Kryon ~ Accelerated Track

  • 2014

Greetings, dear ones; I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

My partner moves aside. You have to do it. The Pineal opens a certain way and Humans must get used to removing their filters. The filters are human . If the filters are set and the Human Being does not depart completely, the messages will arrive through his filters and his consciousness. And that is how you will recognize if a channeling is pure or not. If it seems that the Human Being is combined with the channeling; and the expressions and countenance are still of that Human; You know what they are listening to. It is a partial channeling. Sometimes the way is that and that is how you need to channel that Human Being to feel comfortable. But the purest pipes are those where there is no filter. That is difficult and requires practice. Sometimes, the Human enters and leaves even during the message; The filter is there and then removed. It is a channeler you are practicing.

We give you this information because it applies to your daily life. When you get ready to practice with your Intuitive Self, remove the filter. The filter will tell you what your brain wants you to hear, instead of what is coming to the Pineal, which is intuitive thinking. This practice will compensate them with pure intuitive communication, which will then bring a much clearer combination and confluence of what we would call the energy of life, allowing them to be in the right place at the right time.

I celebrate this moment with you, Dear Ones, with those who are listening to this and with those in the room; and again I tell you that I speak to all of you at the same time, because I see those who listen, Dear Ones. It is not a mystery that there are those who may wish to hear this message later. They are in a new energy and that has been the subject and we have told you some amazing things that only time can prove . And it's appropriate, because that's how we started twenty-three years ago, when my partner opened his mouth for the first time, or put it in writing and gave it to those who wanted to hear what Kryon said. The messages we gave then are the messages we complete now, when we said there would be no Armageddon and there was not. We saw the potentials of a 3rd World War and said there would not be. We gave them messages that were not divination, but were based on what all the natives of the Planet knew and on the prophecies that were beginning to arrive.

So here we are now in this New Energy and I give you the same type of message, based on the potential we see is happening and not on what could happen. We have told you that you begin to recalibrate even Human nature. If they are in esoteric belief, or in metaphysics, or in what some call New Age, we gave them information about what is changing; and we invite you to abandon old practices that are not going to help the planet. Some of the news has been difficult for you and also for us, because they begin to rewrite the reality they thought they had. So here goes a message of benevolent celebration and help. I want to give you information ; Again, part of it will be controversial. We would not say what we say if there were no truth in it and purity in intention.

We want to talk to you about an accelerated route and that in itself is already a difficult issue because you have to understand and know much more than you know now about the help that is available to Humanity. If you hear this for the first time, you have lost a huge amount of information that constituted the background that would lead you to clearly understand this message. I invite you to go back and listen to some of those messages or read the ones we have presented since the beginning of this year. You are entering an energy that will support you . They are leaving behind an energy that never supported them. It is really like moving from darkness to Light and the metaphor is complete; and that is what was always prophesied and the natives knew it. Everything focuses on what they call the wobble of the Earth or the Precession of the Equinoxes . And if you do mathematical and astronomical calculations, you will see that there is an eighteen-year window from now until the end of the precession, which is critical. Eighteen years. This is the second of eighteen. This is the year of the structure. Now, what we mean by this is that this is the year to plant the seeds, it is the year for them to begin to discover what to do, the year in which their understanding begins to come together; which means they start tying up ends. So we are going to talk about some things about the Planet that will help you; and in the process, we will warn you about some things you should not fear.

They are on the fast track. That happens when what surrounds them helps them to extend the limits of benevolence in their favor. We have described the grid systems of the Planet and told them that they were all helpful. Today my partner exposed the nine attributes of the Human Being, the explanations; and you could see that there is a benevolent Physics in all that structure. There is an awareness of help. Even your body's chemistry starts to line up to heal better than ever. Among the public there are three people who need to hear this to know that they are well and should not be afraid because even their cellular structure is beginning to respond to a new energy. We continue to use the word "benevolence." It is the only word we have to describe a system that knows who you are and is your friend and works with you at all costs . It is not a common system, to which they connect occasionally and get something good. It is not a system that is against him and with which they have to fight. It is a system that knows its name. For the first time, human history sees them moving towards a goal that will finally unify Humanity. This has been Kryon's message for twenty-three years.

