Transitions of your Almico group - White Celestial Beings

  • 2015

The changes that are occurring at this time of the Ascension are linked to the energy transformations that have been taking place throughout this year; the only difference is that now the energy intensity is being dramatically reinforced and magnified. The energy of the Goddess and the crystalline vibrations continue to support a transition of cleansing, purification and renewal on Earth and within your Being; However, its energy vibration is allowing a new energy discharge to be anchored. Now the soul group of each person is coming to the fore to work with their soul extensions. Your Soul, of which you are an extension as other 11 are, is going through the process of releasing all the unnecessary energies of all past, present and future lives that you experience and have experienced on Earth and in the Inner Planes. Your Almico Group is inviting your Soul to completely purify its energies, to complete all the lessons of previous lives, present and simultaneous; so that a wealth of knowledge and wisdom can be accepted and collected, to be expressed in the New Age of Love on Earth.

Your Soul is going through a powerful purification process and is raising its energetic vibration and allowing new and high vibrations of Creator Light to flow through it. Naturally, the purification process that is happening in your Soul is affecting your physical reality, because you are connected to your Soul and incorporate it. It is similar to your Soul being scanning your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, to bring to the surface everything that does not serve it, everything that is not aligned with it or does not improve it. Perhaps during this time you go through challenges connected with one, two or all of your bodies, such as fears that go through your mind, pain that goes through your Heart Chakra, emotions that arise in any part of your body; and all forms of fear based on energies that try to express themselves through you. The key to understanding this process is to realize that the expression 'through' is immensely important; everything that is no longer necessary is going through your Being in some way or form, sometimes consciously and sometimes unconsciously, to be released and erased forever.

The way your mind, your emotions, your physical body or your spiritual body choose to release these energies, may seem unusual to you; however, it is necessary that you trust the purification process that is happening in your Soul and that is influencing your entire Being on Earth.

In this moment of the Ascension trust, faith and belief in the Creator, in the beauty and goodness of your reality and your Being are essential; They will help your Soul to go through this process of renewal. Really for many people on Earth their Soul is carrying out a process that will free them from the earthly cycle of birth and death, which means that many Souls incarnated in Human bodies on Earth are preparing to not return to Earth. In the Inner Planes there are many Souls who have not yet experienced the Earthly Reality and who have been waiting for the Earth and its Humanity to raise its frequency so that they could then anchor themselves on Earth and experience it. In truth, a new group or civilization of Souls is hoping to gradually integrate into the Earthly Experience. What are you

Souls are integrated, it is required that Souls who have experienced all that the Earthly Experience can offer go through a process of completion that will raise Earth's vibration and make it possible for new Souls to enter in order to continue raising the frequency of Mother Earth and create the Age of Love. Due to the work of anchoring the Light and the Truth of the Creator that you and many Souls on Earth have managed to do, these new Souls may be born recognizing and remembering a much more loving light frequency . It is even through its gradual integration into the civilization of the Earth, how the frequency of Love on Earth will be magnified.

These Souls do not come from a certain area or place of the Inner Planes, they simply have not been born before on Earth; however, they have observed all aspects of their reality over the many years and many civilizations, understanding everything. The new Souls that are anchored are also aspects of many Almic Groups that already have aspects of their energy existing on Earth, which means that many Almic Groups can continue to grow, explore and develop through the Earthly Experience. Some soul groups will complete all their energetic aspects on Earth gradually, so that they can serve more powerfully from the Inner Planes.

We could say that this is similar to the higher aspects of the I enter the Earthly Reality to experience it, since We are All One.

That your Soul reaches the completion supported by your Almico Group does not mean that you instantly leave your physical body, nor does it mean that this is your last life on Earth. There are many who are currently experiencing their last life on Earth; for others, however, the process of reaching the completion of their Earth Journey may take one or two more lives; Even so, that completion is still very fast if you consider the journey that your Soul already made. This means that these Souls will be able to continue supporting the new Souls that enter the Earth, while also benefiting from the new light frequency that they are distributing from the Inner Planes through their physical presence.

