Message from Jesus / Sananda: "It is Time for Change"

  • 2014


“I want to give the world a written message that will extend my talk yesterday on the radio show ( It was an unusual message for me, in which I included many philosophical and moral points that are the basis of what we could call our spiritual path of life. It is the foundation of what Mother / Father God has called The True Way. Since we began to give these messages through many Masters, there has been no guide, nor a "Bible", to which reference could be made, nor that captured the essence of our point of view. I have given written messages like "The Course of Miracles" before, but we find that it is too complex and detailed for most people.

"The New Scriptures" that I dictated through Kathryn were meant to be the general lines for greater understanding. I want to continue these writings in greater detail, and more real-life examples for people struggling with day-to-day decisions. It is a time of great changes, powerful energy changes, and important options for all living beings on the planet. Yes, animals, insects and even plants make decisions, in their own way, either individually or in groups, and everyone is making important decisions about the future of their experience on planet Earth and their relationship with humanity.

Let's start at the beginning. It will be a surprise to many to know that the human species did not start on planet Earth, but is a combination of several races of humanoid beings from other planets that gave their DNA to combine it with what is expected to be the best of all possible qualities : a being who is truly made in the image of our Creator. This is your potential, the destiny for which you were created.

Your DNA carries in itself the possibility of expanding into a crystalline-based life form, to transmute them into multidimensional beings that can move through space and time into the higher dimensions. It is a process that is underway. You are being helped by the arrival of high vibrational energies from the Central Sun, as well as by expert Masters who on the ground are directing and managing this process of activation of human capacities and the reactivation of crystal energy sources of the higher dimensions of your planet

Everything is progressing as planned, gradually raising them all - Mother Terra and all its inhabitants - to a higher level of existence. Since you are conscious beings with free will, you have many options to take regarding your participation in this major process. They will be helped by energies full of Light that favor the increase of life choices, but will not be elevated against their will. In fact, there is much that a being can do to resist changes, to avoid its own ascension, and much can be done to accelerate it.

We want to help you with these decisions, in the understanding that words alone cannot provide the information they need to feel. For this reason, we imbue all these messages with our greatest loving dimensional energy, the one that feels even more when you hear the voice messages that I carry with you. The archives carry the same energy when heard in the present, but the words alone cannot lead them to the Truth. You should feel your way, always referring to the deepest part of your heart, where your soul connection offers direct contact with us through the portal in your brain, near the pineal gland. The pineal gland is the engine for the absorption of light and the conversion of your DNA into a crystalline and more sophisticated "operating system." Here lies the key to your future as beings of higher dimensions.

We have described before you "The Lucifer Project", which was deliberately designed to offer humanity the greatest possible challenges within the duality of Light and Darkness. The Dark ones who came with the intention of taking over the planet Earth were allowed to remain for a while and they created the conditions against which you have fought so much. It was your wish, as I have already told you, to try to recover in you a foothold. In the process, you learned to hold on to your faith, to maintain your attraction to the light and to your loving hearts. This, dear ones, is the success we celebrate today.

They were not able to defeat the Kabbalah alone, because they are not governed by the Universal Law. You were not willing to fully adopt your tactics and destructive intentions in order to win the game within the matrix, as you might call it. This is part of your credit. They have learned well that the end does not justify the means. You have had to maintain your integrity, even at the cost of death, and you are discovering through many lives that death is something less than fear than selling your soul for profit.

You are now very aware of the interference of the Dark in each area of ​​your lives: the imposition of the use of fossil fuels, since it is more profitable than the free and friendly energy of the Earth; the use of toxic chemicals and pesticides to grow large quantities of lower quality food, at the cost of depleting your soil, soiling your water and air; the mistreatment of animals and the promotion of animal protein as a source of food; the development of medical practices that promote the disease rather than cure it. All these systems, and others, were deliberately designed to interfere with the transition to the crystalline form, and therefore interfere with your Ascension.

Now it is your responsibility, dear ones, to examine your way of life to understand the complex network of darkness that has contaminated all facets of your social and political structures, the methods used to manufacture and build, and the ways in which you They have adapted themselves to a life of struggle and slavery. You, Beloved Workers, are the ones who will help guide your brothers and sisters out of this complex interconnected and interdependent system that Kabbalah has created to literally maintain darkness for thousands of years.

