Spiritual Books - The Laws of Abundance PDF

  • 2016

Spiritual books The laws of abundance of Olivia Reyes is a text that demonstrates that we can get what we want by just imagining and forming in our mind an image of abundance that visualizes that you have saved, mountains of money that you will not be able to spend, there will always be enough, as you evolve you will realize that you need more, and you can have it. All this is possible if you download Olivia Reyes's laws of abundance for free among the spiritual books.

In the spiritual books the necessary information is available for you to achieve abundance in your life, with the power of inner energy which is a very powerful tool, and you can achieve the happiness that you you deserve

The laws of abundance of Olivia Reyes is a compendium of 5 laws to obtain abundance in your life.

Laws of Abundance of Olivia Reyes .

Law number 1 - Commit.

With this first law, the author demonstrates the importance of committing to abundance. It is a basic requirement to obtain wealth, to make every possible effort and for the time necessary to seek and find the formula to obtain money in abundance. It is not trying to earn a lot of money, so you will only achieve failure and poverty, it is to commit to wealth and be a millionaire.

Law number 2. Eliminate your limiting beliefs regarding money.

The actions of people are limited by previously imposed patterns of behavior, people learn by imitation and without realizing they adopt positions that are negative to achieve the desired objectives. To get what you want you must perform a self-analysis and know your predisposition. If it is at odds with your aspirations, eliminate your beliefs. It is very difficult to move forward in life if you do not comply with the laws of abundance of Olivia Reyes, if you have negative ideas about money, if you do not like the rich, you will not be either, since this goes against your beliefs If you want to be rich and work for it, you will be.

“When you feel gratitude, fear disappears and abundance appears.” Anthony Robbins

In the spiritual books known as Olivia Reyes's laws of abundance they teach us the techniques that we must use to improve, the relationship between the mind and the way in which to evolve economically.

Law number 3. Spiritual Books. Fear repels money.

In this third of Olivia Reyes's laws of abundance, it can be seen that when a person in his childhood has had to live in fear of the end of the money and how difficult it is to obtain it, this will create a fear that It becomes a psychological barrier . To achieve abundance, we must get rid of this fear and the patterns of deficiencies that are carried inside. The anxiety of handling the money and the feeling that you can lose it will cause it to not reach the desired abundance .

the laws of abundance

Money is attracted, not chased. Jim Rohn

Law number 4. When you spend make sure you feel happy.

This law leads you to understand that if you spend and make sure you feel happy, you will have made a positive investment, no matter if it is in payment of a debt or taxes, the important thing is that you are seeing the positive side, it is where you enter Act the law of attraction, the positive attracts the positive and repels the negative. Being positive for you will increase the attraction to abundance.

Law number 5. Applaud the success of others.

Envy is a negative feeling, feeling envious for someone who is successful or money, you are connecting to the person in a negative way and this negative energy is attracting the negative energy of the other person. Rejoice in the one who succeeds and you will too . People who focus their energies on the universe in a positive way sooner rather than later will receive a positive response and abundance will come to you .

Free downloads the laws of abundance of Olivia Reyes.

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AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of hermandadblanca.org

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