The new resonance of the Earth

  • 2012

In the last weeks our lives went into abrupt changes, everything changed. Annoyance, anger, disorientation, irreversible ruptures were perceived in the human environment. The physical pain, dizziness, dizziness, allergies, tiredness and excessive sleep were exacerbated. Socially and politically, power struggles were openly shown.

Planet Earth went through a very marked frequency change and we humans feel that wobble of change. The earth is emanating a new frequency that comes from the central nucleus. We are living a period of translation and transition of the Earth to another higher frequency, we are within a passage, we still do not reach the destination.

There were sharp and sharp changes, as if we had jumped into another lane and experienced a different band of information. They changed the channel without notice. A change of vision, like moving to another game board, with other rules. Without ordinary consciousness noticing, the linear pattern of time was altered and we went on to experience another holographic pattern of reality.

It is not easy to explain the process we are going through, most people still want to understand what happens with the third dimension mentality and the process of change happened in what we call multidimensionality: a holographic conception, a world within another world, various realities happening in a moment of eternal present.

Watch the social movements. Stay tuned for the emergence of new movements.

There is still confusion and power struggle, but the new power that emerges is based on different bases:

peaceful actions, community and solidarity intentions, the power of the spirit in action. It is a change of vision within social movements. The political changes we have observed in recent weeks will not be definitive, there is still confusion among those who have to lead the new stage, however they are reflecting the changes of the Earth.

Let's try to understand the process from what everyone experienced in recent weeks.

In this earthly movement we have perceived that our energy bodies also moved, we feel outside our body, scattered and disoriented, unmotivated, without wanting to face the daily challenge. Looking towards the horizon, seeing nothing in particular, the head was buzzing, frightening whistles, neck and shoulder contractures. Participate in meetings and ask yourself what do I do here? Breaks of reality without understanding the reasons. The mind does not work as before, inability to memorize or elaborate rationally. Undefined sensations, impulses of changes without knowing where, to expand horizons, a silent voice that said: there is another reality, other possibilities ...

What can we do to go through these transition times?

Before it gradually increased in intensity, now there was a very strong jump and turn and we were placed on another game board. The new reality is still unknown, we must be patient and experience ourselves in the new we feel.

What we do not release voluntarily, is released alone, without turning back. You can not hide more, we look in our own mirror, the inside is reflected on the outside.

It is time to retreat inward, do as little as possible in the outside world, just do what is necessary. Kryon says: “Don't worry about the outside world because it is your inner world that determines what will happen next. Just allow the inner world to transform and transmute, and you will be surprised at what may happen and eventually your abundance will flow. ”

We recommend connecting the Crystalline Grid of the planet to take real forces and receive the new resonance available to each of us. Do anchoring exercises to the Earth, take our roots to the core of the Earth, so we will receive the necessary energies that will guide us in our next steps on the earth's surface. Little by little we will discover in us the message of the New Earth.

We must learn to tune our perceptions, like animals before a tsunami, the Earth warns us with time, but we are humans disconnected from the terrestrial and galactic frequencies, although many say they are well connected in all social networks with their mobiles, tablet and GPS, but could not notice Gaia's messages.

We must link the new frequency with the human situations we still live, learn to join the two realities. In a very subtle learning, there are no precise rules, the instruction manual comes with light codes, pulsations and resonances that are integrated into our energy centers and after a while we feel the change. It is all synchronized within the Great Land Plan.

Be flexible and open to the new, the answers will come alone. After the chaos, the order comes. Internal order to reflect it outside. Assimilating this new resonance is what will allow us to find our place both in the terrestrial reality as we know it today as in the Earth of 5th dimension. This process is what we call aligning with the new energies of the Earth's hologram.

In any place or situation where polarities are very evident, there are irreconcilable confrontations. They are losing energy uselessly, they will become depleted in themselves. Because the new system tends towards integration and unity. In order to experience this unity and integration, the ego must be silenced and the heart opened. What allows us to move forward without breaking is the degree of integration and flexibility in each situation that arises.

To the extent that you order your fabric, you are allowing others in your environment to be ordered. It is time to understand the individual and collective work that each of us performs.

Each step we make in reconciliation with the Earth, we synchronize the new frequency, so we help many others also synchronize.

Each of us is leaving an energy trail within the Collective Lattice. It is the task that the most advanced beings are doing. We sort and allow others to order and advance. We are pioneers and we are ordering energies.

When we handle multidimensional energy, the spirit acts from focused attention and we are manifesting 5th dimension skills and we understand more. With focused attention, in a short time we do more things and time yields !! It is another aspect of multidimensionality.

When things do not flow easily, we are in the old patterns. By experiencing an integrated state of consciousness we can more easily shift into new forms.

Another aspect to consider to enter into the new is to stop demanding ourselves to comply with the external world. Without controlling or pressing so much. There are ancient life forms that don't work anymore.

To experience the new: order current life, begin to detach ourselves from what we thought was right and enter into an internal time. What we have experienced this week is repeated every so often and will continue to repeat. There is a need to experience new ways of life.

The planet Earth is no longer played, it is no longer a matter of who is left with power.

The Earth is speaking, its frequency changed and we must accompany the new resonance.

Many of the things you were doing, maybe you don't need them anymore. We are increasingly connected to the real task we came to do.

We are on a path to our own integration and completeness. And even if you don't fully understand this concept today, just keep it in your memory, you will soon understand.

Today the task is to heal our separate parts within us to reflect the totality outside.

If everything moves very fast in the 3rd dimension, the internal movement must be calmed in a high state of consciousness, where things do not move chaotically but synchronize within a greater reality.

Serene and radiate from our center, let everything happen, withdraw from the flow of movement and work the anchor in the new energies of time. Meditate, visualize our anchor channel to the earth. Honor our Mother Earth

Mother Earth calls her children to take their place.

The time has come, the Sons of the Earth rise everywhere. Spirits in conscience assume their places, public or private, silent or with banners.

The union of heaven and earth. We are supported and cared for from the galaxy.

We are on our way to another world,

you just need to tune your light vehicle for the trip

Ana María Frallicciardi

Chapel of the Mount. Cordova. Argentina

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