The messages of Gabriel # 14 Do not allow yourself to remain in the past patterns. Simply accept what you have chosen and move on

  • 2016

Do not allow yourself to remain in the past patterns. Simply accept what you have chosen and move on.

My dear:

As you move through your life you are offered many opportunities to grow. You could have had times when you chose forms of behavior that now do not seem appropriate to you, and that may cause you great pain when you think about it. You may also have a feeling of guilt for the pain you caused others. You are here in this time and place, reading these words, to know that it is time to accept what you chose in the past and continue with your life. You were doing the best you could at that time.

The past is over. Continuing to recriminate you or wishing you would have done otherwise serves no purpose. There comes a time to forgive, and this is necessary before you can make the changes you want for your future. When you continue to relive your past experiences, that keeps you in those behavior patterns, even when you are no longer living them. It is necessary to clear those patterns through compassion and forgiveness.

Forgiveness is love in action. It is a cleansing balm that can relieve the frayed parts of your mind. There is no person on Earth who, as a child of God, does not deserve to be forgiven. Everything you've been through and all your actions you've done so far have taught you your lessons that you had to learn. This is true for everyone. You will continue to receive the same lessons repeatedly, even if they vary slightly in the way they do, until you learn them.

It helps to remember that your life is a huge school where learning experiences are given at every moment to take you to the peace and light of the Divine Presence within you. At some point in your life, God's peace becomes more important than anything else. Everything you choose will be done from the inner consciousness. Does this bring me closer to peace?

Help pray for others so they can also find this peace within.

Joy is forgiving totally. It can free you to live your life in the present moment because you will no longer look back at what has happened in the past, nor will you worry about the future. When you find yourself living entirely in the moment, an energy is released inside you . You can find the passion for life and the connection with the Source of all your good. From this all the decisions you make and all your actions will be for the greater good of all involved. From this you can find the peace you have been looking for. She is in this moment of now, and is within you.


Take some time to see what is worrying you or what things in your life cause you pain by remembering them. It can help to make a list or write a letter to God or the Angels and say everything you want about that topic. Do not leave anything out. It's fine to extend and repeat what you're saying. It is important that you clear your mind and your emotions.

It may help you to imagine yourself as if you were a small child who has done something inappropriate. Forgive this son of God because if he had known what else to do, he would have done it. This is true for others involved in any situation. Forgive the inner child, even if you cannot forgive his actions.

When you feel full, sit quietly and breathe balanced. Call the Angels of Light and Love to be with you and guide your path. Then pray to your Highest Power and ask forgiveness for those actions that cause you pain. Ask that you can feel God's forgiveness at the deepest level of your being. .

Intend to heal all past experiences within you so you can now live in peace. When you have this intention, the flow of energy in your life will move so that it reflects your greatest good. You can trust this truth. Free yourself by forgiving the past, accepting the present moment as it is, and allowing miracles to be your future.

This is how it will be when you remember your inspiration for today:

Do not remain in past patterns. Simply accept what you have chosen and move on.

Shanta Gabriel

for the Gabriel Gabriel

AUTHOR: Shanta Gabriel

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