The best herbs for spiritual cleansing

  • 2017

There are many and very diverse cultures that have searched throughout their history for the best herbs for spiritual cleansing . From the Native Americans to the ancient Chinese, through the Maori civilization, the Zulus, the Balinese

In fact, many of these cultures still practice their ancestral rites . Therefore, when our spirit is not clean, it is important that it returns to its state of naturalness and fullness as soon as possible .

When is a spiritual cleansing necessary?

Today we are going to know some of the best herbs for spiritual cleansing . Now, do you know why and when do you need it? Let's know some cases. If you find yours, do not hesitate to proceed, as it is your life and your well-being, as well as yours, what is at stake:

  • Spiritual cleansing is necessary when your soul has been corrupted . Have you taken any action against your criteria, your ethical values ​​and your own morality? Do not hesitate to proceed in the correct way as soon as possible and straighten the course.

  • Do you feel that life makes you bitter and weighs you every day ? Your spirit is languid and sore, and you only notice the suffering on your shoulders. Obviously you need an urgent cleaning.

  • Do you think you are the most unhappy person on the face of the Earth ? Hurry up to cleanse your soul and your spirit to restore the fullness you have lost.

  • When you consider that nothing in your life and in your world makes sense, a spiritual cleansing could return you to the right path. Everything has a reason, a motivation and a causality, do not hesitate.

Best herbs for spiritual cleansing

Now, to perform a cleansing of the spirit, there are various methods . We will not go into details and ceremonies today, although in our blog you will find many ideas. Today we focus on the most appropriate herbs according to your need.

Use rosemary to purify your spirit

Rosemary, widely used in cooking, is ideal for these needs . It has a great purification power. Today it is one of the herbs with more healing and protective strength than many are known. Various ways of using it involve burning it to smudge with the resulting coal, bathing in its smoke or consuming or pouring after making an infusion with the fresh or dried plant.

Sage as a spirit cleanser

Also sage is a great healing herb . Thanks to its purifying power, it is exemplary to protect spirituality using its dried and burned branches. Of course, you have to do it in the heat of a sacred ceremony that manages to drive away the bad influence. It was widely used by Native Americans and is even useful for cleaning objects and homes.

Cedar to heal spirits

Cedar is also a recommended herb to clean negative energy . As a promoter of good health, it was used in many ancestral cultures. Its fresh branches offer a smoke with great purifying power that attracts positive energy. It is even used as a bed for people with problems to attract healing. It has also been used as a method to obtain visions and receive blessings.

Thyme and its cleaning capacity

Finally, we have another herb with great cleansing power of the spirit. Thyme is especially efficient when problems arise from love . In this sense, if you have suffered a difficult break or a stormy crush, infusions with their leaves are especially powerful. It also serves to purify objects, even gifts full of negative energy because of its origin in the lover of conflict and the pain of memory.

Having a clean spirit is necessary to live a full and happy life . These herbs can help you a lot, hence we offer them as offerings for your knowledge, wisdom and improvement.

Seen on ehowenespanol and adapted by Pedro, editor of the Great White Brotherhood

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