Meditation of Summer Solstice 2012 of the Iberian Network of Light

  • 2012


June 21, 2012 at 01:08, Spanish peninsular time

Meditation proposed by the Iberian Network of Light

We return with proposals for meditation for the next astronomical and awareness event that arrives; the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, the longest day of the year, the maximum solar light of this important year 2012. A special occasion to invoke, claim and receive the maximum powers and energy effluviums of that Solar Light, which we need so much . We propose here a Summer Solstice meditation for the night of the next day 20 or the morning of June 21, when the energy window of the solstice is still open. In the Iberian Network of Light we want the preparation and proposal of a meditation to be habitual in those events of collective spiritual action indicated by the ONE CALENDAR initiative, in its grand purpose of implanting a unified spiritual calendar.

The central theme of this meditation is:


Indeed, the country is depressed and discouraged by the overwhelming insistence of bad news that from the media and from all corners gather every day on our minds. For every person who maintains a certain spirit of getting ahead there are 20 people without hope and without hope for the future, including many people from the spiritual world.

The social energy environment is seriously polluted. The thought-forms of negativity and discouragement multiply each day and spread everywhere without limits or barriers. The only prevailing thought is to see the glass half empty and this spiral of negativity seems unstoppable. Meanwhile, the Sun shines with its maximum intensity, its Light energies insist on spilling generously on our energy bodies with a supplement of transforming photonic light through solar storms.

But this whole situation has a false energy base. It is absolutely mental and is due to intentionally induced contamination to subject human beings to very dark interests. As lightworkers we have the spiritual energy tools to turn around the situation and align it with what the energies of the Solstice bring us: The great Light, the magnified presence of Father Sun and his energies Areas of expansion, will, advancement, optimism and future. It is necessary, there will not be another Summer Solstice in this hemisphere during this year 2012 and we need to be mentally clean and well prepared to face in successful conditions on December 21, 2012. And that it is the spiritual work that is proposed for this Solstice



This meditation should be made face to Father Sun, either on the sunset of Tuesday June 20 or on the dawn of June 21. Always without looking directly at the Sun if it is too strong. It is the ideal.

We put a calm and relaxing music, beautiful and deep, of high vibration so that it accompanies us in our meditation. We sit down and, stretch our backs, relax all the muscles little by little while at the same time and breathe slowly and deeply and empty our mind of random and reliable thoughts. We extend or repeat this process until we are fully and, with the mind in a meditative state. For this part that each apply the techniques that you know best or work best for you.

For a few minutes we review the state of our mental positivity, of our mood, of our illusion for life and our hope for the future. With sincerity towards ourselves, with personal honesty we accept, whatever it may be, our internal state of mind.

With this starting point of personal integrity, we express internally, or verbalize in our own way, our immovable and unstoppable desire to ascend to the Fullness of Light and Love that is and who we are, the Fullness of Being, verbalize our unwavering will to merge with the Solar Light in a vibratory explosion that connects us with the higher planes and with our true nature.

We do our verbalization three times, at least, or a multiple of three. As an example of verbalization, external or internal, the following may be useful, although the best is always the one that comes internally from the Being of each one:


Then, facing the Sun and looking at the Sun, if you can, or visualizing a full Sun if we are in a closed space, we connect with its rays joining the Sun in line with our solar plexus and visualize As the sun's rays, charged with light and high vibration, reach us and cover our energetic body of light, we visualize how they burn and dissolve our attached negative thought forms and other parasitic energetic forms of our aura that has adhered us the general negative mental situation.

For a while we support the sun's rays by executing this external energy cleaning on us so that, once we feel that it is completed, we connect again to these solar light emissions and visualize how they penetrate our solar plexus, filling us with its Light and injecting into we its luminous properties: strength, will, expansiveness, optimism, joy, impulse, energy, power to act and orient our environment towards the Light.

We feel how the Sun moves its luminous force and how a bright and pulsating personal Sun grows inside us until it floods our physical and energetic body with a radiant and expansive Light, while, in turn, we send all the Sun to Father Sun love of our heart and we recharge it with gratitude and love.

Once this cycle is completed and both ends of the connection are recharged, we visualize how Father Sol discharges a strong luminous current over Iberia, especially its territory, which produces the same effect that it produced previously in us, generates a great cauterization fire of the General negative thinking forms, cleanses the contaminated mental field and destroys the negative parasitic energies on cities and inhabited areas, gradually returning a vibrating environment, healthy, fresh, clean and pure, which regenerates and cleanses the minds of all beings Humans of Iberia and progressively improving the collective social mental situation, until a collective call of optimism, of the future, of wanting to get ahead and pushing towards a new world is felt.

Now we keep the visualization on the sunrays that cover Iberia and visualize how under the influence of these rays it appears and emerges from the center of the Iberian Rock, from the peninsular center, a giant quartz crystal that grows and occupies a large part of Iberia It is a pointed quartz, clean, transparent and very powerful, accompanied by smaller ones that surround it. This is the Atlantean Master Quartz that emerges in Iberia to radiate high vibration of Light and Love to the entire planet, according to the Iberian mission.

It continues in the visualization of that Master Quartz, in its emergency process, how it is receiving the sun's rays, as well as the blessings of your heart, and how it is activated upon receipt of both things starting the emission of high luminous vibration that it expands and spreads throughout the planet, insufflating energies of Light and Love without rest more and more intensely and more spread throughout the planet.

When you feel that the work is complete, you can slowly return to physical reality. Do it very slowly because if the vibrational level reached has been very high, the abrupt return to “earth” can make you feel bad. Let yourself go, without anyone bothering you, towards reality and do not forget, before closing the meditation, thank Father Sun for the energy of Light sent and all your Masters present in this meditation and bless them.

That's all, you also receive the blessing of the Iberian Network of Light.

In service and with love.

Domingo Díaz Asensio

Spiritual Irradiation Area

Iberian Network of Light

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