So far the messages have been cryptic because you had to pass the score and that is the reality. It is not true? We could talk about the future, we could tell them where they were going, tell them that there would be no final war, but they were always afraid that it would happen because of the prophecies they gave them in the past, all that information wrong of what was going to happen in 2012, brought by those who announced those things that they would have to go through. Kryon's words could not penetrate that fear until time passed and they understood that it had not happened. So here they are, in a new energy. But if you look at the entire planet, you see intimidating, frightening things; if you look at your solar system, you see things that may be intimidating, frightening. I want to tell you that everything is part of being on the fast track.

So let's start and let you tie up and we'll tell you things that may seem like bad news, but they aren't. The Spirit knows that Humanity must work for itself. The Spirit understands that Humanity must solve puzzles . What seems to be old negative energy and what is happening is that when solving the riddles they begin to clean the energy. And some puzzles are complex.

We are going to give you five attributes of acceleration on the Planet . It will be brief.

Number One : Political conflicts . How are political conflicts on this planet associated with the accelerated path of benevolent energy? Here I want them to suspend their linear belief system, with which they think they know how things work. Right now there are wars, but they have something in common that makes them different from those of before. Now there are wars; and on our side of the veil we greet those who die in them; and we could tell you about the horror in some countries. But it is not a country against another, Dear. Did you realize? None of those wars, Dear. Did you notice? Instead, they are internal wars in the countries. Citizens face each other for what they want from their governments and what they want their country to become . They are in places you did not expect. Right? They never thought that some of those wars would erupt, due to the power of those governments that prevented them from exploding, or others that seemed westernized and benevolent; and yet they are exploding. There will be more; They will see that they explode where they did not expect. What happens is that for the first time many countries have populations that decide they want something better. It is not about correcting corruption. It is not about coups where a group of greedy politicians replaces another. It is not about that . It is about improving the lives of ordinary citizens. We told you that some things were being cooked in the Middle East as well, which will surprise you when they take place . These are ordinary people who begin to see that they could have a better country and a better government, which includes good things for them, hospitals and schools, an opportunity to improve their condition, something that now They can't do, have the things that Humans want. So the political conflict is an accelerated route. Bring the energy to the limit, we would say; and it makes things happen instead of being stagnant without changing for another generation, or two. And that was Number One.

So some of you will receive this information and say: Well, Kryon says it's okay to kill people. I did not say that. I am telling you that the Human condition is known; it is known how they solve their riddles; and this accelerated route is for them to finally wake up and for certain citizens of a country to realize that this is not working. Sometimes it is in peace; other times no. And that was Number One: The accelerated route through the political conflict.

Number Two is something we haven't talked about yet. It has to do with a change, a recalibration of the akashic memory . We haven't talked about this because it wasn't time to say it. My partner has a Book on Recalibration; and as I speak, he is lamenting because I did not mention it before to put it in that book. (Kryon laughs) It wasn't the time. It is the recalibration of how your akashic memory will work in the future.

Let's see how it worked in the past: Akashic memory, which you call energies of past lives, has given you riddles and in the past has given you things to solve. So the energies come from their past lives, things they remember that were dramatic, horrible deaths, drowning, in battle, the death of their children. And you bring them into this life and are afraid; and they affect what they do. So you are going to a reader of past lives whose job is to heal these things in your current life and make you see them so they stop being afraid. So it is something that helps facilitate its elimination; and it has been treated in its great majority of things of old energy that have had to solve. Ask someone to regression to past lives in what works most; and he will tell you that he tries to solve the problems of the energies of past lives that create fear in today's life.

I want to tell you, dear Human Being, Old Soul, that this is about to change. Is it true or not that we have told you that the Crystalline Grid is recalibrating? If you examine the words and information above, she is beginning to remember differently; and so does the Akasha. Your Akasha will begin to bring you some of the best experiences you have ever had. It will help you redefine Love! It will help you understand who you are! Yes, dear, it will tell you that you are Lemurian. And you are. What, your soul is not old enough? (Kryon laughs) Who told you that? That is your own self-esteem doubting its magnificence. You are a very old Soul or you would not be sitting in this room. Young Souls do not attend such meetings because they would not understand anything that is being said. Your Akasha is realigning to give you memories that will help you enter a benevolent energy using the things and tools you need, without having to overcome obstacles. How are you?

Some of you will start having dreams. Old Souls are going to start seeing Masters, they are going to levitate. (Kryon laughs) They'll see colors, all in their dreams; And they won't know what it means. They are going to wake up and smile, because it made them feel good. That replaces what many have, which is the opposite. Old soul; I know who is here. Do you realize the horrors you have been through? Do you know what is embedded in your Akasha and gives you that lack of self-esteem? I want you to understand that it will begin to settle in the positive; and for this to happen you will not have to be reborn in a new life. You have already crossed the marker and you deserve it now. That is number two: the way the Akasha gives them memories will turn to the positive and will not bring problems, but solutions; and also suggestions and maybe some inventions. That was number two.

