Lucifer and Mephistopheles, by Emilio Sainz

Synthesis in Esoteric Schools

It is necessary to leave as a previous question, although every esoterist curious investigator of the realities of the Spiritual Hierarchies is surely already aware of it, that there is nothing further from reality than the false and unfair image that, within its iconography and Mythology, the Catholic Church has bequeathed us about the figure of Lucifer, the Bearer of Light and "Son of the Morning", whom he has equated with the maximum representation of the Devil or the Devil. All schools and occult branches agree on the importance of the luciferic work, as an adverse opponent of higher hierarchies and at the same time as a giver of the human hierarchy at our dawn on earth, in the terms that are then expressed throughout this article. Lucifer comes from Luciferus, the one who illuminates, and corresponds exactly to the Greek voice Phosphorus . The Church, as HP Blavatsky expresses, now gives him the name of Devil as "darkness", because the first Archangel that emerged from the depths of Chaos was called Lux (Lucifer), the luminous "Son of the Morning" or Aurora Manvantárica, while in the Book of Job, he is called "Son of God, " the bright Morning Star, Lucifer.

With the prudential reservations that want to be made, it can be affirmed today that the interpretation of the historical mission of Lucifer is where there is a unitary coincidence and a twinning of the old differences between the different groups of planetary esotericism, in the same way as that constitutes the common trunk that comes to unify ecumenically all occult traditions, it is the general idea of ​​the advent of Christ as a group Avatar (the Son of Man) from our now Aquarian times, and although some sectarianism still exists in the claim of some doctrines and mysteries, and the great universal synthesis of ideas, concepts and principles is still pending in the spiritualist field, it can be said that a meeting point has been reached among most occult currents in the long-announced expectation of the new Messianic manifestation. It is as much there, as in the significance of the luciferic spirit, that there is a concordance of Western Christian esotericism - fundamentally through the Rosicrucian movement of Max Heindel and the broad anthroposophical movement of Rudolf Steiner - and the subsequent development of the essentially based occult schools in the oriental traditions accumulated over millennia, which initially centered around the figure of HP Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society promoted by the Masters Morya and Koot Hoomi, and whose tradition and foundations continued to develop later through the Arcane School Alice Bailey and Master Djwal Kul. Later movements such as the "I Am" and "Bridge of Freedom" originating in the United States, the Agni Yoga (Yoga of Fire) of the Roerich marriage led by Master Morya, as well as European individualities such as Pietro Ubaldi, Mikhael Aivanhov and many others not so public, and finally the most recent and new universal and universal Avataric Dispensation advocated by the Portuguese CLUC.

It is in this sense, and under that binding and unitary idea, that in this article we are going to approach the study of those hierarchies, beings and spiritual forces that have attended, and continue to attend, the genesis and development of human beings in his path of evolution and development, although paradoxically his work is of opposition and resistance to the evolutionary progress planned by those Higher Spiritual Hierarchies that created the solar system, the earth and man. Similarly to what happens with the different occult branches both in their different conceptions and praxis and in their background conjunction with regard to the Christ Plan, the various Spiritual Beings and Hierarchies involved in the evolution of the planet and of the human being - be of the sign and condition that they are - they work together and in a mysteriously coordinated way in the world, although sometimes it seems that they do so in opposite ways, so that everything that apparently opposes the progress of humanity in a certain time phase, eventually becomes a Blessing for the benefit of that evolution.

In his time Rudolf Steiner flatly stated that the connection between the Spirit of Christ (as the essential foundation of all present and future esoteric occultism) with Spiritual Science undoubtedly led to the denial that it could be argued by anyone who there was an essential opposition between the Eastern Occultism, basically Hindu and Buddhist, and the Western, essentially esoteric Christian, and affirmed in that sense that there were not two occultisms, but only one. That is, since there is only one truth, so that there could be no opposition between the Theosophy of the East and that of the West. And so although there were times when various Eastern esoteric branches did not recognize the Christ, monopolizing the possession of the truth of the mysteries, the successors of those first theosophists on both sides of the planet recognize the Christ as the true Spirit of the Earth and the Son of the Father, whose sacred and fundamental mission is to illuminate the path to the spiritual world, redeeming and unifying all men in the Universal Fraternity by the announced.

