The Path of Ascension is the Path to Freedom by Archangel Michael

  • 2013

Archangel Michael channeled by Ronna Herman

September 2013

Beloved Masters, after entering your individual consciousness, realizing that each one of you was a Divine Spark of the Supreme Creator, of ALL THAT IS, you were programmed with the knowledge that you were destined to travel to the great unmanifest void, as emissaries of Light. Your Divine Mission was deeply codified in your Immortal Almic Self, as well as in your Sacred Heart Seed Atom. You, along with all the other “Awakened Sparks of Self-Consciousness”, were destined to experience all the amazing diversity of Creation, by the Creator, our Father Mother God; and for all the great Beings of Light whose predetermined mission ordered them to remain in the refined Superior Realms of Light.

We tell you this because we want to emphasize how old and complex you are. You came to this life with a wealth of knowledge; and with a rich composite lineage encoded in your DNA, in your cellular structure, in your mental and emotional bodies, as well as in an extensive characic system of virtues, qualities and talents. You may wonder why members of some families can be so different physically, mentally and emotionally, when from an earthly point of view they come from the same parents and from the same lineage. The lineage of your physical family in this life is only a tiny part of your vast history and invaluable heritage; who you really are

You have separated your consciousness or have fragmented millions of times to experience the great diversity of Creation; and you have also reunited with many of your many facets, more times than you could count. Each time you did it, you added more complex information and unique experiences to your memory bank. The further you moved away from the perfection of the Supreme Creator; The deeper you went into multidimensionality, your creations became denser and more imperfect, because you had less Pure Light Substance to work with. Consequently, there is no shame nor should there be feelings of guilt or failure, because each life was designed as a carefully planned learning experience. However, this round of Cosmic Creative Expansion is now coming to a close. Now is the time for you to claim your Mastery of the Self and the ability to create beautiful and harmonious things in accordance with the original high-level Divine Plan.

Now that you are aware that you have the power to connect with an unlimited supply of pure Cosmic Vital Substance, the Love / Light of all Creation: What are you waiting for? The rejection of your Divine right of birth is a farce; and your Higher Self will not give up on your constraints to help you wake up and claim your royal heritage. You, the Star Seed Souls that are leading the way in the Ascension process, have reached the furthest point on your journey of separation; and once again you are deeply immersed in the process of gathering and integrating yourself with the many facets of your Divine Self that are scattered throughout this Sub-Universe.

When you begin to understand the true process of creation, immediately your reality expands to a broader perspective. As a developing Master, you will learn not to be a prosecutor while you strive to develop silent detachment. Over time, you will develop a feeling of being disconnected from everyday dramas and events. A Teacher speaks less, listens more carefully; and maintains a detached attitude from what is happening in its environment. You are destined to seek serenity within the Sacred Heart. There lies your center of Power and Divine Will.

Regardless of which position, under what circumstances or with what level of consciousness you have incarnated in this life, deep within your Imic Self there has always been a burning desire to integrate the many facets of your Entity, even those facets that resonate with frequencies. lower than what you carry in your current earthly vehicle and in your Aural Field. These are the addictions, false beliefs and false concepts that you have accepted as your own, along with several deeply settled feelings of aversion, revenge or judgment, that you have created in your many earthly experiences. However, before they can be filled with Light, they must be healed and harmonized. In this way you will not have to experience the discomfort, the challenges, or the karmic interactions of these past tri / tetradimensional experiences, because that is the old way. When you allow your Divine Self to enlighten and guide you, more and more inspired thoughts will come to you. There are many ways to allow the Spirit to manifest through you; Just let it happen naturally, dear. What makes your heart smile and your soul sing? What gives you a deep sense of inner satisfaction? How do you want to serve? There are many ways; and you have many talents (more than you will recognize); However, it is always yours to choose whether or not you want to develop and make use of the latent gifts that have been granted to you.

It is imperative that there are Masters of Light / Warriors of the Spirit, ready to assume leadership roles, those who are willing to boldly lead the way to the new realms of existence that have been prepared for the rising Humanity. Are you willing to go to the foreground? Are you among those who are ready and willing to guide and direct, to firmly focus on the new vision, the new Divine Design for Heaven and Earth; and then watch it manifest for the greatest good of all?

Remember my brave, you must wrap yourself in your mantles of invincibility; you must strengthen your resolution and raise your consciousness above the thorns or seeds of doubt and criticism that will be projected towards you. The masses are still bound by the repressive world of duality and physical form. When your Souls begin to agitate and urge you to wake up, the chasm between the 3rd, 4th and 5th Dimensional Consciousnesses will widen. As a result, the energies of resistance, resentment and rebellion will be vomited by those who are still firmly clinging to the lower frequencies of negativity, limitation; and a sense of helplessness. They will experience great fear of the changes that take place. They will resent being taken out of their comfort zone, even if it is a reality of restriction and suffering. They will try to discredit and defame you, but you should not hesitate. You must remain firm in your integrity, without judging, but radiating loving energy towards all; and blessing them, assume the position of a Master; and then continue towards more fertile fields. Be aware that changes in the deepest cellular level are occurring in all species of the Earth Plane; nothing and no one is immune to the higher frequencies of the Creator's Light that are bombarding and penetrating to the deepest core of each person, the Earth and the entire Creation.

