Towards the Void of Great Potential by Aluna Joy Yaxk'in ~ Moray, Peru

  • 2010

September 18, 2010

The following is the second message we received during our most recent trip to PERU, in September 2010. The next messages will be published on our website under the link entitled "Articles on Personal and Planetary Transformation" (in English). We are sharing this message here with you as we receive it, in the present tense, with little editing. We do this for a very important reason. We know that the messages we receive are not only for our groups, but also for humanity. So as you read this, imagine that you were there with us ... the Masters and Elders of the Stars assure me that the corresponding message and energy will be transmitted to you. They might want to imagine that they are sitting with us in the Andes.

Do you remember on the previous site, when we talk about a vessel within you ... the valley that they are going to fill with liquid light? Well, there is something else in your container today. It seems to be an instruction manual for what is coming, but it is not in words. I can see planets, stars and spiral galaxies there. The Andean Masters are saying that this knowledge is going to pour into you. Of course, we are at the huge Moray energy collection site. Moray's three circles capture cosmic energy. Everything we think, feel or do is transmitted back to the stars. Our family can listen to us here. We can feel this energy. It is like a pressure that goes down the top of your head. A lot is coming right now, and it is heavy, because there is a lot. It is not heavy because it is not good for us. It is heavy because there is simply a lot that is coming. It is going to every cell of our body.

What they are offering us today is not just for us. It is for those whom we will serve when we leave and return home. They are downloading this instruction manual, which they are telling me, at this moment, you will not be able to read ... that I do not think it is very fair. ???? But when it's time, pieces of wisdom will fly out of his mouth. It will be just what people need to hear. You will know exactly what to do when the time comes. We all feel that inner urge to act following an inspiration ... well that is going to get much stronger. You may have noticed that all this last year has been a bit lazy… the kind of things that “want to do this, but don't want to”. We have been in a flow zone where nothing seems to solidify or anchor. No decision seems to be correct. Many of us have been feeling as if we had been knocked down from our flow. Do you remember the old days, when we used to have the flow? Well, this is like that old flow multiplied by ten. We are very painfully clear what it is not to be in our flow. Now, as this wisdom begins to flourish within us, like a seed that grows in a new garden, we will find a deeper, more powerful, pristine and clear flow within us. We know that many times we question our first inclination to do something. That impulse, to doubt ourselves, pushes us into our heads. What the spirit is leading us to do, at that moment, is lost. What your heart is telling you to do is lost in confusion. You will learn to work from here! (Aluna points to her heart). The questioning is fading into the background, so it will be easier to ignore this secondary momentum.

A few weeks ago, the relics of the Buddha arrived in Sedona, and we received some of the water that was blessed by the relics of the Buddha. If anyone has ever sat down with the relics of the Buddha, they already understand that it is a super powerful and surprising energy. It is so powerful that when you enter the building, you start to cry. They gave me some water, and I was called to bring a bottle with me. Rafael will go around the circle by putting a few drops in his hand, and they can put it wherever they feel called ... their heart, their third eye ... wherever they want (those who are reading this ... put a drop of pure water in their hands). These drops carry the vibration of the entire lineage and the history of the enlightened. Mr. Merú is saying that this is going to help. Now we have the manual for the new world, and this blessing of water is like the key to open the door, like a key. They are also saying that they don't have to be here (in Moray) to receive this. There are people all over the world receiving this key right now. You do not need this water from the Buddha to have the key. It is more like a symbol. We do not need the true water of the Buddha, because we are going beyond that place where we need to take anything out. It will not be necessary. It's all here (Aluna points to her heart). But still, our human side likes external things, such as coming to Peru, which brings us out of our mechanicity, and helps us wake up. But it is not necessary.

They are saying that there are people all over the planet at this time who are beginning to understand that we have passed through that door now. I felt it a couple of weeks ago (at the end of August 2010). Many of us here in this circle felt something change a couple of weeks ago. It's getting pretty global now. Everyone is feeling it. It is the vacuum of great potential. We are collecting the guide for the future, and we are accepting the key that knows how to open that door. Imagine that all your loved ones and all your relationships are here with you, and that they are also being endowed with this energy.

I am also feeling a lot of energy coming from the sacred mountains that surround us. I feel Lord Merú. He was here when we walked to the circle. He doesn't seem to be doing much, except holding the space for us to do what we have to do inside. Yesterday, they cleaned the canvas and cleaned things from us. Today, they are letting us sit here, and they are holding the space for us. They are letting us do our job now. Its our time. This will allow us to assimilate what we received yesterday very deeply and with our own power. It is important that we wake up with our own power on our own feet.

Now this new frequency is accumulating in our hearts, and it seems that our hearts are stretching; not our physical hearts, of course, but our energetic heart. They are stretching our hearts, because they say that in the new world it is energetically bigger and that our temple of the heart has to be correspondingly larger too. Those of us who have connected with beings in the higher realms know that the love they send us is so indescribably enormous. Well, they are stretching us so that we can begin to radiate at that level of light and that level of love.