The opposing Spiritual Powers. Lucifer and his Luciferic spirits

Both the various spiritual hierarchies that intervened in the development of man and the various kingdoms of the earth during the Lemur and Atlantean periods, as well as those that acted in the previous chains: the Thrones (or Lords) of the Flame or Will), the so-called Spirits of Wisdom, the Spirits of the Movement, the Spirits of Form, the Spirits of Personality (the Asuras or Archai), the Angels and Angels, have been contributing, each of them in their different fields and tasks, their specific collaboration and creation, as well as each Time has had its corresponding Spiritual Beings opposed to those progressive or evolutionary Powers. And so in Lemuria it was the so-called luciferic beings who acted in opposition to the Beings that helped evolution, giving man the seemingly contrary characteristics that would later be explained, and in Athenida were the Ahrimans or Mephistaflees the opposing spirits, who become those who in the Middle Ages were known as S t n.

As Heindel and Steiner tell us, following their clairvoyant investigations, in the Saturn Period the Thrones provided the substance to build the physical body, in the Solar Period the Spirits of Wisdom imbued the etheric body in man then potential, in the Lunar Period the Spirits of the Movement or of the Individuality endowed the man with the emotional or astral body, and finally on Earth the Spirits of the Form gave the man the I, the ego to be independent. But in reality the human being would not have become independent of those Spirits of the Form if it does not become because in the Lemur Age of the Earth the aforementioned luciferic beings opposed those Spirits of the Form giving man the basis of their freedom, because through the myth or legend of the Tree of Good and Evil they possessed the human astral body, which otherwise would have been dependent on the Spirits of Form, so that the luciferic beings made man similar to the gods by giving him the possibility of choosing and being free and giving him the power to create through procreation. If they had not intervened, man would have remained in an angelic state of innocence and purity in his astral body, without passions or desires on the material and on the earth itself, so that if his astral attachment to form and matter had not occurred until millions of years later in the Atlantean Era when it was time to make that impulse according to the Plan of the Gods, man would have continued to obey those Beings, and the human faculties of perception and cognition would not have been directed towards the material world until much more late.

Man became an independent being, with a certain measure of freedom, and although he was somewhat separated from the spiritual world, without Lucifer's influence he would have remained a kind of spiritualized animal, a child in the hands of the Higher Beings Divine and therefore without true independence in your human soul. The personal instincts that appeared in him, the passions and desires that arose in his astral body extended in his psyche a cloud of darkness over the world of the spiritual Beings from which he was born, which otherwise would have been perfectly visible to him. Man was awakened by the luciferic beings to the consciousness of the material world and to the consciousness of themselves, and with it to sickness, pain and death, and the power to choose, to freedom, to passionate enthusiasm, to error. and evil, being under Lucifer's domain.

When the first initiates in the Oracles of Atlantis, Steiner tells us, were trained to have access to the spiritual world that had been hidden from man because of Lucifer's influence on the astral bodies, they saw again the figures of the World of Higher-ranking light - placed on the world of Lucifer - through the clairvoyant vision while they slept, being able to see those luciferic beings, and then they could see how the noble figures of the World of Light were as splendid and fascinating as their terribly frightening opposite luciferic beings.

Ahriman- Mephistopheles

And it is in that Atlantean Age that a new and different influence came upon man. If Lucifer had caused a much harder physical body in man than he should have, in order to further close his access to the spiritual world and further attract the spiritual world to descend deeply into matter, it was necessary to lead him to illusion Shape. What was a veil with Lucifer, under the influence of this new being, the physical world became a dense and thick layer or block that cut off all access to the spiritual world, which only the well-prepared Atlantis initiates were able to transcend.

And it was in the Persian world that Zarathustra's mission was to impart a culture directed to the world of sensations, through the mastery of the strictly physical man, but this led to the initiates falling under the influence of a new being in black magic, the which finally destroyed Atlantis, because men fell into the temptation of the misuse of powers of darkness over nature that advocated that being whom Zarathustra called Ahriman, who opposed the God of Light proclaimed by Zarathustra under the name of "Ahura- Mazda. " This being, also opposed to the Elohim (Spirits of Form) came to persuade man that the physical and the matter was the only reality.

We must therefore distinguish these two figures that are Lucifer and Ahriman, the two types of beings who had decided not to continue with their normal development and evolution being delayed with respect to their own wave of life, and who would be responsible for providing the being Human resistance and revulsives necessary for your progress. While Lucifer was a being who had separated himself from the Spiritual Beings of Paradise after the separation from the sun, Ahriman had done so much earlier.

