Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian Group ~ June 12, 2016

  • 2016

Welcome my dear:

As the new world emerges you are beginning to see that the beliefs and concepts of past generations are evaporating despite attempts to keep them in place by those who are safe in them.

Looking back in retrospect even a few years ago and comparing the thoughts of that time with the current ones, you can see how far they have come. The rights of animals as they are today were not even known as recently as 20 years ago. Both men and women individually and in groups are coming to realize that feminine energy is no less important than masculine energy, and that both are equal parts that comprise the whole.

Those who were educated or taught with the beliefs that they were born being less than, sinners, or in some way damaged and in need of an arrangement are waking up to their true nature and claiming the power that ignorantly allowed others to take away from them through these beliefs.

Many of you are discovering that some disturbing issues that have so far caused pain, anger or frustration no longer affect you as you had ever done. When you no longer carry the energy of something, it simply dissolves into nothingness that has always been because there is no longer any energy that sustains it. Only the qualities of Divine Consciousness are sustained by law.

The awareness of this truth serves to eliminate the desire to resist evil, fight error and fight against what you believe separates you from what you need. They are beginning to understand that everything they are looking for is already satisfied and complete inside, sustained there by the Divine Law. Evolution is about moving beyond the accumulated false beliefs in order to experience who and what you really are.

Every little bit of spiritual awareness achieved automatically flows as you make your daily lives because the truth realized (not what is known only intellectually) becomes who you are. You are the conscience, not just physical bodies. As they live their highest state of consciousness that they have achieved, new truths unfold when they are ready to integrate them, often when they least expect it. The Truth is infinite, it has no end.

As individuals wake up they become aware of their undesirable habits and qualities and begin to act (physically, emotionally, mentally and even spiritually) to get rid of the 'little sacred' qualities they have discovered. (Imagine the flogging of monks and "saints" or those who enhance the crucifixion, falsely believing that suffering or getting rid of the physical is " holiness ").

In reality, these acts are unnecessary and represent unlit concepts of the spiritual path - the path of meaning to being. The physical body is a sacred receptacle of your consciousness, formed by you and necessary to live in three-dimensional energy.

Resistance to a person, place or thing empowers her, conferring on her a power she does not innately have. This means that you have to honor rather than resist personal negative habits and qualities. Recognize them simply as facets of who you are at this time and realize that there is no law that holds them in place. Personal qualities of any kind can be powerful means to shine the light on one's belief system and expose the concepts and beliefs themselves that are manifesting now as those negative characteristics that you wish to let go.

The resistance is as old as humanity. Being always seeks to be recognized for who it is and what it is, and for those who have not evolved this will manifest itself in a three-dimensional way. The longing for a being to be consciously recognized will never cease because that is the reality of who you are. Freedom and integrity are facets of Divinity held in place eternally by Divine Law, but they cannot manifest themselves higher from the state of consciousness achieved by an individual. Even a murderer believes he is bringing integrity to some situation.

Resistance often begins when a spiritual initiator suddenly awakens to a truth that he is only able to understand through his three-dimensional state of consciousness, and often becomes a proselytist, declaring who hears as well as those who do not listen that he knows what is true and that everyone must believe what he believes or will be lost.

In his enthusiasm to disseminate what he believes to be the totality of the only truth, he urges his followers to resist anything that does not fit into this limited belief system. Often these dear beings are battling themselves with the very issues they are condemning and seek to eliminate it in others, which is easily observed in the actions of the many organized religions.

The resistance is based on the belief that everyone, including themselves, is separated from the Divinity (their good), but that this can be corrected by various physical, emotional, mental methods or spiritual It is often believed that resistance is the best means of eliminating what is considered incorrect, immoral or unacceptable by those who believe themselves to be an authority in regard to what is right or wrong.

The Old Testament is a book of rules and regulations that was necessary for the time when an un evolved society needed rules . Two thousand years ago an enlightened teacher proclaimed that he had come to bring a new testament. This New Testament was meant to replace the old one, leading humanity to a consciousness based on Love and Unity. However, to this day many continue to hold on to the Old Testament rules while they call themselves Christians .

Not all, but most people, and certainly all who read these messages, have evolved beyond the need for rules and regulations in order to live in peace . You are advancing to that new state of New Testament consciousness, one in which the self as well as all living beings are honored and respected for being in the Divinity and being of the Divinity. The time has come and you are ready to move beyond regret, lack of esteem, and all facets of three-dimensional consciousness.

Resistance can make something relatively unimportant as a powerful enemy that needs to be overcome or eliminated. The qualities and habits that are not well received usually flow from cellular memory, from lives in which these qualities were necessary for survival. Instead of struggling, allow these things to be cleared through your inner work and the intention to evolve spiritually.

As they move deeper into living from an awareness of the truth, they will begin to trust the process. Never forget that in the face of any inner or outer discord you have a Higher Self, your Guides, a pre-birth plan, and that you are here to remember and experience your true self while you are n on Earth. Resistance decreases as an individual evolves spiritually as he realizes that there is nothing to resist, fight or try to eliminate, since all are images in thought.

As with all activities of daily life, there will be times when you will be guided to take human steps that might appear to be a resistance to others. If you are guided in this way, trust your intuition. Never remain in a violent or abusive situation, falsely believing that getting out of that situation is resisting it, that the situation is some punishment, or that you must stay in that situation to learn something. Coming out of these situations is not resistance but honoring and loving oneself.

There is a fine line that separates resistance from taking an action that is necessary. That it is, depending on the state of consciousness of the individual. Is it a consciousness that sees reality through appearances, followed by intuitively guided action, or is it simply an attempt to get rid of something perceived as power? You have the right of free will to choose, but allow that to be guided from within.

Try not to feel any remorse for your fears that you may continue to have because it is very easy to fall into the universal fears of the world on Earth . Fears are presented 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by their governments, their churches, their experts, and all who present their opinion. Those who are sensitive to energy often experience impersonal fears of the world believing they are theirs. Be alert to this, keeping your energy field full of Light and without claiming these energies as yours.

Allow the process of evolution to unfold in its own way, which could be very different from what you have come to expect. Each trajectory is personal because their lessons and experiences are not the same as those of their neighbors, nor will they duplicate those they have read in spiritual literature. Each being is unique, individualized within the One.

Consciousness unfolds like soft and silent steps of consciousness, sometimes winding through stones and other times through fields of wildflowers, and regardless of the curves and turns of your personal path or how careless you have sometimes become, remember that he will always remain the right one for you and that he has followed you for lives because he was created and positioned by you and is a facet of his conscience .

Each being is allowed to have free will to rest or take secondary paths as often as they like, but he is comforted knowing that his spiritual path is always awaiting them.

AUTHOR: Arcturian Group


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