In this moment of Ascension, your Soul is undergoing an accelerated process of purification and integration; Over time it will slow down and accelerate again at different times in your life to achieve the completion of your soul's journey on Earth. Enjoy these times of deep internal cleansing, because they will make possible in your physical being and in your reality feelings and sensations of deeper resonance with the Creator. It is not necessary to understand the process, just allow yourself to focus on liberating, letting go and detaching yourself from everything that comes from within your Being, especially if you feel it is not aligned with the purity of your Love. This is the most appropriate and beautiful way. of supporting your soul in its process of purification and completion .

Your mood group is coming to the forefront with the richness of its energy, its power and its Love, so that it is present and incorporated into your Soul and even into your physical body. Your soul group has a wealth of knowledge; and can see, feel and recognize the greater image of your trip as a thermal extension, as a Soul and as a Thermal Group; consequently the wisdom, discernments and guidance that you will receive through your intuition will be dramatically improved and developed; and they will have a deeper resonance with your truth. As a physical being on Earth you will experience a deeper connection with your mood group through your intuition as it begins to rise from your Group Hemic fused with your Soul, through your Soul and even your consciousness. This represents a great change and a great transformation in your Being, in the way you approach your reality, your perspectives, beliefs and actions; and it can alter the direction you choose to take on Earth, aligning it more with your pure Love. With the greater presence of your soul group influencing your entire Being, there is the potential for great transformations in your Being; That is why trust, faith and belief in the Creator are essential at this time , for everything that you are accustomed to can begin to change, both inside and around you. With greater confidence, faith and belief in the Creator, you can be sure to create for yourself a continuous sustaining base, while going through great processes of transformation and Ascension.

The purpose of your Groups is to create on Earth an important change of awakening at this time and in the coming years, which requires that you and all of you pass who are willing to consciously connect with your mood group . Your Spirit Group will manifest greater frequencies of Love and devotion to the Divine, thus dissolving many forms of illusions connected with Planet Earth . The processes of inner healing of the I will have immense influence, for many more will fully remember how to heal you from all kinds of ailments from within your Being. Wisdom maintained in the consciousness of Humanity will be dramatically altered; and in the future it will be fun to remember when you used to think in certain ways and how ridiculous those thoughts were. With the presence of your mood groups, a new wisdom will apparently be born in the mind of Humanity; and yet this will simply be a profound process of remembrance. It is expected that much transformation will occur within your Being, prompted by your soul group through your Soul; it is important that you dissolve any resistance that you may have created to hinder the sacred impact of your soul group and your soul ; You can achieve this by focusing on a few simple practices:

Focus on increasing your confidence in yourself, in your reality, in your Soul, in your Spirit Group and in the Creator, believing in the goodness, beauty and perfection of the Creator within you and in your environment

Focus on your natural ability to let go and detach yourself; this is not to disconnect, it is to realize that you cannot cling to energies, people, situations or perspectives; eventually it is necessary to let everything go . When you are aware and let go of the energies as they arise, then you have more ability to exist unconditionally in the flow and in Love.

Focus on recognizing that all challenging situations or experiences are to manifest the Light, Love and Consciousness of your Inmic Group embodied in your Being.

Focus on the awareness of enjoying your reality and filling every moment with joy, because your Soul is going through processes to complete its journey on Earth.

Focus on your intuition, realizing and being aware that your intuition is altering, becoming stronger and more powerfully guiding your reality on Earth.

Focus on Love; and let him fill your body and your Being, for this will serve you in more ways than you can imagine; and will allow all the above approaches to manifest with ease and perfection.

In Love and in the perfection of the Creator,

White Celestial Beings.

TRANSLATION: Jairo Rodríguez R. Energy and Spiritual Consulting

AUTHOR: Natalie Glasson


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