The Lighthouses of Light - A Lesson on Time (2)

  • 2013

The Lighthouses of Light ~ Re-cordatories from Home - December 15, 2012-

~ A lesson about time (2) ~ Dimensions of Multidimensionality

Re-cordatories from the Home of the Lighthouses of Light are live presentations on the Internet, transcribed and sent in English on the 15th of each month. The Spanish translation is published between the 25th and 30th of the same month. Lightworker's next "VirtualLight" message will be Saturday, January 26, 2013 11:00 am - United States Pacific Time

~ Re-cordatories from Home ~


The next morning

The morning after the transmission, not only did I feel much better but I wanted to share my vision of what happened in this channel. After the impression that the depth of the information that came through the Guardian of Time in his last channel, the Lighthouses of November 2012, had prepared me for the second part of his basic education, which I thought It would be more difficult, staying in my own little corner of the room. Besides, I didn't want to infect others with my new cold. The Time Guardian told me that when human beings reach new levels, the first vision is the most difficult. He was aware of this and was not sure that the message could be fully understood. As I felt bad for not being the best translator for such an important message due to my bad cold, when I entered the channel I felt very dejected. The next thing I remember is that Elrah was inside talking and making everyone laugh when she told me we were going to stand up. I said: “No! We are not prepared for that and I am dizzy! ”He looked around the room and said:“ Observe me, I hold you. ”The next moment, all the cameras had to re-orient themselves to capture what they could because I got off the stage and I was out of the illuminated area.

It turns out that everything was for me. Elrah is the closest to me and came to rejuvenate me a little before the Time Guardian arrived. He told me he was filling me with light. I suffered from the jet lag and had the first symptoms of a bad cold. Elrah does not have the opportunity to interact so much with a live audience in the studio and loves to pretend that he is the human. I looked forward to the opportunity to have a good time on 12-12-12 and the information that is being transmitted to us in the Direct Light Series is amazing.

I will tell you that our agreement also presents its challenges. He wants to enter me when I'm not channeling. The other day, at a hotel in Amsterdam, he answered the person who brought the service to the room. It would not have been so terrible, but the young woman has already known me for years. I always feel his presence and that of the Group, but they have kept what I call a comfortable distance. Elrah doesn't mind staying at a comfortable distance and is close enough to me to know that I trust him implicitly at the soul level. Now you can understand the conflict I have. Do I act from my SC (Belief System) or can I express myself? Let's say that, for the moment, my wife is smiling and we are already rearranging the stage so that Elrah can stand up.

Big hugs,


They smile on their way to Home!


Note: the following message has been recanalized and edited with the supervision of the Group to achieve greater clarity in this format.


Elrah arrives. . .

Oh, they are there!

They didn't think it would come, but I'm Elrah and here I am. I am Elrah of Rhythmic Service. I can't sit down, I need to stand. Good. I'm even going to accommodate the Guardian's jacket because he likes his jacket. Does it not fit? Looks good? Welcome everyone. The cameramen are having a bad time. They didn't expect this, didn't they? Well, I personify the human being very well and do all kinds of fun things. I'm here to talk to you before the Time Keeper arrives because he is my brother and we talk all the time. We have no problems with each other because we have no ego. I try to pretend that I have an ego, and so far I am doing very well, however it is only a simulation game, because I do not care if I am speaking through it or if we speak through me. There is no difference because we are part of each other and the same thing happens with you. They are beginning to see it more and more and in the next few days they will notice a considerable difference. I will tell you a little about what is happening right now.

A vortex is forming and it is becoming very interesting. Have you ever seen that when the toilet is discharged, water forms a whirlpool? That is a vertex. S ! They don't have them everywhere, just here in the United States. In Europe they do not do the same. Anyway, if they see the vertex, it is only half of the panorama, because it is the only thing that is seen. There is always an energy duplicate of the vertex, so even if they only see half, there is an entire part that is not visible. They have just entered a time vertex that the Time Guardian will explain. However, I want to share the concept first because they have already entered the vertex. When we tell them that they have already entered it, it is that this time they have only done so. The following is happening: they are entering a new world. Oh, we surprised them, isn't it? They did not expect it, but they were planning it for a long time; Even the Mayans knew what would happen. They got in the middle of it, and yet the transition from this point to that one represents a great step and is terrifying for many humans. That is why we started a human wave so that you could move and open the vertex. Now the vertex is being completed. Each side of the vertex attracts energy from the other side, so that when everything goes into motion it becomes a portal. And you wonder: A portal to where? Well, a portal to the new world everyone is talking about, the wonderful place they call their Home. I call it Home with a capital H because I come from there and all of you come here too. They have been dancing all over the universe in different ways, and here they are now, perching on Earth, just in time to see themselves crossing this portal.