If Lucifer had put man under the influence of air and water, Ahriman made him prey to deception and illusion under the powers of fire, of a deeper, denser and lower quality, wasting the forces of the physical body and its effect in the etheric body. When the ancient Indian, Persian, Egyptian and Greco-Latin civilizations fell into decline, they carried with them the traditions of the old and sacred mysteries whose purity they could not preserve, thus betraying their aspirants and disciples the millenary secrets with their fall into the perverse practice of Black Magic And when Ahriman was the spirit of lies, deception, illusion and illusion, and mixing the passions and desires of man with hidden practices, the dark forces awoke and penetrated the etheric body, and under the influence of those Spirits the most demonic powers of corruption appeared in the human mind between illusory and false images of all kinds.

Just as Ahriman was initially recognized by Zarathustra, Rudolf Steiner noted his perfect equivalence with the Mephistopheles of Goethe's Faust, whose denomination derives from two Hebrew words: "Mephiz" (Corruptor) and "Topel" (Liar). Anthroposophy makes a clear distinction between the terms "Devil" equal to Lucifer and "Satan" equal to Ahriman. And although it has sometimes been difficult to fit their origin about whatever the Hierarchy they belong to as "fallen", it seems clear that Lucifer fell during the Old Moon and Ahriman during the Old Sun. Ahriman would belong to the rank of the Archai they got their status on the Ancient Saturn, although it seems that they fell during the Ancient Sun, while Lucifer, which belongs to the rank of the Archangels having achieved their human status during the Ancient Sun, seems to have subsequently fallen during the Ancient Moon.

In the Lemur Age the luciferic spirits were very active, coming to incarnate in certain leaders of humanity and even as teachers of some peoples, they were in charge of promoting and developing new languages ​​and languages ​​in the exercise of freedom that they instituted in man . They promoted art and science and everything that fostered pride, ambition, vanity, self-aggrandizement. On the contrary, the imprint of Ahriman's spirits can be found in the need to acquire knowledge of material matters and techniques, since matter is his kingdom, economics and politics, and his influence reaches us to this day especially in everything that which promotes technology and mechanical means, television, radio, cinema and all the thousands of things that depend on electricity. While Lucifer stimulates enthusiasm, Ahriman induces boredom, boredom and selflessness, intelligence without consciousness, because for such beings after all, man is nothing more than a superior animal without soul or spirituality, a species machine without moral, a dehumanized and depersonalized automaton. Do not such concepts and descriptions have similarities with the world of executives, scientists and factories of our time?

Illness, pain and death

The Hierarchy of Spirits that fundamentally dealt with the evolution of the Earth, the Spirits of the Form, when the luciferic spirits took the reins of the astral body of man and decided to establish their independence, by increasing their interest in all material through passions and desires, introduced for the first time the disease, pain and death by design of those superior gods. Through the well-known public curse of You will be in pain and you will win the bread with the sweat of your forehead the human being was expelled from Paradise, when he assumed under the influence of Lucifer his freedom and his ability to create procreating hitherto non-existent. And so, in order that man would not succumb totally to the underworld of matter and passions, the Gods established a perfect balance of counterweight and balance between the passions and desires of one side and sickness and pain on the other, equivalent to the opposite balance between lunar beings and beings of the Sun, luciferic spirits and Spirits of Form.

If evolution had continued slowly according to the plan of the progressive Spirits, man would have opened his eyes to observe the world around him only from the middle of the Atlantean Age, but then he would have seen with spiritual eyes and not as he sees today, since he would have seen the world as a direct expression of the Spiritual Beings, the Spirits of Form. And it is for all this that the Ahrimanic Spirits appeared in the middle of the Atlantean Period, to make man fall into error and the illusion of seeing his entire environment as absolutely material, without the possibility of seeing the true spiritual foundations of the entire physical world. Man was tempted by Ahriman with the illusion of seeing only one face of reality, unable to see the spiritual in each stone, in each plant and each animal, so that all his existence would be based on the appearances of the world of the senses.


To combat such corruption the Spiritual Beings introduced Karma, and as well as to rectify the lucid temptation brought suffering, pain and death, to amend the result of error and illusion. n ahrim nicas of being subjected to the world of the senses introduced said Karma to eventually eliminate all that error, because otherwise the man would have gradually come to completely identify with the evil, becoming one with him .

For every mistake man would have lost a step forward in his progressive evolution. Every lie and illusion would become an obstacle to their progress. But by means of Karma, man would step back in his ascension just to the point where he had placed his sin and his error, placing him in the corresponding position to rectify that error. And so Karma was the just compensatory and balancing measure, which man would appreciate as a blessing, because once the error was corrected in its just and exact terms, it could rise again. On the contrary, without Karma, no progress is possible, since without the rebalancing of the balance through the rectification of each error, returning to each step taken back in its right proportion, man would drag a weight that would impede his rise and evolution. .

