The restoration of female and male energies in the body, by Pamela Kribbe

  • 2013

Pamela channels to Earth

English translation by Sandra Gusella

Dear friends, I am your mother, the Earth that sustains you. I flow through you constantly and I want to nurture and inspire you with my energy. We must be together; Together we do this dance.

Life in the body, male or female, is an interaction between your soul and that of the Earth. Honor your beautiful body, the body that I have given you. It is an expression of feminine and masculine energies, so feel its beauty. Watch it from the inside. Experience the powerful energies in your body: emotions, feelings, passions, desires. They are powerful energies against which you sometimes resist. However, for a moment try to feel the pure beauty of your body without wanting to control it. Feel the force field that you are like a physical being.

You continually receive information from your body and often ignore that contribution because you think you know in your mind what is best for you or what is not good for you. They often ignore your body, my gift. I ask you instead to bring your attention down to Earth beneath your feet, the base on which you are standing in this life, and to return to your sacred body - the abode of your soul. Make peace with your body, don't resist those energies that manifest here anymore - respect them. Your soul is invited to dance with the energies of the Earth, with the energies of being a woman, of being a man, of being together.

Today we are going to do this. Try to let go of beliefs in terms of right or wrong, beliefs about what is allowed and what is not. Try to release those ideas, all. Let the energies speak for themselves. If you look around in nature, you see a continuous play of energies and powers: in the wind, in the water, in the temperature, in the seasons, in the weather. Everything moves constantly, but naturally they tend to balance and balance when things are allowed to follow their own course. An overwhelming need to control and organize ultimately leads to imbalance, a lack of balance. And this also happens with your own human nature, because you are part of the earthly nature. Release trying to control and manipulate everything. Observe who they are, here and now, in this age. Allow your desires to be present and to "speak to you."

Each of you present here longs for love. Love in relationships with others and love for yourself. Love to give and love to receive, and this is how it should be because this desire is sincere. Although you have this strong desire, there is a part of you that is afraid and in the dark. This part makes you fear love. So although a part of you longs for and comes to love, another part of you unintentionally closes to give and receive love.

You are the precursors of a new time, you are the pioneers. They are taking steps on a new terrain, an unexplored territory. You want to live from your heart and soul, and you want to familiarize yourself with what love really is. Not the images of love that are portrayed through the media, but the love that is bigger and more vast. A love that allows both in the couple to be completely who they are. A love like nature wanted it to be.

This is a time of transition on Earth. More and more people want depth in their relationships, a true encounter with the other person, and that is where your path leads. But it is not a path that only leads to heights; It is also a path that can lead to the depths because in this path you find your own fears, the prejudices of your parents and ancestors and the pain of the generations before you. That is the choice that you make once you opt for an openness and sincerity that goes to the core of who you are, and therefore that choice challenges you to reveal, with all the weight of your soul, the part of you that still hide in the dark

Let's see today with openness and without judgment what is yet to be revealed within you. What pain, what fear lives there? What prevents you from loving yourself and another? Let's look first at the past and how masculine and feminine energies have developed in the past centuries. Then we see that male energy has played a dominant role for centuries and that both sexes, both women and men, have suffered due to this. The masculine energy that was dominant in your story was largely a mental energy of wanting to direct and determine terrestrial nature as much as human nature. This form of energy wants to restrict and control, often by a desire for power.

That energy has been functioning in all layers of society. In governments, in religions and in everyday life, feminine energy, the emotional and the intuitive, has been suppressed. The result has been that the woman felt inferior. The feminine qualities were less, or not at all, appreciated. That was the predominant image. Women were considered second-class citizens, inferior human beings, and female energy in general was considered suspicious.

If you are aggressive and focus on control, power and manipulation through mental processes, the feminine immediately becomes your enemy, because the feminine is by nature more fluid, more flexible and more connected to the qualities of feeling and emotion. The feminine is the source of all inspiration. She creates the bridge to your soul. Your soul flows through your feminine energy. The masculine energy is destined to support that inspiration, and to make it possible for this inspiration to become established in the material world.

This is how it should be if masculine and feminine work well together, but throughout history natural cooperation has become fractured, and men and women have become strangers. You who stand in front of each other. And this has not only happened externally between men and women, but also within the hearts of men and women. Men became alienated from their own emotional life, excluded from it, and women began to feel increasingly insecure about who they are and what they can do. In both sexes the male domain left wounds.

I would like you to join me in a guided visualization exercise. Imagine that you see a man and a woman standing side by side. Here I would like to sketch an image, therefore a general image, but something that you can recognize or with which you could identify.

