New energies arrive, use them consciously, by David Topí

  • 2014

It is likely that many of you have read about the planetary conjunctions that will occur in the coming days. As happens regularly, due to the movement of planets, stars and celestial bodies, in certain occasions certain positions and quadratures give rise to energy movements of great power, which move waves of energies throughout the solar system, and which, of course, are felt and noticed on our planet, by each and every one of us, consciously or unconsciously.

Soon, although we have already begun to notice it, we will begin to enter an area of ​​energy “turbulence” from which we will probably leave around September or around. This is because the movement of the solar system, throughout its galactic journey, makes us find areas with all kinds of energy composition, where, in some points and regions, there is more movement than in others. The pulsations of the center of the galaxy, and especially in the area of ​​the Orion arm where we are now, are very intense, otherwise we could not be talking about the energy changes that the planet is undergoing, and human beings, of the changes of vibration and resonance, nor of this change of evolutionary level, of density, which we have been talking about for some time. In addition, when certain planetary conjunctions occur, the position of the planets determines the magnification or reduction of the influence and waves that reach our magnetosphere, hence we can have times of greater shake, or quieter, depending on the cane that we are is giving from outside and what is filtered or not by the position of each body of the solar system.

Now we enter a time during which these energy shocks will intensify for a few months, the first thing is that, shortly, in April, there is a conjunction that will act, in some way, as a magnifying glass acts against the sunlight, so to speak, magnifying the energies received from outside the solar system, into its interior, so that the amount of energy waves that reach the heliosphere, and penetrate it, will be greatly amplified in the next few weeks, giving us a great opportunity to work on our own personal growth. These effects will be noticed with more force and heaviness in the denser or negative time lines, and more lightly and more "etherically" in the higher and more positive lines.

The door is open, the possibilities of change are here for everyone

What happens when so much energy impacts the planet? That the non-physical layers, first, are affected. The first news, of course, is that the “control” energy grid, that of which I have already spoken to you on other occasions, will suffer quite significant damage, in the sense that it is a layer that, due to the bombing of what will come to us, in the coming months, will be greatly weakened. This will have several consequences, since having less energy "restriction" will allow more people to consciously or unconsciously expand their consciousness. This produces small "awakenings" in people, which means nothing more than there will be many more people asking questions that right now do not even cross their minds: about their life, about who they are, about their soul, their being, their being relationship with the universe, and things like that. It is simply the effect of an energetic opening due to the elimination and decrease of the walls of our consciousness.

And it is that when you break the energy barriers that keep the planet “caged”, even if little by little, it is impossible for human beings not to expand, because it is natural in them, their own consciousness towards higher levels. Those who begin to wake up now, in the coming months will do so, wondering simply that there is beyond life, the physical being they are, their relationship with the cosmos and Creation, this paradigm in which we live and what comes out in the news, etc.

Obviously, at a higher level of awareness, the effects that this “negative” mesh has on people are currently minor, so many human beings, who are no longer practically influenced by it, will ignore those effects on their energy, psychic and mental, because they have already pierced these first veils.

Impact on the collective unconscious

The second most radical point or change will begin to occur in the collective unconscious of the human being, as we form another great layer that, at the level of the mental plane, we surround the planet, and, therefore, we are not exempt from interaction with the outer energies that enter the Earth. If by breaking the negative mesh and sneaking more high vibration energy many people individually can begin to expand their consciousness, we will also do so at the level of the different archetypal minds that make up the collective human mind system. The entire collective unconscious, like a macro energy pool that surrounds the Earth, and to which we are all connected, will also be flooded with powerful vibrations. And remember that our collective unconscious is, so to speak, "under" the "control" mesh, often speaking.

To understand it, we can imagine that we are like a crystal, and all these energies like a hammer, that comes to hit us and break us (energetically speaking), or, we can imagine that we are a red-hot iron and come to mold us to give us a more beautiful, harmonious and with a spectacular result, the transformation of formless iron into a bright, pure and elegant blade.