Bodies and Souls

As Steiner and Heindel tell us, the physical body of man was founded on Ancient Saturn, the etheric body on the Ancient Sun, the sensitive or astral body on the Ancient Moon, and finally on Earth the Emotional Soul or I was added, which is a transformation of the astral body. And as it has already been made explicit Lucifer was installed in the astral emotional body, and there it continues. Through the transformation of the etheric body the Intellectual or rational Soul was born (Human Soul for the Theosophists), where Ahriman came to settle, and from where he tempts and deceives man with false concepts and erroneous judgments on material matters, leading him to error, to Sin, lies and illusion.

Finally, the Conscious Soul was originated as a result of the unconscious transformation of the physical body, and in that transformation humanity continues as a whole to establish the mental and egoic principle in man. In the next times it will be the Spiritual Beings known as Asuras (see the previous picture of the Angelic Hierarchies) who will be introduced into that conscious Soul and in that way they will enter the human Self or ego, since it is the I who ignites and illuminates the so-called Conscious Soul. It is foreseen, the clairvoyant Christian esotericists tell us, that these Asuras will generate a much greater evil than the one promoted by the Satanic-Ahrimanic powers in the Atlantean Era or by the luciferic spirits in the Lemur Epoch.


Just as the evil caused by the luciferic beings will be eradicated in the Earth Chain through the freedom and transcendence of pain and death, and the Ahrimanic evil will be transmuted through Karma, the evil created by the Asuras cannot be purged and eliminated from those ways by the good Spirits that protect evolution (the Spirits of the Form in the case of the Earth), because these Asuric Spirits will stay all that they get to take over: the center or core of man, his consciousness of the Soul, along with his I. His task will be to segregate and take fragment by fragment of the human Self, establishing himself in the Conscious Soul, so that man will lose and leave those fragments of his soul on earth when he dies and goes to the suprasensible worlds. All those parts of the spirit of man that the Asuric powers have appropriated will have been hopelessly lost.

The Asuric powers rely on the tendency of man to live totally in the material world, forgetting the reality of beings and spiritual worlds, and deceive man by making him understand that his I is a product of the physical world, and as he leaves immersing in the sensual passions and material comforts will go blind to the vision of these worlds and divine beings, with the result that their ideals and morals will be simple and mere sublimations of the animal impulse. The underlying philosophy will be that men proceed and descend directly from the animal, so that eventually they will end up living and assuming themselves as animals in terms of their impulses and passions. All this, if we observe our environment distantly and spiritually, is already a fact that characterizes the “normal” life of our cities and our most immediate means of communication and television: in the form of an unconscious generalized orgy of impunity sensuality, where you can appreciate everywhere that dazzling immoral sensationalism that imprisons the minds and desires of the people and is nothing but the footprint and the overlapping but permanent and gradual action of those Asuric Spirits.

Christ, Spirit of the Sun, Spirit of the Earth

As we stated before, only Karma can compensate for the evil produced, in order to replace man in the evolutionary and ascending path for him designed in the Divine Plan. And where does that blessing that Karma represents come from? No doubt it comes, long before its coming 2, 000 years ago, from the Power of Christ. Already in the Oracles of Atlantis the priests spoke of the "Spirit of the Sun", which is nothing but the Christ Power, the Christ whom previously in civilizations and cultures such as ancient India his Rishis called the "Vishva Kaman", or later In ancient Persia Zarathustra referred to as "Ahura Mazda", or Hermes as "Osiris", or Moses as the Power of "I am what I am". Finally the Christ descended in the form of Jesus, and it was at the time of Golgotha ​​when, when the blood of his wounds fell to the ground, the Spirit of Christ appeared in the underground worlds flooding the entire spiritual world with the radiance of his Light, for which reason, the Christian esotericists and the anthroposophists claim, the appearance of Christ is an event of greater importance, both for the underworld and for the supersensible spiritual world that man then experiences between death and his new subsequent birth.

Until Christ came 2, 000 years ago and that Mystery of Golgotha ​​occurred, human souls, in the spiritual world on the other side of death, were totally isolated and wrapped in total darkness. All souls were enclosed in a kind of wall with respect to the others, so that this "egotic" separation was gradually intensifying. Hardening under the layers of his ego, without any bridge of union or relationship with others, that selfishness inevitably manifested itself more and more in his coming to earth by incarnating again in the physical world. There was no prospect of fraternity on earth, nor any harmony between souls, because at each step after death through the spiritual world, the influence of that separative ego was becoming more and more acute.