Most of you have been working everything in your lives to get to the point where you could really ascend without having to go back to Home and change those bodies. In this way they stay here, make a great change and start the new world. And here they go. Now they entered the first part of the vertex. Have you felt that time is compressed around you? Something like: Suddenly I don't know what happened today, but the day is over. He flew by. You will notice that the time will be compressed even more over the next few months, so relax and do not worry about it because everything will turn out well. The Guardian of Time will tell you more about it. They have climbed into this great wave of 12-12-12, which is coming to push them through the vertex. It will take both parts of the vertex to become the complete portal they have been waiting for. It is happening now because you created it. There are no alignments or great predictions such as the end of the Mayan calendar. It is a wave created by you so that you can go through it and help you in your difficult moments. It is very beautiful. Nice job. They have done well, and will lead you to the next point. Now, what happens to the magical date of December 21? The only thing you know is nobody is going to tell you what will happen and it will be you who will have to decide what will happen from that moment. No one has predicted anything from there in me, so it will be you who will have to create it on your own at every moment, day, without any problem. That will be your job and what you will work with.

So here comes 12-12-12 that increases the energy to push them and make them go through December 21 and move on until mid-January, because at that time the portal will lead them to the other side. They will simply appear there and understand that everything is different. Suddenly they will wake up and say, “Well, we are in a new world. What can we do now? ”They will begin to notice that it looks more like Home than Earth they knew. It is much more like Home, because as soon as you think of something, it will begin to manifest itself right in front of you. When they are in the Home with a capital “H” as soon as they think of something, it appears immediately. They do the same here, but it takes a while because nothing is instantaneous. Well, you will discover that it is very different. They will have many possibilities to start using the creative abilities they always had at Home. Now the Guardian is getting a little dizzy, so I'm going to sit his body on the chair. That's right, that's much better. Now I will let the Time Guardian enter.

His "history" printed on a trace of time

Today I am here with you to share some concepts that you failed to understand some time ago. Now we are beginning to introduce new parts of the time element on Earth. Last month I explained some very important elements that everyone must understand to truly grasp the meaning of time in the future. One of them is the concept of circular time. Explained simply means that you are in the present, but you believe that you have a future and a past that are linked as one. Everything that rolls from their present to what they call the past will soon also become the energy of their future. Therefore, being able to experience time solidly at that moment leaves the path free for your future, becoming what I have called the "time imprint, " as well as a footprint in the snow. His mark on the structure of time leaves an imprint behind him that it is really his story and what they have become. This time imprint can be experienced only in the moment because it is really the time of now, there is no future, there is no past. They will have to learn to get the most out of the present instant. They are doing well, and now I would like to share something else with you. They are evolving with humans, their own energy field is changing, and their physical body is beginning to adapt. They are finding many openings to experience life in a totally different way as creators, the creators they have always been. Yes, you are God and have said: "Oh, no, I am not." Well, yes you are. "Okay, so I must be a small part of God because there are many gods here." Yes, but they also have all the essence of God inside. Now, what is happening is that they are removing the blindfold. We will show you who they are as they enter that new world. Your own thoughts will create all the moments of your experience because that's what they asked for. That is what they created and we are extremely proud to see what they have achieved in such a short time.

So let me continue with the explanation. Now it will be important that they understand better what multidimensionality is. The Guardian himself asked about this issue, since I have been giving information about multidimensionality through him for quite some time. I was worried because it didn't always seem to match the teachings of other people about multidimensionality. Now we will begin to show you some of the connection points because they are beginning to have experiences from a totally different perspective. Let us first explain a concept of multidimensionality that many understand. It is a simple answer to the question: “Where are they?” Are they in the third dimension? Are they functioning within the fourth dimension? Are they living most of their time in the fifth dimension? There are people who have gone through the fourth dimension to reach this fifth dimension, similar to when they passed through the second dimension to reach the third dimension. There is almost an established path, but we also warn you that after the sixth dimension the way of counting changes. Where are they and where do they exist? Well, that will be set by your own individual vibration. It will also be determined by those around you, at least those who exert a great influence on you. You choose your friends for that reason, as many of them are here to help you move forward, or sometimes to divert you. They clearly chose them for that reason and know that they are beginning to see this in a totally new way. That is a description of multidimensionality. What dimension are they living in? We had already told them about this and we even gave the Guardian a complete seminar called “Living in the fifth dimension”. In that seminar he simply showed people what life would be like if they did not have the restrictions of the third dimension and were able to see things from a totally different perspective, living in their full power, which is what the word 'power 'really means. That is a description.

