Message from Master Jesus of Nazareth

  • 2010

Channeling of Brother Luis Cuadros Valdivia

Master Jesus of Nazareth

Heavenly Father, Divine Presence-Light ... bowing to your miraculous, radiant presence of divine love, I find my way to you. Heavenly Father, Divine Presence-Light, Divine Love, thank you I give you because you allow assistance to this vibrating human frequency of love. Let it be your Will and not ours.

Beloved of my heart, I come radiant of Light, of crystalline water, that is a diamond of love ... but you, my beloved, are asleep, have forgotten to love. They are asleep, they are full of deception and hoax, sin and mistakes; and those pains, you have crucified yourself for your mistaken thinking. Awake, my beloved! Open your hearts! Love! ... and let that love envelop. May the clarification of your thoughts, that you find the moments of Light that take away the darkness. You are asleep Wake up ... wake up! ... wake up to the Light. And in the end, when you have pains and those worries of the disease, you just remember that I exist; you just remember that there is a Jesus, there is a Mother, there is a God. I ask ... two ... three ... everyone ... awaken their consciences. Clarity is the Light.

Your brains are tuning devices ... night or day, asleep or awake; and the tuner is the thought, which at all times tunes gradations ... gradations, radiations, vibrations ... throughout the infinite stratum, in all vibratory frequencies. Do not forget, then, your brain is a wave apparatus, a wave collector. But what catch those waves? Your thoughts! Do not forget that this moment of Light, God has allowed my visit to wake up to the Light.

His hands are connectors to the outside; and they, guided by the thoughts generate the actions of love, of light ... of torment, of pain and curse. These are physical, radiant connectors, when it illuminates love, of increasing darkness when hate embraces them, when jealousy consumes them, when anguish degrades them to darkness. Awake, my dear toddlers ... little kids! ... little ones! ... full of evil. Here, they are better. Wake up to the Light of God. Wake up to love, that outside if there is evil ... irrelevant ... outside there is darkness. Blessed are the moments, blessed are the moments of these meetings of love! Because here my love disciples are called; because I have summoned you, I have prompted you in the heart to come weekly; because here it is not suddenly, it is causal. You, my beloved Kobdas, are called by that spiritual call of the heart.
Wrap yourself in the Light. Come to the call of God. You are my disciples! Wake your consciousness to the Light. Amen! Love God! Love your brothers, meme yourselves! Love nature, plants, flowers, air, flower, light, the candor of a heavenly perfume of a fragrant rose. Love the little ant, the little mouse amen! because if these little animals, feed, attack you, it is that you have generated with your thoughts that aggression of defense; because those little animals are born born in a force of love unable to attack, but your degraded thoughts go into the eternal and they wrap up like a radioactive rain on plants, crops, animals and They absorb those perverse gradations of thought, so at the moment there are floods, earthquakes, pests, because you have created them.

Why in these worlds of love there are no plagues? Why are the animals kind? Why do plants speak to you? Wake up to the Light. Get involved with the animal! Concern with Mother Earth! Concern God! with my Mother! with you! with your heart. Bless you Sean!

Bless you, beloved Master.

DATE: 07-01-2010

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