Message from Archangel Zadkiel and The Amethyst Lady ~ The Importance of Balance

  • 2014

Linda Robinson ~

Greetings Dear M os:

It is the Arc ngel Zadkiel, along with the Ametist Holy Lady, of the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. Today I would like to talk to you about the importance of maintaining a balance in your lives.

As the influence of the higher vibrational Light continues to increase, they are being offered many opportunities to rise to higher levels of consciousness, which could include an increased awareness of the current topics, or open entirely new avenues of understanding.

When they have established a balanced and stable base on which to increase this new knowledge, they will have a greater facility to receive this new information and incorporate it into their Being.

You can visualize it when you see yourself sitting inside a clear crystalline pyramid of Light. There is another clear crystalline pyramid of inverted Light descending to merge with the pyramid on which they are sitting, and the resulting merkaba begins to spin. When this happens, you begin to rise more and more. The ease and stability of this elevation will depend largely on the stability of the original crystalline pyramid in which they were sitting. A pyramid with a balanced and stable base will be able to rise smoothly and easily. One that is unbalanced could tend to wobble and swing from side to side. You may even leave the course.

Such is the case when they begin to ascend without paying adequate attention to their own foundation. An imbalance in some area of ​​your life can cause overcompensation in another area. As they begin to rise to higher vibrational levels, each area is magnified. Those that are balanced are strengthened and increased, while those that are unbalanced could weaken. A structure can only be as strong as its weakest point. Consequently, the more balanced each area of ​​your life is, the more easily you can rise to higher levels.

You may want to periodically review each area of ​​your life to determine if it is balanced for you at this present moment. As they are growing and ascending, what was previously balanced may not be now. You are an evolving Being of Light. This concept is exciting because it allows them to have the opportunity to grow and change as their level of consciousness grows.

The balance of each area of ​​your life is something individual and begins by knowing yourself and what is important to you.

An example is the balance between spending time with others and spending time alone with the self. Some people like to spend a great deal of time in groups, while others enjoy more having more individual time. Another area could involve a balance in time for family, friends, work, relaxation and the spiritual. There is no right or wrong in this balance; It's knowing what works best for you. When they know what they consider important and act in accordance, they are in balance.

As your needs change over time, you could change what you need in order to keep your life in balance.

For example, a new family member such as a newborn or a marriage could change the balance in the family area. A new job or career change will alter the balance in the work / career area. When a child leaves home, another change in family balance will occur, just as a change from full-time to part-time work will alter the balance in that area.

Whenever an area requires an increase or decrease in its time and attention, compensation usually occurs in another area. When they remain aware of this balance, they can handle it with greater success.

As you continue to grow spiritually, things that were important to you before may not have the same attraction for you now. Your types of entertainment or the way you relax may change. This type of change could be very gradual, or happen faster. Again, being aware of who you are today will allow you to maintain a balance in all areas of your life.

When you are aware of what is important to you at the moment you can dedicate your time, attention and resources in a way that reflects your current state of Being. When you do this, you are in a state of equilibrium and can progress to dimensions of consciousness Higher with less problems.

Dear ones, we honor you for your work in keeping the areas of your life in balance. We are with you as you rise to the Higher Dimensions.

Know that you are extremely loved.

WE ARE the Arc á ngel Zadkiel and the Ametist Lady,

... and we surround them with love
And so it is

All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson

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Message from Archangel Zadkiel and The Amethyst Lady ~ The Importance of Balance

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