Message from Master Serapis Bey ~ Action-Decisive Force of the Heart

  • 2014

Decisive Action-Force of the Heart, Weekly Message of the Ascended Master, Serapis Bey ~ August 8-15, 2014 received by Julie Miller

Fear has always had two faces, one that we control and one that he controls. If you are able to control your fear, then you have the ability to use that energy for your own benefit, to bring many wonderful experiences and successful results. However, if they allow fear to control them, they end up feeling helpless, feeling helpless to achieve anything. It is always possible to embrace what appears to be a situation of fear as something exciting and redoubled the adrenaline to continue fighting and harder to overcome what is in front of you instead of giving up and saddening by the sudden turn of events.

By not allowing disturbing emotions to seep into your mind and easily turn into negative thoughts that divert you, you can successfully convince yourself that everything will be fine because, in truth, you are the ones in charge. You are the ones who decide in which direction your career will take you. Sometimes it will appear that others are doing this for you, and that is because you have given them the power to do it, and when you regain that power you are again in command. It is important to embrace what you fear and work constantly to overcome it, forging your self-confidence, your faith and your love for yourself in the process.

When a situation or event that causes fear arises, there is a process of thinking operating, you move from a logical way of thinking to an emotional one. Seeing the situation as something to learn from, something that has the potential to be 'fun', you change the level of fear you really feel and the motives behind the fear become clearer and more understandable ... you become much more reasonable because they are not operating from pure emotion, but from logical and clear thinking.

Sometimes the fears that you carry are a result of tragic accidents that happen to people unrelated to you, events that have touched you in ways that have the power and ability to embed in your mind with an internal dialogue that admonishes you. so that they do not go in a certain game in an amusement park, or ride a horse, or anything else that has the potential for something to go terribly wrong. This is a normal reaction after witnessing a tragic event, but at the same time you should not prevent them from enjoying these things, unless you allow it. Of course, fear can be something healthy and natural, and sometimes logical when faced with dangerous situations, but fear can also paralyze a person if he is allowed to create blockages that end up causing losses in his life.

They do not always have to remain trapped in fear, even if that fear has been a result of witnessing a terrible accident. We encourage you to see beyond fear, to see the motive behind it, in order to learn and move beyond it. If they are able to frame their mind and use the energy that fear uses to inhibit them, then they can see the experience as something to learn from and use the energy derived from fear to anticipate a possible new and exciting experience found from what They have learned. In every negative and fearful experience there is always something positive to learn and to grow from. They simply have to let go of fear and see with their hearts, trust and believe in themselves that they will be fine. You are not destined to take care of yourself in the shadows sown by fear, but you are destined to enjoy life, to live and capture all the joy and blessings that God gives you daily. Life is to be lived!

It is you, my dear ones, who decide how to react and how to respond to any given situation. No one can think for you, even if others pressure you or try to persuade you; In the end it is you who choose. Once you have chosen, whether to allow fear to control you or control your fear, then it is up to you to commit to doing so through decisive action you have taken. You can't just leave it there without going anywhere. If they have chosen to control their fear, this is a commitment that provides them with anticipation to develop the enthusiasm from which they will learn, and there is no return once they have begun ... they must follow each step until they complete it. To stop what they have begun would be to tell their Being to resign, and their Being needs them to be strong and move forward without remaining stuck or stuck.

You have the power of your firmness and determination, my dear ones. Through their focus and focused attention they can move into action every time, no matter what is happening to their environment. When they start in a new direction or decide which path to follow in relation to an event or situation, there is a special kind of energy that fills them; your focus at that precise moment when everything is new and starting the march and where you are so committed, your impulse and passion are absolute. This unwavering power and concept will be your driving force in any situation, especially those where your fears are present.

My dear ones, it is up to you to change to a positive action. When they make the decision to move forward there is a great deal of mental planning and preparations, their mind becomes very busy and their inner self begins to prepare for a great transformation that is about to happen, driven by the force-action of their heart being committed to fight to get ahead in the face of his fear.

Give yourself a goal to focus on, something to achieve that brings you an action plan. Remember that this plan is created by yourself, one that you commit to heart and mind. You understand the importance that once you start something, there is no way to stop until you have achieved success. Each step and movement will require you to make choices that will lead you to new actions and more choices. Therefore, it is essential to think well what they will choose and how they will act to remind themselves what they are trying to achieve. Their choices and actions will bring them closer or further from their goal. Your decision on how to react and respond will change the situation to a totally different experience ... it is always up to you how to perform it.

You can feel helpless and helpless or you can tear down those limiting doors and bring energy resources, and get to know how limitless you really are when your whole being works in unison without fear of holding you back. When your doubt is dissolved, you are able to focus and see clearly what is needed every step of the way. Life becomes something beautiful and worth living, exciting and educational because they have chosen to control their fears and doubts.

As we prepare to end our transmission today, we urge you to reflect on how you use the energy of your fears. Do you allow your fears to manipulate you so that you do not do what your heart encourages you to do and to which you are attracted? Can you control your fear and use that energy to take you to new directions and derive great wisdom from the experience? Fear has so much to teach them, and not everything is negative. Until we meet again, contemplate the positive things you have learned from any experience of fear and how you have applied this learning in daily situations that led to new situations and successful outcomes.

Whenever you are in a dark and bleak situation remember, dear ones, you can always rely on God, trust in Him, and His luminous Light will always illuminate an exit path for Let him follow.

And so it is

I AM the Ascended Master, Serapis Bey

via Julie Miller

Translated: Gloria M hlebach

Message from Master Serapis Bey ~ Action-Decisive Force of the Heart

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