For a long time we have been giving the Guardian a totally different description of multidimensionality. From the beginning of time, you didn't need the dimensions that you attract now. Originally, the Earth was very hot and still forming and was not the stable and beautiful place that became the garden of the universe. At first the Earth was simply a hot rock, floating as it began to cool. At that time you did not need a physical body, so you simply radiated your light. From there comes the word "body of light", because you imagined yourself on this planet in those ethereal bodies regardless of whether the Earth was extremely hot. In an extraordinary dimensional expression of the spirit, you danced on this Earth only with your etheric bodies of light. You loved her and nurtured her to such an extent that she began to cool. The Earth began to gain density and its vibration began to decrease as it cooled. Yes, today you believe that low vibration is bad and that high vibration is good, but we tell you that it is only referred to what you observe. In those days, cooling, densification and reduction in vibration meant progress. However, its light could not shine in the same way it does now, as it was becoming a dense planet. That beautiful light that each of you carries is your own light of Home. It is its purpose and integrity; all the meaning of his existence and his passion, all wrapped in a single package. Suddenly, his Light came into contact with the density of the planet, it crystallized and he had to adopt a new form in order to exist on this dense planet that was cooling. It was then that this beautiful crystal was formed that shot that ray of light that was divided into 11 different rays of light. The 11 different rays of light are its 11 different dimensions in which they live simultaneously. Yes, this is a description of multidimensionality very different from what we have shared in the previous example. Let us explain the rest. We believe that humanity is at a stage where you can begin to consider all that and sustain all truths in your own being. When that beautiful light comes from Home and touches that beautiful crystal, it fragments in a similar way to that of a prism, taking a ray of light and dividing it into a beautiful rainbow of imperfect light. It divides you into 11 different dimensions. Now there are some guidelines. Every time we talk to you about the rules on planet Earth, you go around and break them, so we will simply say that they are guidelines. Humans love to break the rules. In part it is what they have been doing so well and the reason we are here.

Distributing imperfections and overflows

So the following happens. When they are born on this Earth, the 11 dimensions arrive at the same time. The crystal that divided you corresponds to the 12th dimension, what we call your Higher Self. It is the part that remains outside your physical body, but keeps you connected to the Home all the time. It not only connects them with the Home, but also with the other 11 dimensions. Home is always perfect. Up here there is no imperfection. But if you cross that line and densify, everything here must be imperfect in some way to exist. It is part of the guidelines that you have established to learn to play God on planet Earth. To be beautiful, a perfect ray of light touches that prism and this 'dance', distributing imperfections or supposed imperfections within each of those beams of light. As it does? Well, you are perfectly balanced in all areas. They are beings of light. They are not imperfect in any way, although they believe they are here to learn certain things and constantly overcome themselves. We encourage you to go after it, because that is exactly where you are going - Home - and this is how you build your Home right here. When your light touches that crystal, your perfections are unevenly distributed. In other words, one of your beings is very good at something here and another being beyond is really very bad at that same attribute. It is distributed in many different forms; in that way, the perfect being is made up of all its 12 parts, and the imperfect being is each individual part. Now, as they have been advancing all along, they have begun to lower the height of the separations that exist between the dimensions. Even today they have something called 'overflow' where they feel something special on an emotional level, or have what they call a bad day when they can't stop crying without knowing why. It is not really about you, because the one that is partially overflowing is the dimension that is right next to you. You are beginning to feel all kinds of things that you have not created and that is very confusing to most of you.

As those separations begin to shrink, they can get information on the perfect parts that they lack. In other words, each of its 12 dimensions begins to become more complete in itself. If that person were working with four of their beings in other areas and tried to balance them to the four, then he would be living in the fourth dimension. If I was working with six of your beings, which is very difficult to achieve at this point (five is the maximum with which most of you can work right now), then you will be He was living in the sixth dimension thanks to that. In reality, they coincide in ways that you could not understand before. Now, does that mean they can count all their dimensions? No, what we are telling you is that as you try to achieve perfection, you are creating it. It is working. You are balancing. All of its self-regulating systems of knowledge are beginning to work in a similar way to how everything works in the Home, with a capital H. What happens now is that more and more people live like this in the fifth dimension and are showing them what is happening. Even its scientists no longer call it the universe but the multiverse, because it makes sense to them. That is the only part where the Theory of the strings and Theory of relativity of Einstein coincide and mutually support each other. It is happening right here because they are changing much of what they previously knew as their truths . They are starting to cross that portal that you created.

