Meaning 3 in the morning, have you ever woken up several nights at this time?

  • 2019

What is the meaning of 3 in the morning ? Have you ever woken up several nights at this time? I invite you to know everything that brings to this enigmatic and transcendental moment, you are welcome!

Meaning of 3 in the morning, amazing!

We have all heard of the time of the witches or the time of the devil. It is soaked in the cultural folklore of centuries ago, in addition, with many different meanings and explanations, but I would like you to ask yourself what does it mean for me today? Do you experience something during Witching time in the morning and you don't know?

I invite you to continue your reading and know in the first place everything related to the meaning of 3 in the morning, exciting and enigmatic subject.

The time of the witches is the hour of the night that people associate with supernatural events

In the old days, it was thought that this was due to the lack of prayers in the canonical hours during this period of the night.

It is thought that during the hours of 3 am to 4 am, the spirits and the paranormal are at their strongest point.

It was also thought that women captured outside during this period were witches and were often executed only for this reason.

More recently, people have begun to accept the hours from 2 am to 4 am, being the time of the witches .

Whatever the official schedules accepted by the witches to exercise their diabolical activities, many people have reported strange events that occurred during this window at night, and are often awake at this time for no reason. apparent.

If you wake up during 3 am and 4 am, you are not losing your mind

There may be a supernatural reason why you are waking up several times in the 3 am and 4 am time frame.

The most common, and part of the meaning of 3 in the morning, is that there may be a spirit trying to communicate with you, wanting to convey a message.

Those endowed with psychic powers believe that the veil between our world and the spiritual world is weakened or lifted between those hours, which is why it is also the time of night when our minds are more relaxed and open to external influence of the spirits

If you experience this often, there may be more thorough than just a bad sleep pattern. Don't ignore it, and look at the reason why this eventuality could be happening so constantly.

What to do if you wake up at 3 in the morning

For some people, waking up at the same time each night and having a strange feeling can be quite scary. You do not understand what is happening, for sure you do not know if someone is really trying to contact you or if there is something sinister at stake.

Preparing to wake up at this time will help you experience and properly understand what is happening, and hopefully it will give you an idea of ​​the message you are trying to send and even who might be trying to communicate with you.

If you want to be awakened at 3 am to have contact with some supernatural being, you must follow the same steps.

I want to share with you some tips or steps to try to develop in the cases of waking up at 3 in the morning, or failing that in that period of time until 4 in the morning routinely.

    • Keep calm

There have been many reports of people who woke up at 3 am and felt paralyzed, unable to move, claim to have had a feeling that something was pressed on their chest. This can be reduced simply to sleep paralysis, most cases correspond to this nature, but it could also be that your mind closes out of fear.

The important thing is that if you are awake at 3 in the morning, just keep calm, avoid despair.

Lie on your back and breathe deeply. Try that only positive thoughts pass through your mind, and surround yourself with good energy.

Being negative or afraid could attract some unwanted and unpleasant spirits.

Having a calm mind also makes it easier for the spirit to contact you and send you the message it is trying to convey to you.

Any fear or excessive thought causes interruptions to the spirit, and it will not be able to send clear messages, since they would have to fight too much to silence your mind.

Keeping calm also allows you to listen better, and you can pay more attention to the signs and symbols you are seeing, making them easier to remember and decipher .

    • Be open to contact

Only if you are willing, allow yourself to be open to receiving messages from spirits or ghosts.

Giving them this ease of passage means that they can convey a message more effectively, without having to fight against any lack of will on your part.

Your openness and willingness to receive a message will probably lead you to receive more messages than you initially received.

Now, this is only for those who seek to establish contact and wish to keep the lines of communication open between the person and the spirit of contact. If you think about receiving these messages or visits, you will probably see them until they finish, if that is what you want.

Remember that the vast majority of ghosts and spirits do not want to harm you, they may only have one message to transmit.

    • Keep a diary

While you may discover that you are well awake during these periods of time, your mind may not be 100% functioning.

