Wesak's message - Signs of awakening by Selacia

  • 2015
Table of contents hide 1 Waking Signs 2 About Wesak 3 New Stability Class 4 Wesak Message Signs of Waking up by Selacia

As you prepare to celebrate Wesak and Buddha's birthday on May 2, you have been going through an intense cycle of energy. Most likely, they are still working on some of the issues that came to light in the last two months.

In addition to these challenges, you have also connected with some useful new insights about your life discovering more about what is working in your life and What you need to change.

Since Wesak last year, you have certainly changed so much energetically that it is like you are a different person in different ways.

Yes, they may seem alike and much in your everyday world may seem unchanged.

On an internal level, anyway, you are completely different. From a spiritual perspective, perceive these key signs of awakening contributing to your energy change.

Signs of Awakening

ONE - You are holding and radiating more light than a year ago - this is related to the ascension process.

TWO - At an energy level, you are learning to adapt more easily to changes in energy - partly because you are practicing a lot!

THREE - You are feeling more comfortable with the idea that life will not be returning to the kind of "normal" you knew before - some of this comfort comes from knowing that this change is impacting everyone in the universe.

Another factor is the repetition in time of the idea that by the way you have entered a new and courageous world in which the only way forward is ahead - the more you think you can accept this idea, the more progress you will make and more cheerful they will feel.

FOUR - Most likely, you are dealing with some issues that may have appeared emerging from nowhere - challenges you did not have before. Some of these involve issues of past life in their DNA, catalyzed by their accelerated awakening and the need on a spiritual level to clear the cover of these things at this juncture.

The key to remember here is that while some of these things might seem like new issues, they were actually sitting there all the time. This past year, they came to the surface for you to address them for the last time.

If you have something similar, it is probably not your challenge, but something that you as a soul have been dealing with during times of life. Despite what you might feel about addressing this, it is important that you find whatever you have to face.

About Wesak

In Wesak as they meet with others to celebrate the Buddha and his own enlightenment potential, they will receive spiritual fuel to help stabilize and build a new momentum. Wesak is a rare annual opportunity to have tangible experiences with enlightened Masters like Buddha. While participating in the Wesak celebrations, an abundant flow of Wesak's blessings enters their energy field, providing them with resources in the coming year.

Each year, being in Wesak can help rekindle your passion and provide amplified stability to navigate uncertainty.

New Stability Class

There is a new type of stability needed when you reach this place on the path of awakening.
Your strength must now come both spiritually and physically. The kind of spiritual strength you are developing will help you sustain your center when things become even more chaotic than now.

This expanded force will give them greater perspective and a way to make peace with things that make no sense on a worldly level.

Aspire to the strength that embodies your highest values ​​of how to live life on Earth: love, compassion, patience and tolerance.

The strength referred to here means that you can look at your world upside down in a direct way, seeing it as it is - seeing it honestly without losing your balance. This becomes increasingly important in the future.

As an agent of divine changes, you are alive to be at the forefront of the changes that are occurring throughout the planet, consciously participating to help create a positive transformation.

In that role, they are learning not to be afraid. They are learning to see what is there - the good, the bad and the ugly - without judgment. As they do this, they have opportunities to be a significant healing force in the results.

For now, know that you are among the lucky ones consciously walking the path during the most volatile times on Earth.

Being aware is now a gift.

This means that you really understand what the changes in society are about. You understand that they are necessary and know that it will not be easy to put them into practice.

You know that spiritual force and being endowed with resources by the spirit will make a difference - these things help you to be the powerful Agent of Divine Change that you are meant to be.

By Selacia

Translation: Alicia Virelli

Source: www.Selacia.com

Wesak's message - Signs of awakening by Selacia

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