The Energies of September - Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

Dear Lightworkers, what a time to celebrate! In this past month of August 2008, the frequency of Planet Earth has reached higher levels never previously experienced by this planet, thus allowing the anchoring of the archetypes of the New Earth for Infinite Peace and Abundance. The New Earth is fully established in its Higher Dimensions, so it only remains for you to incarnate that Infinite Love as Heaven on Earth, to manifest the Paradise Codes in active reality.

We can only tell you that here, in the Realms of Light, we honor and celebrate what has been accomplished on Earth in this month of August thanks to you. There have been many who have gathered all over the planet to facilitate the Reception and Anchorage of the Golden Flame that came to him bringing the Golden Light of Compassionate and Unconditional Love. It was channeled to the Crystal Grids of the Heart of the Earth thanks to its resolution to serve the Light becoming channels of Her.

Dear Lightworkers, this is truly a New Earth and a new place. Where they are now, nothing from their past will serve as a model. They have reached far beyond Atlantis, Egypt and even Lemuria, reaching a new place and a New Beginning. Those of you who are awake are now ready to recognize that you are the Divine Essence in Human Form, that you are sparks of the Creative Divinity within a material body and that your job is to Co-create with the Spirit a New World. You know and feel deep inside the Diamond Light of God that dwells in your hearts. And, recognizing that Light that is inside and in others, they are prepared to embody the Infinite Love on Earth, bringing to it the joyful frequencies of Heaven.

It is Now, Dear Lightworkers, at this time, when your Physical Body will activate the Paradise Codes and begin to align with the higher frequencies of Unconditional Love. This will allow them to advance through life with Grace and Beauty, as well as create Peace and Abundance in their earthly lives.

Now is when they begin to understand how Abundance manifests from their Desires and Intentions, without struggle or laughter. They will learn to manifest in their lives Health, Balance and Love. They will learn how powerful it is to align with the Internal Power of their Clean Canal with the Source. Thus, being clearly aligned with the Source, your Desires will flow to your Manifestation and you will feel that Great Joy of Heaven on Earth.

Dear ones, this is a moment of Transition. Be kind to yourself now that you are heading towards the Dimensionally Higher Life. Know that, sometimes, when working with the Miracles of Creative Manifestation, the Flow may be easy, but other times it may be a little more difficult, since, briefly, they could fall into customs and addictions related to fear, own of the old frequency. This is because many of those around you are still in those frequencies of fear and occasionally can get you out of your center. If that happens, just return gently to the Higher Frequencies of Love and Peace. It is very important that you embody that Radiant Light so that others can feel those Higher Frequencies and learn to tune into those energies. We could tell you that, in this period, your main job is to maintain your Peace and Joy so that others can experience those energies through you.

Dear ones, each of you is an “energy transmitter” of the energies and Codes of the New Earth. You will see how there are going to be people who are going to be attracted to you to experience the Higher Frequencies in their voices, their eyes and their caresses. A simple smile or a hug can transmit the power of Unconditional Love to others who are lost in their search. Do not underestimate the power of your Light right now. The more they can make that inner Diamond Light shine, the more they can do to awaken that same glow and that Diamond Light in the Hearts of others. Know that, from now on, the Awakening will not be so much a matter of "knowledge" and "information" as of "love" and "feeling". What counts is not so much what you do or teach as what you are and the Love that you transmit to others with your Loving Presence. Truly, the soul awakens is the Soul of the Master, capable of transmitting Unconditional Love to others. Dear ones, in this time of New Principles, it is time for you to regain your Spiritual Mastery and be that clear transmitter or channel of Divine Unconditional Love.

People will feel Peace and Love in their Brightness and will respond by opening to the Peace and the Inner Brightness that they themselves carry. Dear ones, in this New Earth, in this time of New Principles, Energy, Frequency and Brightness will be the tools that will open Hearts and Souls awake. And the Dimensionally Superior Energies are Peace, Love and Joy. By living in those energies, they align with the energies of the New Earth and express that New Earth, so Abundance naturally flows into their lives with Passion, Commitment and Joy!

Perhaps some of you say that you are already tired and that you do not see changes in your lives. They continue to strive to manifest Love and Abundance. We want to tell you not to get discouraged after all the work you have done; Know that you are ready to make that break. Know, Beloved, that you cannot aspire to make changes in your Outer World if you do not make them first within yourself, since all experience is an external projection of your inner thoughts, beliefs and reality. The essence of the Great Change is the Inner Change from the old patterns of belief and thought to the new patterns of Love, Trust and Acceptance. Perhaps at this time many of you are still in the process of releasing old patterns and giving yourself permission to connect fully with the Inner Divinity that expresses itself in Peace and Joy. Dear ones, it was never easier than Now to make that Connection with your Inner Divinity! This does not require years of meditation and discipline, it only requires that you make that Choice, put in your Intention and align your thoughts and beliefs with that Choice and Intention. There are no great secrets or major mysteries, it is a very simple truth that is available to everyone at this time!

