Message from Mother Mileila by Fernanda Abundes: A story to reflect on

  • 2016

Many times you consider that the Great, the All, that supreme being does not listen. Listen, but consider that I will give it whenever you want, it is best when you require it and you think: But I always need it and sometimes it takes . The times of the Great are perfect because remember that this time is so relative, that he knows at what moment just when and when not.


There was then a child like every day, that child who suddenly went a little hungry and he just wanted a slice of bread, measured the scope quite a bit and also half his need; the Great, the great sage saw it as an act of kindness because he did not want beyond just what he needed. He knew he could give him something much bigger but he just wanted a slice of bread.

One day the great sage arrived and said: "Spread your hands that I am going to give you what you have asked for so much, " then the boy put his hands and He gave him a slice of bread.

That day the boy was so happy that he ate it immediately, he ate it so fast that he thought he was going to give him another slice of bread but in the end, we were fair with the idea, he asked for a slice of bread.

Well ... that's how it was for seven days, every day the Great, the great sage told him: "reach out I will give you what you have asked for" and give him a slice of bread.

Suddenly, the being became so accustomed that this request and that interest in living it became something so daily that the opportunity was not appreciated and not so much the opportunity that the Magno had, but his opportunity to enjoy it.

The eighth day arrived and the wise man did not arrive, but he also did not ask for bread. He forgot to ask because he took it for granted and forgot to ask what the need was for that day. He felt annoyed, he felt annoyed because what he had determined as part of a mission became a life obligation without thanking himself for everything he had on a day-to-day basis.

Suddenly he had great situations, he forgot to thank himself, he also forgot to thank the time and the opportunity of life, as such of the Great but still, the Great never generates punishments only learning and when he leaves us a little we value The idea is not to give us less is to give us more.

When the little boy realized that he no longer had bread, he made the expression that everyone makes when there is nothing left: “Where is he?” And that is the expression that the Great seeks for you because it makes you open your hands., because he is going to give them something much bigger, he has not removed them and they need to open them because he would no longer fit with his hands together. When there is nothing left, it is because something much bigger is coming for you and you need to have your hands so open and strong to be able to support and carry it.

And it is then, when not only a slice of bread arrived but a large piece and since then every day the child is grateful because he gives himself the opportunity to live it.

That is the idea of ​​Nothing ... when Nothing exists it is EVERYTHING, It is the same definition of the great Magno. You always see that what you have must thank you, of course, there are those who do it for the opportunity of life you have to be able to verify that there is great learning in it.

I will be working with all of you ...

Remember that all you need is a matter of asking, the time is perfect and comes when it must be transformed.

Message channeled by Fernanda Abundes (Puebla, Mexico)

Published by Geny Castell editor of the great family of

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