Maestro Pablo Veneciano ~ Divine love

  • 2014

My beloved…

Many times they will have wondered what Love really is, in any of its expressions as vast as the waves of the sea.

The influence of Divine Love is omniabarcante. It is the Divine Mother gestating and manifesting all contemplate. It is both the strength to sustain and nurture everything created. It is the wisdom to shape and delineate the entire creation.

Each aspect of the Creator therefore does not act separately. The triune Divine expansion is the axis of all existence. Even in unmanifest forms, the trinity is expressed. One by One the Qualities and virtues of his Royalty are manifested. In that unit there is no separativity, it is eternal and permanent. He constantly creates and recreates and when he picks up the worn out forms he again creates the immaculate beauty that will wrap his creation again.

Everything is subject and governed by its own breath. The spontaneous life has a song, in the heartbeat. It is the infinite OM that breathes and exhales and dances again in that rhythm in the same way as the sea, the seasons and nature in its diversity of ways. The same life is found in the different kingdoms, even in the mineral. The stone is not enslaved in form.

His heart from time to time is transformed, or into an amethyst, into a diamond or a fiery ruby ​​color. The same activity of the elements, water, air, earth and fire, follow these rhythms. The created obeys immutable laws, who run each cycle. And in each of these cycles, the Creator himself settles and expands.

Love is complete, in everything, in everyone. Even in the small spark that burns, however, with the same fullness of the giant fire. As also in a small blade that adorns the fields and exacerbates its subtle fragrance, as if it were a rose or a fragrant jasmine. In this same Creator Love, one must live, manifesting everywhere that pure and elevated feeling. Love leaves traces still on the most distant stars.

It makes no difference with anything or anyone. It is the most sublime and perennial unit. It is the beginning of everything and never an end. Everything you love makes you eternal. Everything you reject and move away soon dissolves. Love is the great conciliator, the source from which the absolute good comes.

True happiness is based on the true way of love. When love in you becomes a creative sun, then you will know how to love. When you manage to love, you will not be mistaken. Love and love, and love Here is the greatest and most eternal truth

By: Mirtha Verde-Ramo.


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Maestro Pablo Veneciano ~ Divine love

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