Dear ones, having made this choice, be open to Receive. Know that you are worthy of receiving in the New Earth all the Joy and Abundance that are your birth rights. Karma has been delivered, there is no need to suffer to learn. In this New Earth you will learn through Joy, Joy and the Expansion of your Beings towards more and more loving and Intense states of Grace. Learn to see everything in life as Grace and Love; release fear and resistance; head towards Gratitude and Recognition. Gratitude is what ensures that the Flow of Abundance continues, because the Divine Intelligence contained in that Flow responds to Gratitude, spilling even more Love and Blessings in an amount equivalent to what you are willing to receive and share, since Divine Intelligence also uses you as channels of Abundance and Infinite Expansion. Do not resist the process or close it for fear of lack or loss, since, on the New Earth, such things are illusions, and you no longer intend to continue living in illusion.

Know that, now more than ever, your world is a reflection of YOU! What they see ah outside is a direct reflection of the thoughts and beliefs that live in their Hearts. With wisdom, use your experience to refine your choices and beliefs until you manifest in your lives the desire of your Hearts. Know that this will become easier and easier as you gain greater skill in carrying out your choices from your Hearts, aligning your intention with the Higher Will and allowing himself to receive what the Spirit sends them through the process of Delivery and Appreciation.

Now we will finalize this message by offering you some recommendations that can help you to tune into the Miracle Energies and Unconditional Love of the New Earth. Last month we visited Glastonbury in England and in October we will go with our channel to the South of France. It will be to activate and connect the energies of the Grail Code and those of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, representative models of the Twin Flame, with the energies of Arthur, Geneva and Avalon, the beloved Island of Crystal Light. Dear ones, that Great Love and that Passion, the energies of the Twin Flame and the mystical places where Heaven meets Earth, are very important right now. In these energetic vertices you will raise your frequency and your consciousness by experiencing the Deep Passion of a Heavenly Love of the Twin Flame manifested in Human Form, as well as the frequency of the memorias of these archetypes, which will elevate them to an energetic space in the estuary prepared for the entrance of the frequencies of the New Earth. You can make these connections by visiting those places or connecting energetically with them in your meditations and group work.

Likewise, we will tell you that, in the New Earth, the practice of ceremonies, rituals and invocations will be an important way to honor the Earth and share your Group Intention. We can only insist on the strength of the fact that they come together as a Group in Radiant Light to share with the Earth their Intention of Love and Peace. This purpose is greatly magnified thanks to the power of Intention and Energy shared at the higher levels. These Meetings of Light will become the focus of the constant Awakening to the Higher Consciousness of the New Earth.

The Energies of September 2008

September will be a quiet month to allow the integration and balance of energy on the Planet after the fundamental anchors of Light that took place in August 2008. The Full Moon falls on September 15 in Pisces, a Water Sign. This will be a truly powerful time to perform a Water Ceremony with the intention of activating the Paradise Codes and bringing the Higher Frequencies of Love and Gratitude to the Water Bodies of the planet.

The New Moon will be on September 29 in Libra. The energies of Libra represent Balance, Harmony and Relationship, and it is always a good time to meditate in Harmony on the Relationships in their lives and to sow the seeds of mine. Harmony and Love.

Mercury retrograde between September 24 and October 14, making it a period to be calm and calm, as well as to be meticulous in all the decisions and choices you make.

Pluto is still in Sagittarius, in conjunction with the Galactic Center, feeding the Great Leap and Transformation. But, on this occasion, Jupiter will be in Capricorn and Saturn in Virgo, meaning that the Transformation optics will focus on the Material Plane of the Earth itself. Of course, it is time to reincarnate the Infinite Love and to bring Heaven to Earth.

Dear Lightworkers, in this miraculous time we wish you Joy and Desire to Play in your continuous Adventure of Light. May you live All that your Hearts desire in Love and Gratitude!



BARCELONA: SATURDAY OCTOBER 18. From 09:30 to 18:00 hours. Workshop - Meditations - Channeling with Archangel Michael. Place: ESPAI EN BLANC, CASPE street 43 (Roger de Lluria and Bruch). The Workshop will feature English - Spanish translation. For more information, click here or write to Paloma Fernández.

MONTSERRAT: SUNDAY, October 19. CEREMONY IN THE SACRED MOUNTAIN. This Ceremony, of content linked to the theme that will be discussed in the workshop that we will celebrate in Barcelona, ​​is independent of it and, of course, the assistance is free, being totally open to all those people who want to participate with us in this Awakening. Soon we will give all the details.

MONTSEGUR, FRANCE: From Monday 20th to Friday 24th of OCTOBER. Spiritual Retreat - THE GRIAL CODES AND THE SACRED HEART. For more information and pre-registrations, write to Paloma by clicking here.

LISBON, PORTUGAL: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2. From 09:30 to 18:00 hours. Workshop - Meditations - Channeling with Archangel Michael. Fifth TORRE DEL ÁGUILA - São Domingos de Rana, Cascais. The Workshop will feature English-Portuguese translation. For more information, click here or write to Luisa Santos.

You will find more information about all these activities on our various websites:

In English:

In Spanish:

In Portuguese:

Service in Spanish of Private Channels with Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn. To know the details, CLICK HERE.

You can read the channels of Celia Fenn in Spanish at, and also download them in Word file at.

© 2008-9 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

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