Those systems of beliefs and more rigid archetypal groups, for example the religious, for being more "watertight" and less flexible, will be like the glass in front of the hammer, they will break a bit, while other parts of the same collective unconscious more open to change they will be molded and transformed like iron into something better, more worked, more pure. It is also true that where there is more population, it impacts differently, with more force, than where there is less, since the field of consciousness created in a city is not the same as that created in a small, more isolated village.

This does not mean that individuals individually change radically from one day to another. What happens in the higher, energetic planes, has its repercussion on a physical level very slowly, and everything depends on the connection that each one has with their portion of the group mind that we share. Everyone, remember, as I explained in the video about the mental plane and archetypal minds, we are influenced by the collective mind of the region, the country, the race or belief we live under, each with its own morphogenetic field superimposed one to others. As they are molded, transmuted or destroyed, our mental body, mainly, will also undergo changes, which follow the changes of those archetypal minds that define us, and will lead, over time, that consciousness expands more and more, and faster and faster. Thus, those who take advantage of this energy “hammer” for their personal growth, will have an opportunity for transformation at a faster rate in the coming months than those who resist it and live it as the crystal lives the blow of the hammer, since the latter will be noticed, then yes, scrambled, by the collapse of structures of which they are not fully aware, but that keep them stagnant and without the possibility of expansion.

Working for change, in oneself

Now, here comes the concept that I want to try to convey in this article. These energies are tremendously beneficial, but everything depends on the angle from which they look at each other, as you have seen with the previous example.

I read on the web about the energy shock that we are going to receive, about the problems that it can bring, about the disruptions, chaos and confusion that can cause us, and perhaps it is correct, in some cases, however, it is the opposite, At least if we want to see it, not from the side of worry, but from the side of opportunity. To do the latter, you have to work consciously with this energy, waves, waves, which are already arriving, and you don't have to wait for any particular date for it at all.

The energy is alive, talk to her

All energy in the universe has consciousness. It is tremendously important to recognize this. There is not a single atom in the Creation that does not have the mark of the creator, and the consciousness of it. The great energetic flows with which we are stumbling while we cross the galaxy are alive, and its amplification on the part of the position of the planets of the solar system with respect to the Earth at the moment It gives us a great opportunity to connect with them.

The way to do it is as simple as it is effective, we want to ask that the way in which these energies impact us do so in a personalized way, and beneficial for our individual path, and then, ask that our personal path can serve To help others in yours. We can ask that the intensity in our being of the personal impact that we are going to receive be regulated, depending on the amount of catalyst that each one desires, because we have more power than we think and all this is perfectly viable and easy to do . And do not wait for any special date for it, as I said, because this energy is already entering everywhere, and is aware, and is glad to be recognized as such and I want your cooperation, instead of receiving them with fear and concern for the effect they may cause. Every step we take in our growth, consciously working with these forces, is a joy for them, for our inner being, and for all creation, because we recognize that we are connected and that everything always helps everything.

Go into meditation and make a request for the energies, in a general way it is enough, that they enter at this moment through the conjunctions and quadratures that cause the alignments of planets. Do not let the mental processes and what we have implemented in our psyche make us perceive these changes and triggers as negative, because we must not stop them, protect ourselves from them or fight against those changes, but we must work in favor and for change, in oneself.

The Earth also follows its own process

For the Earth, the process is identical, although on another scale. The process of purification that lives, of internal cleansing, is the equivalent to the changes that we undergo in our organism, the human body, when we grow and evolve, so that constantly our cells, organs, tissues, regenerate, change, and modify. So it is the same with the body of the planet and so she uses these same energies for her changes and growth.

May the Earth take advantage of these forces that come to clean itself, and transmute what must transmute, and that the seas, and volcanoes be benevolent with the flames that dwell on its surface.


New energies arrive, use them consciously, by David Top

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