Why is crying therapeutic?

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 experience many emotions 2 crying is not a sign of emotional weakness 3 allow us to release the emotion 4 analyze the situation 5 exercise our emotional intelligence

It is true that crying is not something that we associate with the word pleasant, in fact it is curious to recognize that it is common that since we were little we were taught to avoid crying.

It is not about the crying that is presented with the objective of manipulating people, but about the moment in which a physical oppression in the chest is felt as a result of having gone through a difficult time cil or sad.

experience many emotions

For example, sometimes when we face the loss of a loved one or a possible disappointment, we can experience a wide range of emotions, from anger to sadness, it all depends on the person who experiences them. However, when crying is genuine, so to speak, it is experienced mentally and physically.

Some experts in the area of ​​life coaching say that crying is important to maintain emotional health in adverse situations. And if we analyze a little if not useful , what would be the function of this activity in our body? .

As eating helps to stop experiencing the uncomfortable feeling of hunger, anger helps to give way to a feeling of helplessness or aggression and crying helps free the body from the physical sensation of loss or abandonment.

crying is not a sign of emotional weakness

Due to cultural circumstances, crying is attributed to people who are weak or unable to face life, and this is not always the case, today it is known that many physical illnesses are the result of improper handling of emotions. Suppressing what we feel sick at different levels.

It does not mean that if we get angry we must harm the other so as not to repress the emotion, what we do is to observe our interior when we experience the moment, recognize what we are experiencing and release it, let it go, not get hooked. It's very important.

In the case of crying it is advisable to look for a quiet place where we can feel freedom to express ourselves, observe the emotion internally and if tears arise let them flow, without thinking that it is something positive or negative, it is important not to conceptualize, just let the moment happen . Minutes later you experience a feeling of rest or serenity that indicates that the body has already released the energy or physical discomfort it was experiencing.

allow us to release the emotion

After crying, it is advisable to rest in that physical state of liberation and gradually let the process of analyzing the situation that caused the suffering flow naturally. Crying contributes in some way to give space to the mind to address the conflict with tranquility and clarity.

To analize the situation

It is important to highlight that there must be an analysis of the situation either in the context of meditation or in a space of calm in our daily life, you can use what is known in Tibetan culture as the four seals that are: everything is impermanent, or that no situation or emotion is permanently sad or cheerful, that nothing has intrinsic identity or that no emotion or mental state occurs at the same time if it does not vary in intensity until it dissolves, that only nirvana is peace that in this context only in a mental state free of attachment and aversion, tranquility is achieved and that nothing and nobody has an immutable or solid nature that is that from one moment to another the person or circumstance that causes the damage can change or decrease its position to the extent that time passes.

The important thing here is to give us the opportunity to cry when the body requires it, to release energy, to prevent the feeling and the situation from becoming something more harmful such as resentment and resentment.

exercise our emotional intelligence

Undoubtedly, most of the time we avoid crying and experience suffering, but if that happens since we cannot control everything that happens around us we can apply emotional intelligence that is nothing more than recognizing and experiencing the situation and through analysis convert on a step of overcoming and forgiveness. If we cannot avoid the emotion of sadness and crying, if we can decide how to deal with it intelligently, it will inevitably lead us in the direction of the path of peace and tranquility.

AUTHOR: Pilar V zquez, collaborator of the great family of the White Brotherhood

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