The main economic proposals of the 15M movement

  • 2011

07/28/2011 | Laura Pintos

Among other issues, the Acampada Sol Economy group proposes to repeal the points of the labor reform that promote precariousness, reform the Mortgage Law, prohibit EREs in companies with benefits, enforce the law of prompt payment in the administration Public and abolish tax havens.

Itinerant concentration of the Economy group of 15M Madrid

The Nobel Prize in Economics in 2001 Joseph Stiglitz gave his support by attending one of his popular assemblies. And also with his statements that day. New ideas must be sought when old ones fail and we must think of more social and solidarity measures, said the critical American professor with globalization.

These are just some of the flags of the 15M movement. But also its Economy Working Group in Madrid, made up of "indignant" people of diverse origin and profile who have aimed at the task of shaping the collective economic ideology, holds specific proposals.

They are the ones that have been collected, debated and approved by consensus in each of the six subgroups through which it works: employment, businesses, housing, economic policy, financial systems and global economic relations.

Once that step was passed, the proposals were approved by consensus in one of the General Economic Assemblies that are held periodically.

The members of this group say that these are “open” proposals, as they can be expanded, corrected and developed by whoever wishes, and not representative of the entire 15M. Although they are the only ones that the movement has at the moment and around which it focuses its struggle.

These are the most outstanding “outraged” economic ideas, included in the first draft published by Economy:

1- Repeal of the chapters of the last labor reform that “mean an increase in precariousness, a reduction in labor rights and a deterioration of pension schemes”.

2- Effective reduction of working hours and working life “until all the employment needs of the population are met”.

3- Increase of the minimum interprofessional salary until it is equated with the rest of Europe and corresponding to current living conditions. And regulation of maximum wages.

4- Paralyzing the evictions until the reform of the Mortgage Law is achieved to establish the payment date (home delivery) as a way to settle the mortgage debts. Mortgage loans for a maximum of 20 years and for no more than 60 percent of the appraised value of the home. Creation of an independent public appraisal body.

5- Creation of a public housing park under social rent. "An independent public body will catalog and censor empty homes for later use depending on the income and situation of each person."

6- Prohibition of employment regulation files in companies that provide benefits.

7- Fiscal measures to increase the income and the progressivity of the system. Among them, increased tranches and maximum rates of personal income tax, prosecution of fraud, tightening of the taxation of SICAVs until their elimination throughout Europe, creation of a tax that penetrates speculative movements and progressive reduction of direct taxation.

8- Restoration of public banks. And control of the banking system in general: immediate stoppage of the privatization of savings banks, separation of investment and speculative activities and the requirement of criminal and patrimonial responsibilities to financial managers, rating agencies and institutions.

9- Abolition of tax havens.

10- Compliance with the law of prompt payment by public administrations to avoid financial problems and the closure of small and medium enterprises.

11- Equalization of rights and obligations among all workers, regardless of their attachment to the general or autonomous regime.

12- Implementation of the social balance in all companies. In addition to the economic balance, companies must account for their social management (respect for workers' rights, transparency in administration and care of the environment).

13- Moratorium on the payment of the Spanish external debt and the one that other states have with Spain until “carrying out a comprehensive audit“ that can determine its legitimacy ”.

14- Compliance with the most guarantee legislation regarding rights by Spanish companies abroad.

15- Taxation of global taxes on global public goods (to international financial transactions and activities that affect the environment, for example).

The 15M Economy group does not stay on paper and also has its own mobilization agenda.

In fact, today he plans to carry out a “peaceful itinerant concentration”. The march will begin at noon in front of the Bank of Spain headquarters, after which it will tour the main rating agencies based in Madrid.

In each of them the "outraged" will read a statement in which "it will be denounced how these rating agencies protected by international institutions speculate on the debt of the countries, which are then forced to brutal social adjustments to ensure the payment of that debt".


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