In its consequence Christ is the Power that has allowed man to return to earthly existence to settle accounts and compensate for evil done, since Karma can only and must be worked on the earth in life, so that it is in existence. physics where man, taking advantage of the effects of Karma, can advance in his evolution. And that progress is always possible, thanks to the Presence of Christ in the Kingdom of the Earth, and without whose intervention man, entirely enclosed in himself outside the other beings, would have encapsulated himself in his misery and in the hardness of Your mistakes and sins.

Christ's mission

Christ is the Light that enables man to find the way to the top, and that leads him out of error and sin. Without Him the human being would be smeared with desires and passions under the influence of Lucifer, and would also be immersed, under the domain of Ahriman-Satan-Mephistopheles, in error, falsehood and illusion. But it is no longer enough, affirm the same Christian esotericists, with the formal fulfillment of certain religious rites and commandments, as has been the norm in recent centuries under the essences and dogmas of the Catholic Religion or other Christian faiths that are based on that Jesus Christ will redeem us from our sins and take care of our progress, but it is time to make a vital commitment to know the reality of Christ and participate through our own soul in the permanent experience of the Christic fact.

Let us remember in that sense that, having introduced Lucifer into the astral body, plunging man into the world of the senses, while being imprisoned for evil on the other hand he acquired the essential faculty of self-consciousness and freedom. And although both Lucifer and Ahriman were introduced into the emotional soul and the intellectual soul, Christ provided man the strength to renew himself to ascend to the top and into the spiritual world. When man comes to know the Christ and the Christian wisdom, he absorbs this wisdom, and he redeems himself as well as the Luciferic beings through the knowledge of Christ . These luciferic spirits, who have procured freedom for man, are cleansed and purified in the fire of Christianity, and the evil and error made by them on earth are modified and converted into good. When Christ prophesied, you will be enlightened by the new Spirit of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, this Spirit is none other than here. From which man could apprehend and understand what the Christ is and means. It is that Spirit that inspired man his self-awareness and freedom, which would allow him to come to understand Christ, so that Lucifer, resurrected in a new way, can join Christ as the good Spirit. .Ritu.

Lucifer and the Holy Spirit

Therefore this Holy Spirit is none other than the Spirit of Lucifer, now resurrected in his superior and pure glory, like the Spirit of independent understanding and inner wisdom. Christ himself announced that this Spirit would come to men after Him, and that in the Light of this Spirit their functions would be followed, as a source of Science Spiritual and wisdom of the Spirit, the wisdom that leads to the full light of consciousness, which without the creative impulse would have remained unconscious.

Let us not forget that the strictly diabolical approach given to Lucifer by the Church is very recent in historical terms, since, as Helena Blavatsky claims, especially before Milton had never been Lucifer a name of the Devil, and refers in that sense that in Revelation (XIII, 16) Christ is made to say I am the shining star of the morning . As the same creator of the theosophical movement expressed, in ancient times Luciferus was the name of the angelic entity that presides over the Light of Truth, Lucifer is the divine and earthly Light, the Spirit Holy State and Satan at the same time. It is in us, it is our Mind, our Tempter and our Redeemer, who delivers us and saves us from pure animalism. Without this principle emanation of the same essence of the pure and divine Manat (Intelligence) principle, which radiates directly from the Divine Mind - surely we will not be superior to animals. Lucifer and the Word are only one in their dual aspect .

The torch of the risen Lucifer, now converted to good, opens the way to Christ, for it is true that Lucifer is the Bearer of the Light, and Christ is the Light. Lucifer, as the bearer of wisdom, is the approach to spiritual knowledge: the Holy Spirit, whose flame was infused in the 12 apostles at Pentecost in the form of “tongues of fire”, is the powerful Master of those whom we call "Masters of Wisdom" of the White Grand Lodge, through which his voice and wisdom flows to humanity and to the earth. Knowing the treasures of hidden wisdom in Spiritual Science, through the Holy Spirit, represents coming to assume the self-conscious understanding of Christ and the event of Golgotha, in order to understand the universe and the Spirits that integrate it, so that cultivar el estudio de tal ciencia espiritual significa entender que el Espíritu fue enviado al mundo por el Cristo, y que ese Cristo no es sino el Espíritu que llena al mundo con su Luz.

