Book, "There are other alternatives" ...

  • 2012

THERE ARE OTHER ALTERNATIVES, the book by Vicen Navarro, Juan Torres López and Alberto Garz n, with a prologue by Noam Chomsky, whose authors put into free circulation because Aguilar publishing house was thrown back at the last moment.

If you don't have much time to read it, then I send you the most important ideas developed and conscientiously set out in this book, summarized by another Internet user who has passed them to me. It is a serious invitation to reflect and analyze what is happening in this damn world and, especially, in this somewhat corrupt Spain (or corrupt until the "marrow"?).

You may agree or disagree totally or partially with the thesis of its authors, but it will not be indifferent or boring. At least, it's a provocation !!!

Here you have the book:

bookThere are alternatives

It says things like:

- that the global crisis is what we all know: financial terrorism.

- that Spain is one of the few OECD countries where real wages have not grown in the last 15 years, and that most of us have not lived above our means, but that wages have been below our needs.

- That 20 years ago, the salary difference between executives and employees was between 10 and 20 times higher and is now up to 100-200 times higher.

- that the countries that are better supporting the crisis are the countries of northern Europe, where social services occupy 25%, while in Spain only 9%, and these social services are financed, for example, by fiscal policies progressive like Sweden, etc.

- That, therefore, when we are told that we must reduce public spending, and reduce salaries to generate wealth and employment, perhaps the opposite would be convenient, and that is explained in detail in the book.

- that the difference between Sweden and Spain is that there the rich pay the taxes, and here only pay what they pay the workers with payroll, but that the large Spanish companies mostly declare only 10% of their profits, and the big fortunes only 1%, if anything. And for that they use tax havens and other tricks that, of course, banks, their cronies, help them to divert.

- that in other countries in Europe, large companies almost do not fire their employees, they only reduce the working day. Therefore almost no unemployment is generated.

- that the austerity plans imposed on us only direct the economies towards disaster.

- and that all this comes from the NEOLIBERAL economic theory that R. Reagan and Thatcher imposed on the world. (This is very well explained by Naomi watts. in his book and documentary: The Shock Doctrine).

- that in Spain, with the 40 years of dictatorship, where the power of banking and businessmen was closely linked to politics, this trend still follows: class power. (see page 109-110).

- that you do not forget to read chapter V, especially pages 107-119, the pages that appear above with the arrows.

- that in chap. VII he talks about banks, and the way they work, as we all know, by being run by Wall Street and the City of London. And that the Savings Banks should be nationalized, so that it is money that really serves the people, and small and medium-sized businesses. Now it is doing the opposite.

- that 0.66% of the world population has 66% of annual world income.

He also says that in Spain there is no reason for us to be economically ill, only that, things have been mounted in such a way that now the banks and the rich do not stop making money, and yet the population is increasingly Poor and more strangled.

A couple of months ago, Editorial Aguilar, showed its interest in publishing our book: THERE ARE ALTERNATIVES. Proposals to create employment and well-being in Spain, which Noam Chomsky gave us.

When the book had already been published as of October 19 and its promotion had begun on the Aguilar website and in bookstores, the publishers informed us that the company wanted to delay it without another explanation, which forced us unfortunately to dismiss its publication in that editorial. This confirmed how difficult it is to disseminate in Spain, at times when they are more necessary than ever, as now, alternative ideas to the unique thinking that predominates in the political and social debate.

To solve this situation we have chosen to offer our work for free in pdf format through the network and in a new edition printed in Ediciones Sequitur that, with the collaboration of ATTAC Spain, has risked publishing this book quickly that will be in bookstores at Price of 10 euros from October 31.

We firmly believe that only by letting citizens know what is really happening in our economy and spreading the alternatives that exist to this acute crisis of capitalism can we get out of it with more employment and social welfare, as we show in this book.

That is why we call to disseminate this version in pdf, to study it and disseminate its proposals and ask all readers to become themselves and distributors of the book once it is printed.

Against the censorship of the great oligopolies and the unique thinking imposed by economic, financial and media powers, we defend plurality and freedom of thought by knowing and spreading critical thinking.

We ask your collaboration to show those who have tried to silence this text that their time is running out.

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