Of course, slavery gained momentum with the invention of money and the ability to use it to accumulate wealth and power and therefore control of the planet's resources that sustain life for all. The rest is familiar to those who are willing to recognize the effect of these activities: the degradation of the planet and everything on Earth, was in fact the purpose. Just take a step back and see the whole picture with your third eye, with your intuitive understanding and your ability to observe everything without prejudice, so you will be able to see the Truth.

The superior dimensional point of view allows us to observe all the river currents of time that have led to the current situation. Feel free to look around the corners and see the obstacles that have been deliberately placed to obscure your vision. Make your light shine in the shadows and underground hiding places where secret societies - and secret governments - have plotted against the light in their efforts to defeat God, and the loving heart of humanity, which is God. Dig up the evidence and bring it to light, for all to see. In this way, if you want literally, you will dig up the leftover ways of thinking that remain in the fog.

There is no place in the New Golden Age for ancient habits or for the ways of thinking that defined life on Earth as La (deliberate) Ca da thousands of years ago Years, which began during the civilization of Lemuria. Lucifer and I are going to give you more messages in the coming weeks to help you understand your role in creating the plan you started with courage to offer humanity the last test of Faith that would prepare them for their destiny as leaders of the cosmos. To reach the level of integrity and knowing in the depths of their being, they literally forged themselves in the fire that is life in the duality behind the Veil, separated from their celestial family.

Everything must be cleansed now, everything must be recognized, we must give recognition to the dark challenges that made us strive together, arduously, to bring the Light back. By doing this, we celebrate our strength and our deep connections between ourselves and with God.

This long trajectory through the darkness to the Light has created the great love that we now share with our brave companions: the soul of the family that sustains and supports us every step of the way. We are and have always been the Galactic Family of Light, preparing ourselves here on our dear planet Earth for our destiny as leaders of the Light, the representatives of God's true path.

You are now at a crossroads. They are put in the position of having to use the deepest connections with their Higher Self and with God in order to see the intention behind the actions, the motivation which leads people to do destructive and disturbing things. You often say that you are going to follow your heart, but what if your heart seems to be confused? Dear ones, hearts never get confused. You can get confused by listening to words instead of allowing your heart to guide you through confusion, no matter how unlikely the last explanation is.

In my message channeled through Kathryn this week, I presented you with a difficult dilemma. They are asked to open their minds to reconsider decisions they may have made and felt strongly, and to listen carefully before discerning what motives are pure and which are not. Remember, Kathryn was chosen as a channeler of The New Scriptures after years of rigorous training. It is not obvious to you, but I assure you that our conversations are not just for publication purposes. She has been in intimate terms with us for years, and knows very well who is talking to her for our energies. Another point of interest is that your coach and mentor through those years of testing was Father / God.

The main reason Kathryn was chosen for these messages is that she made a commitment to us years ago that she was going to explain anything we said to her in the channel regardless of the impact on her or her personal feelings about the message. In general, this has not been a problem since he knows us and our methods and trusts them since he was rarely asked to carry a message that caused him problems. This week has been an exception because my message put her in a very difficult situation, as opposed to the ones she loves. I am sorry, but I know that everything will be revealed soon and will be clarified for the good of you all.

Remember that now is the time for your optimal growth, for a profound and complete change on the belief systems that you have maintained throughout your lives. The truth must be revealed. The truth will be spoken. This is not an easy path to follow, but it will result in the freedom of all mankind. Wake up, Beloved. Your time has come. Let us walk steadily, with a firm step, towards a future that is built on a higher consciousness, a greater awareness, with deeper connections of the heart and the will to eliminate from our path everything that is not of the Light.

This challenge, at this time, is not just about feeling good. This is a serious struggle for some, a very big effort to be awake and stand firm in the face of the powerful opposition of unexpected sectors. They must hold on to the truth that Love is always compassionate, generous and kind, but that does not mean we will bow to those who threaten us or try to distract us. Once again I encourage you to turn away from revenge, embrace forgiveness and create a new scenario with the construction of your new tomorrow.

I love you beyond words,

I am your Sananda, always at your service. ”

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, between June 2 and 3, 2014 (7:00 p.m.)

Translation Claudio Dunn

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Message from Jesus / Sananda: "It is Time for Change"

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