When they see how a man looks historically, in the pain he has suffered, then they see a man whose emotions are not allowed to flow sufficiently. Men have identified with thinking, doing and acting but the connection with their hearts is broken or difficult to find. If you look at the figure of a man, you can see that he lives partially within a shell or armor. This armor on the one hand gives him a feeling of security, but at the same time restricts him because his heart suffocates. You can see his tide of love and passion but the current cannot flow very freely through his armor; there is a congestion and a blockage within it. Men cannot express their feelings very well because they have to deal with an old armor that doesn't really fit them anymore, and you can perceive that there are already cracks in this representative man's armor.

Men fight against this ancient armor because they want to express their feelings more openly. But within this restriction, which is the result of past judgments, it still happens that as a man they cannot express certain emotions from the heart and cannot truly connect with another. From the point of view of these restrictions, they will have to give up some security when they release their inhibitions, and that is dangerous and scary.

Let us now look through this visualization of how women are seen as a result of their extensive past of pain and repression. If you look at this symbolic woman, the first thing you see is that something is lost. The woman is not fully present due to the repression and sexual violence she has experienced in the last thousands of years. Something has closed, especially inside your abdomen in the lower chakras.

The pain of violence has been very difficult to prosecute. And what people do, if the traumas are too many to survive, is to run away from them in some way. They try to leave their body and are no longer deeply rooted and are no longer connected to their inner power, because it is too painful to be completely present in their bodies. That is what has been true globally for women.

Now ask to connect in your imagination with these two figures, and let's start with the man. Imagine that you go with your consciousness within that man. Feel the pain that lives there, and also the desire in him to be able to feel again, to live from your heart. See if you also recognize within yourself some of that same restrictive armor. To what extent do you also carry that with you, this armor that apparently gives you certainty of control, but also stops you from allowing your soul to radiate on Earth? See if you can tell that man, and therefore also yourselves, that you can end that armor, piece by piece, releasing it more and more. You can release what is there in excess and that is no longer necessary. Do it now, but do not force it. See what can fall by itself.

Observe what feels most free in your energy field and in your emotions, and where the released energy can flow. Maybe there is a place in your body where it flows spontaneously. However, there may be a part of the armor that remains or resists yielding. If so, let it be; You don't have to go all at once. In this way you have helped yourself, as well as the broader spectrum of the entire masculine energy here on Earth, which wants to transform itself in this age, wants to change. Now get out of the figure of the man you have visualized.

Now bring your awareness to a point of focus, leaving the figure of the man and watching the woman. Notice how they see the image of women, uncertainty and insecurity, fragility and delicacy in her, not daring to be here completely. Go there for a moment with your consciousness and let it descend into your consciousness and into your body. You can connect with your fear and resistance to being totally here, descending into that fragile area of ​​your abdomen, into your uterus.

I, Mother Earth, am with you when you do this, so you are sure. I will hold them, so do not fear. Be present in the energy within that female figure. Let her know that they are there for her, that they will receive her. Tell her how beautiful she is, how she is welcome in this world of Earth. We need her intuitive gifts and the connection she creates with the soul, with her inner wisdom, and the beauty she brings to life. We need it again here on Earth.

Imagine that a kind of ladder appears from the sky and the total and authentic feminine energy slowly descends downwards, and do this for yourself as well as for the totality of feminine energy at this time. She needs to feel welcome on Earth, because she has separated from Earth due to the aggression and pain she has experienced.

This pain is present in all of you, whether now a woman or a man. This is why it is so difficult to allow freedom of expression to your feelings and dare to be who they are in the depths of your soul. See if you can bring the steps of the stairs closer, but allow him the freedom to do what he wants; You don't have to go down at once. Now leave this imaginary figure of the woman and return to you, to your body, to the here and now.

They can be visualized in a triangle with these two figures, the masculine energy and the feminine energy. These are images that have to do with you, with your life as an individual, and at the same time these images transcend your individual life because they are fields of force that permeate society as a whole.

By recognizing the wounds of the past through these imaginary figures in this visualization, you also heal a part of yourself and free yourself from the past. Once again they can become an inspired, sensitive man, and a powerful, self-confident, intuitively gifted woman. In this way, you get rid of the pain of the past as well as add healing to the collective consciousness.

Thank you for the work you are willing to do for this transformation process. You are the pioneers of a new time.

© Pamela Kribbe

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The restoration of female and male energies in the body

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