The Andean Masters are also shrinking other areas of our being. We have two chakra systems. One is based on love, and the other is based on fear / negative ego. There is really a heart chakra that is based on fear behind the one based on love and light. There may be spiritual teachings on the planet that speak of this, but I have not heard of them. These are real centers in the body, where the primordial being is found. These centers were necessary for a while, but now these places are already shrinking to disappear. So if it seems good to you, and you agree to let go of your problems, your fears, your things, the repetitive patterns, allow this shrinkage to occur. It is a whole section separated from the centers of the chakras that contained the negative side of duality, and the dualistic side of positive chakras. I hope this makes sense?

So they are going to shrink the negative / primordial side of ourselves. That side of ourselves is evaporating, and the others are expanding to fill that space. So our hearts are going to expand, and the negative is going to evaporate. The Andean Masters say that they are going to do this step by step over the next couple of weeks to months. They will do this slowly and calmly, so that it does not provoke any reaction. If things change too quickly, our memory / mechanics would like to put them back, because it is familiar. So they are going to do it calmly and slowly or should I say, WE'RE going to do it calmly and slowly, because we are actually doing it ourselves. The Andean Masters are not doing anything other than sustaining space for us.

And again as yesterday, I am feeling that our thermal families are here as support. There are many of them. They are asking us to do something. Within us, they want us to internally, from our hearts, claim who we are. They say that everyone in this circle (and those who are reading this) have been glimpses of the brilliance of who they really are, but may be afraid to accept it completely. They are saying to claim this now.

Thus, the Elders of the Stars, Lord Mer, the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays and a lot of guides who have come with us, are having a meeting n the council, and they say you have questions. You can do them now. It may be that they respond or not depending on your motivation. Does this make sense? Now they say there are many questions. They can do them verbally if they wish, or they can do it internally. They are saying that we (you) are a very conscious group, but we are also very curious inside, which is really good, because it will leave us open to receive what is to come, although We may not be able to define it at this time. Curiosity alone keeps us open to receive.

Question: What next?

Aluna: Well, that's everyone's question. We all want to know what comes next. But the truth is ... what comes next ... is what we do about it. The new world is a blank canvas. What we are entering is completely new. Example ... here we are surrounded by fields that have just been plowed ... and we are the seeds. The seeds we raise will be what will grow in this new energy. It is what is going to manifest in this new cycle. So what comes next is what we do about it, and what we keep in our hearts.

(At this time, Aluna suggested that everyone put a word in the center of our circle that describes how they would like the new world to be: Dozens of wonderful words were expressed. Some of the words included were the following : Unconditional love, joy, unity, peace, community, fun, gratitude, equality, divine family, paradise, trust, compassion, impeccability, gratitude, eternal youth, self-confidence, truth, reverence, bliss, NOW, freedom, etc. .)

Aluna: So, can you feel the energy accumulating so beautifully in the middle of the circle? All the teachers and guardians who are here have been collecting these intentions in a vibration and placed them in this manual that we received before. They are writing all this within us, and they are accumulating the frequency. Now this is not my idea. This is Archangel Michael's idea, ok, and he has a very funny sense of humor. He says he will play the role of Santa Claus. He is taking a large sack of this energy from all our intentions of what we would like to see in the new world, and he is going to spread them all through all the open hearts on the entire planet. He is dressed in a Santa suit. I did not want to tell you that. He's having fun with it and likes to make me feel ashamed.

Well, since the energy fades here… I am seeing our words fused with the question “What comes next?”. The teachers saw all the words going to the circle, and now they will let me see which words related most to the question. The words "balance, freedom" and "now" really jump high. The rest of the words were secondary things that manifest themselves from the seeds of these three words. We will probably discover what that means as we continue on this pilgrimage, but "freedom, balance" and "now" simply flew to the top of the list. So that is "what comes next"! If we remain curious and open to what this means, we can understand more. Balance is always a good place to be. Freedom is something that happens when we wake up, because we are more self-sufficient and do not need so many natural laws to keep us safe. The universe is good to us, it loves and protects us. If we are asleep or unconscious, we live with many natural rules and limits for our own protection. When we wake up, these limits disappear, because we no longer need them, because we know how to take care of ourselves. Therefore, I am guessing that there is more awakening in the ability to remain present (NOW) in the moment. End of the message ...

Copyright © 2010 - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on condition that the content is kept complete, credit is given to the author (s), and distributed free of charge. Centro del Sol - Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, PO Box 1988 Sedona, AZ 86339 USA Tel: 928-282-6292 Tel / Fax: 928-282-4622 - Email: Website:

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Translation: Margarita López

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