(The Guardian of Time stops talking for a moment because outside the camera, the stage director does her job of indicating the time left to conclude the segment. He responds).

Oh, it's setting my time! That is so cute! I am the Guardian of Time and you are giving me the time. Not only that, but I have to look at all those watches. It is really wonderful to be here on Earth. I never dreamed something like that. The beautiful lady holding the clock and saying how much time I have left. Oh, it's great! I will tell Elrah. Now, what was I saying before I was so abruptly interrupted? Oh, now she feels ashamed!

The portal

They entered the portal and they will discover that their own time experience begins to change, especially during the coming months. You will have three months of a compressed time that has already begun. It is a wonderful way to cross a portal and this is what we suggest very especially. If you look back at your own story, you can remember exactly where you were at the time you first learned about the portal. They can remember a specific vibration in time, an exact impression of the smells that were perceived in the air, what their feelings were and even how they were dresses. That is about to happen here, on 12-12-12, as it is the moment they have created for their magic to come to Earth. Now it is coming in different ways; however, it is up to you to discover what your final destination will be and the uses that energy will give you. Dear ones, we tell you that your magic transcends your understanding, and if you connect with it and act accordingly, you must act responsibly with your magic: we assume that it will be so. However, they have to take advantage of it and stop being afraid of their gifts. Now is the time for them to harmonize, because they have gone through the creation portal they created and are building a new world, one that will work with a set of physical laws different from previous. The transition between these worlds would have been extremely difficult, but they have been preparing for it. They have already taken more than a third of the necessary steps to reach that new world. Yes, we have been telling you that it would come. And now it's here, before you. Dear ones, we hope you open your eyes every morning and look for the miracles of the new day. We hope that tomorrow they will expect more from themselves than they expected today. We know that you are full of love and that all you will have to do is begin to share that love with one another, for none is alone on this path and none of you is originally from Earth. You all started in many quadrants of the universe, dear ones, because you are the problem solvers that were needed if you were in an extremely critical place.

Human rights return to Earth

When I spoke to you last month, at the end of the message I shared I told you that this group of very special beings has returned to Earth and you are a very large group: they travel the universe. You cross the entire universe with your numbers, but you are also a group of very focused and specialized beings. The last time they were together was almost 800 years ago, when something called the Magna Carta was signed. It was very beautiful. It was the first human rights legislation they have ever had on planet Earth. Now, why do they need to know? Well, it was not so much because their names were in the Magna Carta but because energy was needed in favor of human rights and with an eye on humans as empowered beings. It was necessary to gather a critical mass of people on Earth to support that, and it was finalized with the signing of the Magna Carta. Well, here they are again. Laws have already changed; Several of them have changed even in the last elections here in the United States. Dear ones, are you ready to assume your power? Here is a massive group of very powerful beings who are ready to restore their power. All that is needed is for you to support it and discover how to use it in your own world.

It is with the greatest honor that Elrah and I greet you as singularities of the group because we are really inseparable, even with the Guardian himself, who loves to keep us apart. We tell you that we could not feel more proud, not to see what we want, but to see what they have created here on this Earth. At least celebrate it and celebrate the magnificent dates ahead, 12-12-12, December 21 and December 31 because they are very magical and are an important part of each of you. What do we ask them to do? Something very important. Celebrate! Make noise! Let them listen to you. Sing out loud, dance in the dark with your eyes closed. Celebrate in every possible way, because they achieved it on this human side and because they carry the energy of the Home in their physical beings. That celebration creates the vibrations of Home. Remember that if we discover that they are getting very serious we will tickle them to make them laugh, to remind them that this is a game and they are supposed to have fun. We will now terminate this channeling as the Guardian calls it and allow it to take care of its 'red nose' and its aching body, but it will be fine. I just had to slow down a bit and we've taken care of that.

It is with great honor that we greet you in this way and ask you to treat each other with respect and take care of each other whenever you can. Play well together. I am the Guardian of Time.


The group


By Barbara Rother

Barbara and I wish you all a wonderful holiday season. This is really a global family of light and we honor your presence in it. From our part of the family to yours,

Steve, Barbara, Austin, Elrah and the Time Guardian.

Lightworker is a corporation dedicated to expanding Light through empowerment.


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Thank you for helping us expand the Light!

Translation and Edition:

Team of Voluntary Translators of

January 2013

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