Number Three : It is difficult to talk about this, because it implies a lot of fear. Gaia is recalibrating to benevolence and will not let you spoil it. And this is where he becomes controversial: He feels very afraid of some things that have happened recently and others that may happen in the future . Environmentalists are going to shudder at this message.

We have told you not to pollute the ocean anymore. We have told you not to pollute the air anymore. But in reality, those are not messages that Kryon has to give; They are obvious and Humanity is beginning to see it. It is not the subject of Kryon. Kryon's theme is this. I want you to understand that the oceans of this Planet are much more resilient than what you think. They have been shown before, but they are still afraid. What happens when a nuclear plant melts and turns into the ocean? First of all, it is a message. Did they get it? Nuclear power is not the safest option. That is the message, a very clear message. You thought it was a safe option. We repeat: It is the most expensive steam engine known to Man. A nuclear plant is that. It could be achieved in other ways. Geothermal energy is the way. They have unlimited heat under their feet; and all they have to do is solve the challenges of reaching that depth. You can do it. That is the message. But in this process they are polluting the ocean with radioactivity. Here there is fear. What will it cause? Can you eat the fish? It will circulate through the oceans. Will it be safe to swim? I want to tell you, Dear Ones, that the ocean is much stronger than you have ever thought.

Do you want to go back with me and think of something? At the beginning of the design and experimentation of its nuclear weapons, Humanity decided to blow up hydrogen bombs that were very large in the ocean. (Kryon laughs) Do you remember him? There were photographs. The amount of radiation that was dumped in the ocean at that time was huge compared to what just happened in Japan. Now I ask you: Do you swim in that ocean? Do the fish eat? And what happened? What happened? I will give you a clue: Gaia is stronger than you think. There are ways to neutralize and change it that you have no idea; And it has happened before. Can you see and understand it and not be afraid and be careful? Take a look at what happens and move away from the areas that are measured as problematic, but understand that the ocean will solve it.

I want to talk to you about another fact, just for you to think about it, because I've been here for a long time. (Kryon laughs). There was a time, before you came, when the oceans had oil spills constantly . Guess where they came from. They came from oil fields beneath the sea surface that cracked and dumped incredible amounts of oil, naturally, from the ocean floor. Incidentally, in those places they are drilling today, so calculate and tie up ends. One spill after another, after another, after another; and there were no ships there spilling oil. And where is that today? Did the environment ruin? The answer is no. And what happened with that? There is a system, there always was, by which the ocean cleanses and fixes this in ways that you don't know. Take out accounts and tie up ends. You are not the first to spill oil in the ocean, it is a natural fact. Ask a geologist what's down there . Ask a geologist right now if there are no spills by blowing bubbles! Yes there are. It is a natural event. The ocean knows it, recognizes it; and takes care of that.

Do you know what is happening with the weather? We said it last time: A mini is coming, a mini ice age; We tell him. Do not fear; just understand that it will be colder. It is part of the corrective action that the temperature of the ocean cools, that it is changing. It is part of a life cycle that must be renewed; And it is also part of the cleaning. I am giving you information that it can take scientists a generation to get to see, admit and say: "Oh, dear, look at that!" And when you admit it, I want you to remember the day you heard it ... from me. When cleaned, the Planet is on the accelerated track. Meanwhile, don't pollute the ocean, don't pollute the air! But understand that in Gaia there is a friendly conscience of Humanity that sees what is happening and is solving the matter with you . Is it clear? That was number three. Only two more are missing.

I want to tell you about something that is happening in your Galaxy; and it's scary. Your Solar System moves around the center of the Galaxy at the same speed as all other stars. We have called it rev, that is, revolutions around the center . A rev lasts millions of years, so Humanity as a whole has not even seen a rev complete. You constantly move into new areas of space, because you describe a circle around the center of your Galaxy. So if they thought it was static and that their Solar System was always in the same place in space, they were not clear. It is always moving in circles; and the area of ​​the space you are going to enter is different from where they were; and it happens as planned and at the right time.

You are moving to another kind of radiation. It will affect your Sun; They are already starting to see it, meteorologists are reporting it, it is part of climate change . The sun's irradiation cycle itself will be different, the amount of sunspots will be different, because they never saw the radiation that their Solar System enters before. I don't eat humans. And they are afraid. They watch it; and some are saying, "This is the end." Others say: "It will be dangerous."

