Spiritual books - Training The Mind, Dalai Lama

  • 2015

Our mind is the key to our spiritual development. To learn to train the mind , the Dalai Lama teaches us that the environment where we live is full of positive energies, but negative emotions or harmful energies are also found, that we must recognize and separate, because they affect people , the community and progressively the whole world in a negative way . The Dalai lama teaches us in his spiritual books that if you decide to take the positive energies you can help transform the world and make it a better place.

His Holiness Dalai Lama, in one of his teachings given at the University of Washington USA in 1998, gave a lecture in a masterly manner on the eight verses of Langri Tangpa , his dissertation It is included in the book A right hand . (You can download the book Train the Mind for free by following the link at the end of the article).

Positive Energies are the key to access Nirvana

The book "Training The Mind" of the Dalai Lama.

The Dalai Lama XIV writes these important teachings simply and concisely. The first part is dedicated to the spiritual books of Buddhism in the world , its influence on modern culture and Western civilization, considering its participation as a tool to improve the training of the human mind .

In the second part, the Dalai Lama is reflecting each of the eight verses to train the mind, doing research, exploring and reaching the different meanings that can be extracted and how they can help us make our lives happier.

The first verses are specially made to learn to train the mind, with practices and methods that are taking and taking advantage of all the positive energies that lead us along the path to happiness, recognizing and discarding negative energies.

The spiritual books of the Dalai Lama are the mirror of Buddhism

Spiritual Lib ros - Reflection on the 8 verses of Langri Tangpa .

It is necessary to strengthen the spirit through meditation and the study of spiritual freedoms, so below we present a brief reflection of the Dalai Lama on the eight verses of master Langri Tangpa:

First verse of Langri Tangpa .

The Dalai Lama tells us that we need to love our neighbor, all sentient living beings are even more valuable than precious jewels, we must take care of them and consider them.

Second verse from Langri Tangpa .

He teaches you, that you should not be selfish, that you help everyone without expecting a reward. When something goes wrong and you take the wrong path , rectify, correct and take it as a teaching, never miss the opportunity to learn from mistakes.

Third verse of Langri Tangpa .

Controlling internal feelings, recognizing our emotions and eliminating negative energies, allows us to develop the ability to control them by training the mind.

Fourth verse of Langri Tangpa

The Dalai Lama explains that we must take and take advantage of the negative emotions that people have, get the good and learn from the bad, not reject people because they are immersed in negativity .

Fifth verse of Langri Tangpa .

You must explore yourself internally and know yourself, self-esteem you must keep it high, this will prevent you from being hurt and they will not be able to influence you with envy or negative emotions.

Sixth verse of Langri Tangpa .

If we are always exposed to betrayal and it can come from a friend, you must know and learn to value the spiritual positive part of the person and understand that this is found in human nature.

Seventh verse of Langri Tangpa .

When you are prepared and manage to convey that joy that you have obtained by walking the path of the training of the mind, it will not be necessary for you to be recognized as a great collaborator, because the joy of other beings, the pain and sufferings that you help to alleviate , It will be enough reward to fill your life with joy .

Eighth verse of Langri Tangpa .

Langri Tangpa's last verse shows that during learning it is very easy to become contaminated with the acquisition of material things, which are unimportant. You have to get rid of these in order to stay on the path to enlightenment.

If you decide to follow the teachings of Master Dalai Lama, you should start by reading his book A right hand . It is one of the most complete spiritual books to understand the correct way to accept the path through positive energies. You can download the dissertations on the verses of Master Langri Tangpa for free by clicking on the image.

Download the free Train the Mind book, Dalai Lama

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AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of hermandadblanca.org

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