While you are in Human form, you will not abandon the first four dimensions: the planes of mineral, plant, animal and Human consciousness. To connect with the higher planes of Light, you must rebalance and harmonize them towards the designed frequencies of harmony and balance. The Universal Laws of manifestation will allow you to integrate the energy vibrations of the higher dimensions, only when each lower sub-dimension is returned to the harmonious appropriate frequency patterns. In the initial phase, learning to live consciously will require a lot of discipline; however, as time passes, you will discover that your mentality has expanded into a deeper awareness of what is going on around you and inside you as well. Leaving the old world can be bittersweet. Remember, you are not coming to an end; You are going through a portal to a new beginning. You must decide what you want to take to your New World; and lovingly but firmly, you must discern what you should leave behind. As you expand your consciousness and connect with the wisdom of your Sacred Mind, where the higher frequencies of Divine Consciousness are stored, your reality will change very quickly. The vital concepts for the Ascension process are those that we have been explaining to you during these past years while gradually we transmitted the various technical and technical teachings of the Master of I.

As you are aware of many of those who have faithfully followed our teachings, each dimensional environment resonates with a specific range of frequency patterns, with each higher dimension vibrating within the range of an eighth month. It's refined. When you made the trip to the void of outer space and to the lower dimensions, to some degree each level produced a separation of consciousness from your Higher Self. In other words, the frequency patterns of each level of consciousness (or dimension) were stored within your mental body, in what we have called Wisdom Light Packages. These were encapsulated in membranes of Light or veils, which restricted access to each of Higher Dimensional Consciousness, until once again you resonated with that level of consciousness. It is time for the veils of unconsciousness to rise, Beloved Ones, so that you can remember the vastness of who you are, the great experiences you have had; and the bright future that is before you.

In the Higher Realms, consciousness, creation and manifestation are fluid and malleable; and at each higher dimensional level they are reconstructed to be compatible with the vibratory patterns of that reality. This is the process that is taking place on Earth; and within and around each Human Being on the Earthly Plane at this time. The more rigid, fearful and resistant to change a person is, the more difficult the transition process will be. Beloved, you must be willing to abandon those things in your life that are no longer compatible with your new State of Being, which include relationships and material things. As you move quickly along the path of Ascension, you will discover that whatever you have left behind will be replaced by people or things of a more refined level, which will be They are much more significant and important in your future existence.

It is important that you have a good understanding of these advanced concepts, of what they mean; and how they affect the entire Creation in this Sub-Universal experience. It is up to you to search and study this information, until it is firmly printed on your mind. When you return to the Master of the Self; and once again you fully assume your role as co-creators of a new galactic experience, it is vital that you have a complete understanding of the Universal Laws and how to effectively use your allocation of Diamond Particles of Creator Light. When you release the unbalanced vital patterns, thoughts and restrictive actions of lower densities, your journey to the Higher Realms of Light will automatically accelerate.

You can monitor and determine what kind of thinking you radiate towards the people you bring to your consciousness. Are you experiencing a negative amount of feedback or interaction with those around you? Do you still allow people to take advantage of you to feel worthy? When you share with others your gifts of abundance and awareness: How often do you feel harmonious and loving afterwards? How often do you feel resentful or exploited? We have already emphasized it many times before: "It would be better not to do something for someone else, than to do it for the wrong reason." Remember, it is the vibratory patterns that you are projecting that determine the rectitude of an action, not the action itself. In the process of returning to balance and harmony, there must be balance in everything. In every thought you have and in everything you do there is an energy of exchange. If you constantly give another person, without receiving some kind of positive energy in return, an imbalance develops that soon manifests as resentment or guilt; and often as a feeling of superiority or inferiority. Under such conditions it is impossible to radiate Unconditional Love to another person.

You must learn to enter the silence of the Self to connect with the Spirit. Your Higher Self and your Divine Self are waiting for you to connect with the magical stream of Light of Divine Consciousness. We feel the desires of many millions of dear Souls who want to communicate with their Higher Self and with us. We tell you that this is not as difficult as most believe. All you have to do is establish your intention and then practice entering the inner silence and stillness, so that we can clear the paths and strengthen the connection that is already there; a connection that has been stunted by lack of use.

Frequently we give you new information that must be accepted or rejected through your gift of discernment. If it is accepted as your truth, it must be fully understood and assimilated, to become part of your philosophy of life; and then it must be put into practice. Also important are the practical applications of our teachings of wisdom that we transmit to you, so that you have a good understanding of the situations of cause and effect that may arise as you strive to integrate each new level of consciousness. Never forget that the mind can be a competent server; but without being connected to the Sacred Heart, he can be a controlling and destructive master. That is why it is imperative that you gain access to both the Sacred Heart and the Sacred Mind; and that you activate and empower them.

We have taught you how to pray without words, radiating Unconditional Love to Humanity, the World and all Creation; and when you add thoughts of gratitude and appreciation for all the blessings granted to you, you are praying as effectively as possible. When your Sacred Heart comes back to life, it will become more sensitive to the Diamond particles that flow to and from your Solar Power Center.

You cannot know or feel our Father Mother God or the Creator, through an idea, or a theory of thought, or a nebulous idea. It is not enough to just know or think about God; you must feel in your Center of the Sacred Heart, the Essence, the overwhelming Love of the Creator. Then in your mind there is no doubt that you have reconnected with your Divine Self and with the Oneness of all Creation.

These are times of great changes, Beloved; and you are in the middle of an accelerated process of meeting and integration with the many facets of your Divine Self. Know that the challenges, trials and opportunities that come to you will bring rewards beyond anything you can imagine; so do not be afraid to leave your comfort zone to reach the stars. Accept your mantle of radiant Light, because you have earned it. Follow your own path; and don't be afraid of being different from those around you.

Call us; and we will guide and help you in any way possible. Be bold and firm, my brave warriors of peace. Know that I am always with you and that you are deeply loved.

I AM Archangel Michael.

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.

The Path of Ascension is the Path to Freedom by Archangel Michael

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