Here is what I am going to tell you: This radiation will enter your Magnetic Grid directly and will change your DNA and you will get another 10% more efficiency. (Kryon laughs). Arrive exactly on time, as scheduled. It is a benevolent physics that knows what you were doing. Do you understand that? What others fear, will be the evolution of their consciousness. And if you have not heard other previous messages, you will not understand anything I say, but what happens is in a benevolent system. Radiation will change things that will naturally happen to you and increase the functionality of your body's own DNA. It is a system. We knew you were coming. What a system! That was number four.

The Fifth and last we have covered it before and I will tell you that it is imminent. Our watch is not your watch. We see it coming ; and when he arrives, they may say: Well, it took longer than I thought. (Kryon laughs). Tadar m s are not words that we understand; We only know what is coming; and therefore, dates, as you would say, are not something that we are aware of. We know that you have your watch, we see how impatient you are, because things do not happen in a program that is in three dimensions. And what is the difference? It will arrive when it has to arrive; and you are going to be there. Now, some may not be the same age and gender, but they will be here. (Kryon laughs). What is the difference? They will see it. And it is the invention.

When a Planet enters what we call an accelerated path, the invention begins to grow even further than what you consider high technology. But the technology that is about to receive exceeds the technology of 3 Dimension. It will be quantum technology. Start slowly, just like the evolution of so many technologies and inventions that there were in the past. At the beginning it has a slow deployment that becomes meteoric towards the end. One thing leads to another, begins to show something else ; and I repeat it to you: The Planets that enter a state of ascension must MUST understand sooner or later the quantum energy ; and the beginning of that understanding is the ability to see and measure it. Although they cannot produce it, nor alter it, nor work with it, they must be able to see it. Can you imagine a painter trying to paint a beautiful painting with him before the canvas and all the colors, but being blind? I want to tell you that it is exactly there where you are now. All colors are there and always were. When you can see the quantum energy in any way, you will begin to understand how to see it better; and when they begin to see it better, they will see the patterns it contains; and when they begin to see the patterns, they will have a million questions that cannot be answered, but that will initiate the progress of the invention and discover one thing after another about what is They were watching and they had never seen. The colors will be exceptional. And that is a metaphor for clairvoyance.

This is an accelerated route, because it will begin to generate questions that were never asked as Human Race. Can you imagine something like that? Precisely when they thought they already knew everything! (Kryon laughs) It's going to take Physics to a whole new perspective and you'll see the missing Laws . Finally, they can manipulate the same things that they believe are victims. These are the gifts of an Ascended Planet as it progresses. I conclude with this: Dear Human Being, you still have free choice. You can change this. You can go back, even cancel it if you want.

I arrived twenty-three years ago and what I saw, without a clock, is that you were sitting here today. (Kryon laughs). In other words, what I see in twenty years is the same thing. The potentials are there, you cannot see them. They are already starting on this planet. Get ready for medicine to change forever! Prepare for the elimination of one type of healing and the opening of another. Prepare for quantum healing to take place. I have no way of describing a healing my partner, it is not a process, do not say that word - it is a healing paradigm that you cannot see, that you cannot imagine, but that associates you with intelligence innate of his body, with the ability to record himself and heal himself using his own information in his own DNA.

I can get here. (Kryon laughs). Can you imagine explaining the Internet to a society that has no electricity? That is why it is so difficult to tell them what is there so clearly. You still have free choice, but the potentials are already marching towards benevolence, solutions and peace. When countries finally agree on what they want; and have leaders who implement what they want collectively, they will never need to conflict again. Now there is a rearrangement and a shake in many regions. They are on the fast track; that is helping them get to the next stage faster than if they did it themselves, because they are surrounded by help. The Earth itself and the personality they know as Gaia and Mother Nature smile at them right now, look at them and say: "They deserve it." And we are here.

Everything I've said today is true, so now I'm done. Is this real? (Kryon laughs) Did this message move you? Have you felt that something else is happening in this room? Or were you just listening to the words? Because other energy has been circulating, maybe taking your hand, hugging you if you let it, saying: “Listen! Listens! Listen, Old Soul, the time you asked for has arrived. Now do something with her. Don't let it just be there. That does not distract you. Be part of it . ”

I am Kryon, in love with Humanity. And for good reasons! (Kryon laughs)

And so it is.


Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll

Kryon ~ Accelerated Track

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