La consecuencia directa y práctica del conocimiento de la ciencia espiritual es que aquí, en este globo terráqueo y en el mundo físico, es donde el hombre ha de progresar en su vida moral, en su voluntad y en su vida intelectual. Es a través de la vida física donde el mundo irá siendo espiritualizado, y donde el hombre crecerá en bondad, fortaleza y sabiduría, y eventualmente trasladará los frutos de su experiencia al mundo suprasensible, para posteriormente volver con la esencia de los mismos a sus siguientes encarnaciones en el mundo físico. Y así la tierra se irá convirtiendo paulatinamente en la expresión del Espíritu del Cristo.

El impulso evolutivo de las fuerzas adversas

Está demostrado históricamente que la influencia de las fuerzas luciféricas y las ahrimánicas se alternan en intensidad y que trabajan conjuntamente en nuestras vidas. Una de tales fuerzas suele preparar la vía de la otra, y así la pasión, el orgullo y el fanatismo luciféricos pueden dar paso al materialismo intelectual, tecnológico y rígido ahrimánicos, pues el hombre en su desarrollo puede estar necesitando de tales fuerzas y en definitiva usarlas alternativamente. Por tanto su tarea con relación a esa duplicidad es encontrar el balance o punto medio, siendo consciente del mal que conlleva identificarse instintiva e inconscientemente con cualquiera de ambos lados opuestos de la balanza. Si el hombre se declina automáticamente por cualquiera de los dos extremos materialistas y egoístas, sea a favor del estricto conocimiento del mundo material ahrimánico, o por el contrario a favor del interés y la pasión luciféricos, caerá en el juego y tentación de cualquiera de ambas fuerzas adversas. Sin embargo la elección consciente del conocimiento combinado con el interés proporciona el punto medio entre ambos, si el hombre ha adquirido la facultad consciente de contemplar su naturaleza interna desde el punto de vista del observador distanciado y desimplicado.

Y es así que al fin y al cabo esas fuerzas oponentes y adversas vienen a coadyuvar por el desarrollo evolutivo y la ampliación de la consciencia de los seres humanos, hasta el punto de que finalmente se podrá observar que el Espíritu que trajo la libertad al hombre, aparecerá de nuevo bajo una forma diferente, como antes ha quedado explicitado, de manera que el Lucifer que por las razones sabidas fue considerado el “Angel Caído”, el soberano Portador de la Luz, será redimido en nuestro Período Terrenal, lo cual viene a demostrar que todo en el Gran Plan del mundo es finalmente bueno y positivo, pues el Mal aparece y dura solo por un tiempo, siendo a la postre solamente un revulsivo que hará prevalecer finalmente al Bien, que sí es eterno.

El hombre y el mundo espiritual

Hay que afirmar rotundamente por consiguiente que hoy en nuestro presente mundo, que en tantos aspectos parece estar tan cerca de perder definitivamente la perspectiva transcendental y religiosa, el hombre que no se interesa por el mundo espiritual quedará sujeto a las influencias de las fuerzas de la herencia física y de la inconsciencia propia de la materia. Heindel y los rosacruces cristianos hacen fundamental hincapié en que solo abriéndose activamente a lo que la ciencia espiritual puede comunicarle, el hombre podrá conseguir la maestría sobre las fuerzas subconscientes de la sangre, la tribu y la herencia y del mundo externo físico y material: podrá tomar las riendas y el dominio de sus sentidos solamente mediante el conocimiento íntimo del espíritu, ya la vez ganará salud física y vigor energético.

El hombre que pase y se desentienda, tanto por posición expresa e intelectual como de manera inconsciente, del mundo espiritual, nos viene a decir Steiner, cuando muera entrará sin duda, y más allá de temores infernales y vaticinios abominables, en un mundo de oscuridad y desaliento, y allí se vivirá a sí mismo como totalmente incapaz, impotente e inconsciente. Solo si se alía conscientemente en su alma con el mundo espiritual mientras está en vida, podrá adquirir las facultades de percepción necesarias para conducirse conscientemente en el mundo post-mortem. Es necesario y perentorio insistir en que ese es el objeto fundamental de nuestras vidas: la preparación correspondiente habrá de hacerse en esta vida aquí en la tierra, pues la facultad de ver allí, y no quedar ciego e inconsciente en aquel mundo suprasensible, de amplio y largo recorrido, solo puede lograrse en el período que nos es dado existir entre la vida y la muerte.

Emilio Sáinz
Sociedad Biosófica

— Visto en: Revista Biosofía

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