritual truth will experience something when an energy field full of Light and joy comes into contact. This will cause fear in some and an elevation in others depending on their state of consciousness.

Allow yourself to experience joy. Many falsehoods remain among religious groups that teach that one must suffer in a way of being spiritual. There are still those who believe that self-torture and sacrifice are paths to "holiness." These teachings are very old and false and it is time for them to dissolve in the nothing they are. The Divine is peace, joy, completeness, totality and is therefore who and what you already are.

There is no boredom or sadness in the beloved higher realms. Only ignorance has given birth to the discords and sufferings that Humanity has experienced for so long, which some still need in a way to learn.

Peace and joy are available to be experienced while on Earth at any time by any individual choosing to leave behind the limitations of duality and separation and live from the truth.

Claim and enjoy the experience of true Peace and Joy in this time and forever dear ones.

Merry Christmas!

In Paz y Alegría we are the Arcturian Group

Through Marilyn Rafaelle

Translation - Shanti

Voices of Arcturus and Andromeda

Translated by Gloria

Christmas Message from the Arcturian Group

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