Just waking up, as well as receiving confusing messages, signals and symbols, could make you forget much of your experience. Keep a diary next to your bed and record there any sign, symbol or word that comes to mind, could be given by the spirit.

Even if you write a lot of scribbles on a page, you can look at it again in the morning and remember how you felt, what you wrote, and possibly decipher what the message might be.

It would also be interesting to look back, read what you have in the various messages or symbols, either weekly or monthly, and see if there is a pattern or even a larger image that is generated together.

These notes and doodles will have no price at the time of deciphering the messages sent to you.

There are also many people who specialize in reading signs of the dead, so you could even send them their notes to read.

There are also some excellent online sites that could help you understand the signs and symbols used in your notes.

    • Summon and thank your spiritual guide

Most people who dabble in everything psychic and who seek to communicate with spirits have a personal spiritual guide.

It is a presence they feel around them when they enter unknown realms, the spiritual guide is there to protect them from any unwanted spirit or experience.

Before opening up to these visits during the time of the witches, ask your spiritual guide to protect you and help you convey the message more clearly.

Once the session is over, thank your spiritual guide for your help and protection.

Maintain this good energy and light around you with your spiritual guidance, you will see that he will protect you from any evil or demonic spirit that is often associated with the time of witchcraft .

Is it time for evil witchcraft?

The most common, and part of the meaning of 3 in the morning, is that there may be a spirit trying to communicate with you, wanting to convey a message.

There is a big division on whether witchcraft time is bad or not. It is also called the hour of the devil by those who support the feeling that it is more demonic.

In the past, it was believed that it was the time of night when demons pierced the veil and possessed the innocent.

It was also believed that it was the time of night when black magic was strongest and when witches practiced evil with all their power.

It was also said that the 3 am time is a direct mockery of the time when Jesus Christ was crucified - 3 pm. The belief that everything supernatural is bad is a very outdated way of thinking.

People are now much more open to the idea that spiritual connection and communication with the dead can be enlightening and secure.

If you protect yourself and ensure that your intentions are good, you should not hurt yourself.

Many people have had very good experiences of contact with the spirits during the time of witchcraft, and have not reported any evil.

The experiences that have come also depend on you and your mentality. If you have problems, you are negative and surrounded by bad energy, it is very likely that you have a bad experience.

Surround yourself with positivity, good energy and white light, it will surely help guide you through a safe experience when you contact spirits.

Beware the time of the witches!

If you believe or not in the time of the witches, or time of witchcraft, yes I have to tell you that this is a time for the spirits to get in touch.

Perhaps you are on the other side of the fence that believes that everything has to do with sleep patterns and REM status, however, you cannot deny that waking up at 3 in the morning is a phenomenon experienced by people around the world.

If you want to use these hours to get in touch with the spirits, or if you think a loved one is contacting you, remember to keep peace and security.

Never go deeper than you can handle, and do not seek contact with beings that are not direct as they should be about their real intentions.

There is always the risk that evil spirits try to escape through the veil when it is weak, do not leave yourself open to being that vessel that allows them to pass into our kingdom.

Keeping a diary or an agenda with your experiences of the time of the witches could be really fruitful.

You may find some important messages hidden among the little ones, and it can be a pretty beautiful story to remember. Being visited by a lost loved one or a spirit that seeks to reconcile can be a beautiful gift if you are willing and ready to let them talk to you.

They may only need that last human contact before going to the light and transcending. Witchcraft time is the easiest time for them to communicate with you, allow them to enter and, hopefully, help them give them some peace.

How did you find this exciting text about the meaning of 3 in the morning ? I invite you to share your experiences with all of us, they will surely be highly useful. I wish you abundant successes and blessings. A hug of light!

Part of the meaning of 3 in the morning is keeping calm also allows you to listen better, and you can pay more attention to the signs and symbols you are seeing, making them easier to remember and decipher.

Author : William Hern n Estrada P rez, Editor and Translator in the Great Family of

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