Bob Fickes ~ A Message from Saint Germain: The Earth is impregnated with the Violet Flame

  • 2016

The Earth is impregnated with the Violet Flame .

Their bodies are impregnated with the Violet Flame .

You are already the Inner God, although you do not know it.

If you could relax and allow your heart to sing, you would hear a beautiful message that will guide you throughout the New Year.

Underneath all layers of your mental and emotional bodies is the light of the Truth that you are what you are looking for. They must embrace their own Truth and learn to trust their self over all things.

Find your calm center deep within your heart, and you will be given everything you need. This is the way of the Universe. It has come to pass that infinite Love and Light have grown within . Although your life may have been full of challenges, you are on the right path. The only thing that is being cleared now is its past. This is his past. Everything that is happening now has come from what they have created in the past. It needs to be cleared so that they can see more clearly now through their new eyes and their new heart.

Trust that your self is a being of Love and Goodness . This is your True Nature . It is time for you to remember and take steps to change your life in so many ways. If you trust your self now, your future will be bright and full of surprises. Take some time daily to go inside and simply listen to Silence. This whole Universe was born from silence and thus its new life will also be born from this infinite Silence. Do not worry about your old thoughts. They are changing now as the Violet Flame becomes brighter.

When in doubt, simply remember the Violet Flame and surround yourself with it daily. Do this when you emerge from Silence every day. The Violet Flame is here to help you Transmute, Transform and Transcend. Say the words out loud

I AM the Violet Flame of the Purifying Power.

My body is the Violet Flame of the Purifying Power.

The Earth is the Violet Flame of the Purifying Power

And All this New Life is the Violet Flame of the Purifying Power

I AM Saint Germain! I AM! Blessings to each of you!

AUTHOR: Bob Fickes


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