Reiki Exercises Heiwa To AI For Stress

  • 2016


Eyes up and down

With your head upright, look straight ahead.

Then slowly turn your eyes upward as if looking at the sky (without forcing and without moving your head). Maintain that position for 5 seconds. Then slowly lower your eyes as if looking at your feet or your nose (without forcing and without moving your head). Maintain that position for 5 seconds. Repeat the two movements 5 times.

Eyes to the right and to the left

Look straight ahead and then slowly turn your eyes to the right (without forcing and without moving your head). Maintain that position for 5 seconds.

Then slowly turn your eyes to the left (without forcing and without moving your head). Maintain that position for 5 seconds. Repeat the two movements 5 times.

Eyes moving diagonally.

Assuming you are inside a room, look in front of a wall and then slowly turn your eyes to the upper right corner (without moving your head). Maintain that position for 5 seconds. Then slowly turn your eyes to the lower left corner (without moving your head). Maintain that position for 5 seconds. Repeat the two movements 5 times. Look back at the front of the wall and then slowly turn your eyes to the upper left corner (without moving your head). Hold that position for 5 seconds.

Then slowly turn your eyes to the lower right corner (without moving your head). Hold that position for 5 seconds. Repeat the two movements 5 times.



Take the energy to your hands

Bring the energy to the hands by rubbing the hands and giving 9 claps

Rub your hands vigorously for a few seconds, and then give 9 strong pats. In this way you bring energy to your hands. You have to keep in mind that before performing each of the massages that come next, you must rub your hands (but without clapping).

Rubbing the hands stimulates the Lao Gong energy centers.

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Massage the temples

With the palms (with three fingers of each palm) make circles at the temples. Make 7 circles forward and 7 circles back. It is important that you keep your face relaxed, your eyes loose, your jaw loose ...

This massage relaxes the body and quiets the mind.


Massage the face

Raise your palms by your sides (next to your ears) and lower them by the center of your face (without covering the tip of your nose). The friction should be light, passing through the forehead, eyes, cheek, mouth and chin. Make 15 passes

This massage stimulates the circulation of the energy of the face, tones the skin of the face

and helps prevent the formation of wrinkles.


Massage the lower forehead

Place your hands on the forehead, above the eyebrows, and with the fingers of each hand make circles about 2 centimeters above the eyebrows. Make 7 circles in and 7 circles out.

This massage relaxes the body and quiets the mind.

Massage the forehead

With the palms of your hands make alternate horizontal passes, first with one hand and then with the other. The movement has to be outward, as if you were taking sweat off your forehead. Make 15 passes with each hand.

This massage relieves fatigue, promotes blood circulation and prevents the formation of wrinkles on the forehead.


Massage the eyebrows

Stretch your eyebrows from the eyebrows to their ends. Do it slowly and gently.

Do it 7 times.

This exercise relaxes the eyes and prepares you for the next massage.


Massage your eyes

With the palms of your hands, make passes over the eyes with both palms at the same time. First place both palms together and vertically in the center of the forehead, then slide them down and sideways covering the eyes. Try not to squeeze too much. The movement has to be outward. Make 15 passes with each hand.

This massage mobilizes the energy in the eyes, toning them and improving vision.

Source: Ricard L pez

Master Ren e Muchen

Territorial Delegate in Argentina of the Ong Hao of Barcelona and Reiki Teacher Heiwa to Ai Usui

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