Archangel Gabriel: New Way of Communicating, Talking and Listening with the Heart

  • 2018

Channeled by Genoveva Coyle, July 26, 2018

When you speak with your heart, dear ones, the truth comes out as pure information and love, the world needs to hear the truth right now!

Greetings dear! Regards! I AM Gabrielle, I AM Suzanna Michaela Gabrielle, Archangel of love and light, Lily of the Truth, Messenger of the One, and in service to the Mother and all of you.

I am here to help you in this mission of light that you are currently undertaking, to bring the truth and establish freedom on this beautiful planet.

I am here to bring you joy, and to encourage you to advance boldly in your ways, trusting in your knowledge and in your hearts. You have everything it takes to be victorious and in balance at all times.

I am here to help you on your mission of light.

We understand that when they move to unexplored territories they can question themselves and their ability to navigate through them successfully. Yes, some of these new spaces they are navigating through can be bleak and complicated, such as moving fields, quicksand, but they have all the tools and knowledge to overcome any of these challenges and get out of them triumphant and stronger than before. .

Trust your knowledge. Listen with all your senses, yes, all the information you receive, take it to your hearts, and then sit still and unwavering in your faith that you are powerful and strong.

It's time, dear brothers and sisters! It is time for you to trust yourself in every moment. Listen with your heart and know the truth of these words and of every data that is communicated to you. Don't assume that you are able to see the whole truth! Do not run from it, even if at the moment you do not understand it! Do not cover your eyes or, worse, run away from it! Let go of the fears of seeing through illusions! Let go of the fear of being misunderstood and marginalized!

Let go of your fear!

Stop trying to understand how to use this information and how to pass it on to others . They have always had the ability to see the truth and false agendas of others! The truth always spoke to them! But, instead of acting on the information given and defending your sweet souls, you have compromised and constantly declined avoiding looking further and deeper into your reality. This was done for survival and for the need to help their loved ones - the family of the earth and the soul in general - because they thought it was their duty to do so.

I am here to tell you that it is time to let go of all these fears and doubts!

It is time to get out of the limitations and safeguards that you feel you need to maintain for your survival. It is time to let your hearts speak in every instance and situation. It is time to restore all your communication patterns!

In the past we talked about being prudent and cautious in what you are talking about, and how much you are allowing others to know about you and your reality. In the past, we talked about meeting others where they are in their conscience, in their ability to understand and capture the truth, especially with those who ask for help.

But now we are telling you that they have been updated, that they have been in tune with that new form of communication, a new predetermined way of speaking with the heart that does not need censorship of any kind, because it is free from judgment and any malicious message without love.

Speak with the heart that does not need censorship of any kind.

When they speak through their hearts, dear ones, the truth comes out as pure information and love, and their conversation partner or the audience that receives it knows that they are transmitting the truth. The energy of your words is light and fluid, as is the telepathic communication you had with your brothers and sisters, and with your guardians of the higher realms.

Believe me when I tell you that most of the time those who come to you feel relieved when they discover their own falsehoods and manipulations . In this way they are giving them the opportunity to free themselves from the tangles of their own dense and false constructions, and the maintenance of the lies that they are conserving and that are draining them energetically to them. .

You have the opportunity to free yourself from the tangles of your own constructions.

Remain neutral and unjudged, allow your heart's communications, sometimes spoken aloud, without hesitation and with conviction, and sometimes through body language, flow freely . This is what I am encouraging you to work at the moment. Establish this intention and then practice, practice, practice every second of your day! Ask me to assist you more in this wonderful, brave, and much needed effort.

The world needs to hear the truth right now!

I address you in this forum, I ask the Champions of Truth who have been carefully chosen by Mother Himself to come forward and pay attention to my words!

I am always with you, dear hearts, and I leave you now with golden bubbles of love and joy!


Alexander Gabriel

TRANSLATOR: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Channeled by Genoveva Coyle, A New way of communicating: speak and listen with your heart.

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